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Posts posted by CanOBeanz

  1. -Support

    I dig the RP and lore-friendly potential of this idea, but from a mechanical standpoint, I feel like this wouldn't really fit into the server with how our command already run the branches. I also fear that this would turn into a group of people using RP to act like they can tell people what to do all over the facility.

  2. On 1/7/2020 at 12:18 AM, Susel said:

    Wait isn't a part of this already on the server? Like the orange command model that really looks like d-class? 

    On another note: +support

    It looks similar, but it's not the same model. 

    Engineers have this one (not sure if this is the exact model pack but this does contain the model for sure): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1664236076&searchtext=black+mesa

    Engineers have more of a bright orange jumpsuit with russian text on the back, and slightly brighter orange sleeves. The proposed pack in this thread has a darker tan jumpsuit with orange sleeves. Also different helmets which look way better.

    I'd honestly be down to take this pack and use the orange suit model in it to replace the current engineer/low command skin, and let the non-command technicians use the green jumpsuit skin. This could be a good compromise for the 66MB filesize if we were to remove the command playermodel in favor of this pack / using the orange suit skin from this pack. This would also be nice because Tech command would stop getting lit up on sight by MTF/Security forces because of our passing resemblance to D class. (The tan/orange skin from the proposed pack looks a little more visually distinct from a D class imo)

    Either that or we'd probably let the senior techs use the orange skin while all other techs use the green one, if we kept the current command engineer skin in addition to adding the new pack.


  3. Technical has been in need of a new player model for awhile, the current model causes a few issues with our branches' appearance and interaction with other players:

    • We don't look very respectable due to the creepy grinning face & goofy moustache
    • We are often the subject of recurring jokes about being overweight
    • People seem to expect us to be mingy due to our appearance, which in turn attracts mingy people to want to join the branch

    A large part of the perception of a branch undeniably comes from how the branch is visually represented, and we've had to battle against a mingy branch perception for a long time. I think getting this other model approved could do great things for how we are seen when we're wandering the halls and setting up work sites for RP.

    Reaper tried to get this skin approved when he was HOT before; This model seems to be a thing that keeps coming back up that people would enjoy seeing added. I am a huge supporter of this idea, although the filesize is going to maybe be a hard get.

    Either way, I think a change in playermodel or addition of a second more serious playermodel is something that we could really benefit from in Technical, seeing as the branch is starting to grow in size a little bit and we're trying to take things a little more seriously now. I think this model could definitely help technical be taken a little more seriously in RP.



  4. Hello! 😄

    You can always count on us utility lads to keep things up and running around the facility, or to invent crazy new devices that may or may not explode upon activation.

    Make sure to stop by the Tech bunks sometime and make a respectful offering to our god (shown below)


  5. I honestly want to say it's possible that this guy got wrapped up in a whole bunch of unfortunate circumstances that led to this situation.

    First off, I find it to be a bit strange that somone would construct a huge lie like this just to try to get away with saving some money on a single donator rank, which makes me think it may more likely be a truthful account of events. He also seems willing to pay again for the rank just to set the situation straight and do right by the Mgmt team, now that he's found out what happened to his account.

    If his main PC was fried within this timeframe like he said, it makes sense that he wouldn't have even known this had happened for so long, until he got new hardware to attempt playing Gmod and log into the server with again. 

    Bank fraud protection services do have a habit of simply blanket-wiping all charges from a suspected period of time on a customer's account, so this guy truly could be a victim of circumstance with how his finances went during the timeframe his story is attempting to explain.


    All of that being said, it will be an incredibly hard story to prove. I'm not saying you should have to provide bank statements or anything like that as proof, but this will definitely be a tough story to sell to the management team without more evidence, as there have been issues with things like this in the past, and this type of thing is absolutely not taken lightly.


    Overall I want to say +Support because I believe all of this could actually happen to someone and the post seems sincere.

