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Posts posted by CanOBeanz

  1. 7 hours ago, MTF OM9 COL Daedran CL46 said:

    +/- Support
    I think that the concept of this job is well thought out, and very cool! But some of the things that are suggested I have to disagree with due to imbalance. Your HP and Armor is significantly higher than a majority GENSEC personnel and some of the MTF operatives from all 3 regiments, those being Nu-7, Omi-9 and E-11, along with some lower ranking CI Operatives. This is a Utilitarian based job and being as how it has doesn't have constant participation in active duty in regards to Foundation security against the threats that may come into, or reside in the Facility, whether it be SCP's or insurgents from GOI's, it seems overpowered. The personnel in your regiment have a very important job to perform and maintain, but as of recent the lack of utilization of MTF personnel has been concerning. The Utilitarian staff of the foundation are non-combatants, and while I can agree with your need of a firearm for self defense, the need for 150/150 is unnecessary, 125/100 would be more reasonable to ask being as how you are non combatants. MTF personnel should always be on standby to assist in defending the Utilitarian staff of the Foundation should a threat arise, and being as how we frequently patrol HCZ and EZ, the odds of you coming across one are quite low short of personnel incorrectly doing their job, whether it be Utilitarian or MTF. So while I do support the concept of the job, I do not support the amount of vitality and protection, 125/100 is more acceptable.

    Excellent analysis and breakdown of the proposed idea; thank you for bringing some extra perspective on the hp/armor proposed for this job.

    After reading this, I agree that 150/150 may be a bit intense for a non-combat job and I support lowering the stats of this job to 125/100 to keep things a bit more realistic and balanced between utility, security, and MTF jobs.

    • Like 2
  2. 16 hours ago, FancyPants said:

    We have:

    - White skittle yelling "should i shoot them?" , "you know what? Get em!", "shoot them" - failrp (encourage pink skittle to shoot us)

    - Pink skittle also a high rank that have enough experience to know what's going on but does not say anything but "hey you guys are killing so will i" (monkey see monkey do) btw with the name "Janitor" as his RP name as a MTF

    - Commander Fool does not say anything or take over the situation.


    There seems to be a pretty obvious eagerness to terminate the janitors as the solution to whatever was happening, based on the comments in the video. Regardless of the situation, this shouldn't be our default solution to resolve encountering unauthorized foundation staff in a higher clearance area. If they were in fact allowing themselves to be captured by a single CI, it's failRP and a screenshot would be evidence enough to have them talked to by staff and/or their branch CMD. We're already trying to work on relations between MTF & Utility and incidents like these do not help that effort.


    It seems like Fool did not intentionally cause this and may have accidentally set off this incident by lagging & shooting-- he may have been lagging too much to stop what was happening. It also seems Rainbow did not participate in the termination.


    7 hours ago, Neo said:

    Couldn't have said it better.

    And CI can't even shoot you guys anymore so why do you need "Self defense"?

    I don't really understand the point of asking why utility need self defense when utility still does get attacked by both D class and CI. There has been a reduction in these events due to recent rule changes, yes-- but they are also still occurring enough that self defense is a justifiable concept for these branches to have. 

    Regardless of this fact, we shouldn't deny the Technical branch their level 55 class and a big incentive for activity, especially when it's not even intended to be a pvp class any more than combat engineer is. 

    Also, i'd be super down for them being hackable by CI and turning on foundation personnel. I think that would be awesome 👍

  4. 59 minutes ago, Gunther said:

    I don't mean branch diss when I say this, this is based off what I observe, but I feel Utility and Research really do be doing that. SCPs or CI roam the halls of LCZ, or even when Gensec is outside D-Block during Riot Protocol, I feel like Util/Research really like to put themselves into the middle of the action or ignore any threats that currently go on. I've already brought this up with their High Command but its still an issue. This type of job would only make that impression worse.

    Well, our SOPs are written to not be so restrictive that they keep utility players in their bunks or a panic room every time a threat appears in LCZ-- Otherwise they'd be stuck inside all the time with how frequently these things happen in lcz. We tried this before with not allowing any utility to be out during Defcon 3 unless escorted by higher ranks, and there were considerable complaints.

    If you believe Utility is getting in the way of Security doing their job in some way, then that's something i'd be interested in hearing about so we can work on addressing the situation together-- preferably via DMs.


    In the meantime, this new job is merely intended to take some of the pressure off of MTF for escorting technicians, give technical a cool level 55+ job like the other utility branches, and also be a way for more people to get to play on an interesting robot job for RP. There's no intent to further drive utility towards PVP involvement with this addition (it's a self defense job just like technicians are), and the job can always be changed or nerfed or whatever if there are issues with it in use 🙂 

  5. 37 minutes ago, October said:


    I’m personally against utility having these faux MTF jobs. MMF is better than the CI Delta job and it’s stupid, in my opinion, because utility shouldn’t be trying to design itself as an MTF branch. Though, it’s up to SMT and the branch heads and if this is what they want then let them have it I guess. 


    25 minutes ago, BadAim said:

    I gotta agree, it's really frustrating when non-combatant branches are constantly attempting to force themselves into PvP, and I feel like this would only add to the issue.

    Just to clarify, this is intended to be a 'self-defense' rules-of-engagement job. This job isn't going to be allowed to KOS D class and CI like the ACM job can. It should only be attacking people that attack the technicians it is with, or itself.

  6. +Support

    • Potentially one of the most dedicated roleplayers i've encountered so far on SCPRP
    • Very good at what they do when getting involved with roleplay
    • Good at acting and makes interesting roleplay scenes
    • A mature player and a great example in the community with 0 strikes
    • Active


    A very considerable choice for an O5M candidate!

    • Heart-Eyes 1
  7. 19 hours ago, Jakub said:


    -Support, if you don't want to participate in rp and want to leave then you should be able, anyways heres what ex smt have said about disconnecting whilst restrained in the past

    +/- Support

    People sometimes have to leave, sometimes unexpectedly; this is a fact. We can't fault them for that.

    However if you have a situation where a player leaves to get out of an RP scenario and then immediately reconnects so they get to keep playing with their RP reset, then I would consider this to be a bit unfair and an abuse of this concept.

    Edit: Just realized Rang clarified this above.

  8. +Support/-support

    I like the idea of a sign advertising the armorbay, but putting all of the classes armor values might be a bit much. We can't see the armor % people have by looking at them, so we depend on them to tell us either way.

    Armor bay depends on players being truthful about how much armor they're supposed to be getting healed. If someone is using armor bay to get above their regular spawn % of armor, then im going to place that blame on the player getting their armor fixed and not the technician fixing it, since there isn't really a way for techs to be gauranteed that they have fixed the correct amount of armor unless they are told.

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