  6. On 12/15/2019 at 9:30 AM, CookieHugger21 said:

    This addon made janitorial very active and with its removal janitorials activity has gone down a lot but  +support 


    The decline of activity in Janitorial is a bit tragic and seems to be directly linked to this Addon being removed. If there's no direct link between this addon and any known server issues, it would be very benificial to bring it back. It's hard to deny the fact that more players are typically attracted to actual interactable in-game mechanics like what trashman offered.

  7. The 457 conundrum is a difficult one to address, as he can be absolutely defeated in seconds in the hallways just by the fact that people tend to buy extinguishers 'for fun', which means that any random personnel can have one on hand by chance. There's also the fact that some research classes even spawn with them now.

    I think increasing the number of people required to be 'spraying' 457 at once could be a good way to balance this, as it would actually prompt a response from personnel to need to go obtain further fire extinguishers past whatever might have been available / on hand at that moment by random passersby. 

    I'd even venture to say it should be 3-4 people spraying him instead of 2-3 people. 457 breaking out should be a big deal that requires a considerable response from staff in LCZ-- and the higher number of extinguishers is likely warranted due to the potential temperatures 457 can reach, given he is able to burn through containment doors. (I'm assuming he's not as easy to put out as a campfire, thus 1 or 2 extinguishers alone should definitely not be able to do the trick.)


    Definitely +Support the idea of making 457 harder to recontain in general though

  8. I'm not sure if i'm allowed to +support since this is a research application, but I would very much like to express my +support for this application, if it is in any way valid.

    This man is exceptionally active, trustworthy, and great at his job. From what I've seen from the outside, he does a HUGE amount of work in research, and is always a fascinating member of research to be around, making the branch look interesting. (I always believe that the more prolific researchers should be a bit quirky.) 

    I always see him online, and I honestly believe he is a hallmark member of the research branch. He is undoubtedly one of the more prolific names that I most closely associate with the research branch.

    I also often see Protege keeping other researchers in line, upholding the rules of the branch, and I think he would do well with some authority.

    For whatever it's worth, I believe this man deserves some responsibility. He's dedicated!


    • Thanks 1
  9. + Support 

    - It  does seem to be a bit of an unfair way to counterplay the self breach mechanics in the way it is currently implemented

    - If d class are actually getting stuck in there for long periods of time, that's not very fun for them


    - Support

    - It sorta makes sense that there would be a separate, smaller 'holding area' for D class that are about to be used for HCZ SCP pacification or testing, somewhere closer to the HCZ SCPs than main D-block. Maybe instead of removing it, we could find a more RP-friendly way to use this concept? (Maybe post some gensec/mtf in here or something?)

    - SCPs seem to require a LOT of d class right now to manage breach timers and prevent them from breaking out. This seems to be a method that was created out of necessity, rather than metagaming, to keep some of these breach timers manageable in between the numerous CI raids and SCP recontainment needs happening within HCZ constantly during self-breach hours. 


    My 2 Cents:

    We might need to add more ways to reset the breach timers than just "feed tons of d class to all of the SCPs" in order to lower the perceived need for this extra d class holding area that was put in. Maybe this could be balanced by adding additional ways for Technicians/Janitors/Researchers to reset breach timers with RP rolls in some circumstances?

  10. 2 hours ago, nwtjustin said:


    I swear to god I did not know! I just wanted to make my own SCP. Im sorry if its like a copy. But I swear I did not know!

    With the literal thousands of SCP concepts already out there, some similarity in new ideas is bound to happen now and then.

    Don't take it too personal, your idea is still pretty neat!

    Maybe you can take this time to read over SCP 145 and find ways to make your SCP a bit more different/unique from that one.

  11. You always have a home here, W. Remember that.

    I only got to interact with you a couple times in the server, but you left a good impact on me all the same. 

    Hope to see you around again someday, and hope things change for the better for you!

  12. Name Beanz

    Rank: Lead Engineer / Surgeon

    Length: 12/6 - 12/9 (Will still attend meeting on 12/7)

    Reason: Friend visiting from out of town to do belated thanksgiving stuff


    Tis only for this weekend, but still gonna be official about it. Also still gonna try to make the meeting this weekend.

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