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Posts posted by CanOBeanz

  1. +Support

    • Easy to implement
    • Good jumping off point for creative testing ideas
    • We could use more SCPs that don't require a player controlling them for tests


    • Seems to require heavy imaginative roleplay skills to utilize properly in RP, as it is essentially still just a wardrobe prop (players typically will ask "what does it do?" and expect some sort of actual in-game effect when interacting with it-- Maybe SMT could make it do something when clicked?)
  2. Hello!

    Thank you for your interest in working for the Foundation.

    As Director of Utility, Research, and Security, I welcome you to our cozy little site 05. Here you will find many amenities to contribute to the enjoyment of your stay, such as:

    • Conducting fascinating science experiments on incredibly dangerous completely safe anomolous objects and entities!
    • Fighting off bloodthirsty mobs of thugs Keeping order in a jail full of criminal D class neher-do-wells!
    • Praying for your life while shooting at a huge lizard crocodile Assisting scientists in recontainment efforts when their experiments go awry!
    • Getting kidnapped and tortured for information Having a friendly visit with the citizens of the surface town!
    • Getting maimed in unfortunate workplace accidents Helping keep the facility well-maintained and clean!

    We hope you consider one of our many available open positions! 

  3. I remember when we first met when I was a lead engineer and you casually crunched me in the face with the foolbar right in front of Pure. Also minging with the newly installed EZ Bathroom / E11 CMD office. good times

    Seeya man. You better come back to visit sometime !

  4. 1 hour ago, Official Orange said:

    To randomly hurt a ci in suprisal is alright, but I'm talking about once the d class know their CI liberators are friendly and are rescuing them.

    Let me throw a scenario your way here to illustrate some of my concerns with this rule change idea, and the implications it might have for staff that would have to enforce this:

    Imagine You're on a raid, you've declared yourselves friendly and you're escorting a group of 5 d class out. While you're on your way through HCZ, another separate group of 3 d class run out from a hallway and start stabbing you guys because they didn't know you were already escorting / friendly, possibly even assuming the other d class needed help. Is it now going to be fair to warn those other d class for this, and also make the staff sort out who was who in the scenario, who did what, and why, if it's actually worth punishing or if it was a misunderstanding, etc?


    I can sympathize with how frustrating it is to be attacked by people you're trying to help-- That definitely sucks, but some D class players like to just burn the world a little bit. It's the nature of trying to use D class for either tests or new recruits-- unpredictability is a core component of D class gameplay & RP, and I believe we have to take both the good and bad of it. 

    Not saying anyone is wrong for feeling any certain way about this or anything, just explaining my own view as clearly as I can.

  5. 22 hours ago, Neo said:


    I didn't hear these responses when utility added their combatant classes. lol.


    That's because those jobs weren't added from a suggestion or request by any utility players or command... SMT surprise added ACM & MMF to the server one day as an incentive to get people to play more. Do you not remember that? 


    Anyway, D class are supposed to be unpredictable and violent criminals. From an RP standpoint, it makes sense that D class might decide to try to kill CI, whether it be from mistrust or a want to try to steal their gear, etc. From a server gameplay standpoint, it's going to be difficult for new players / random d class players to tell who's okay to attack apart from just avoiding stabbing other people wearing orange. It might be hard to enforce this tbh.


  6. +Support

    Reviewed all of these changes with innaccurate before update was posted

    The goals of these changes are as follows:

    • Nerf CE job HP & Weapon to make it more worthwhile to play Tech CMD job instead
    • Standardize MP5 as weapon of choice across all LCMD jobs
    • Standardize $150 as pay amount across all LCMD jobs
    • Add new job "Senior Technician" with level 3 keycard, makes branch more similar in structure to Janitorial
  7. +Support

    • Trustworthy Player
    • Has helped out Utility branches before with events
    • Clean history, 0 strikes/warns
    • Good at RP
    • Committed to helping D block
    • Good answers to App questions

    He'll do just fine with it 👍

    • Like 1
  8. +/- Support

    I think more data is needed on combat situations involving the CI base entrance to truly determine how much of an advantage/disadvantage it is at this time

    Personally, i think it's probably going to always be hell trying to stuff 10 MTF down that ladder or dragging cuffed scps up it, all while under attack. But if it is truly possible, then more strategy may need to be practiced possibly through further PTs involving CI base.

  9. 20 hours ago, Your Local Soviet said:


    It be awkward when you come across a group of people and you can only use your SWEP once while the others just stand there watching you.

    People should be scared of 106


  10. I've informed my higher ups about this already; i've been trying to keep the specifics of how this bug is reproduced quiet, so I didn't make a forum post for it.


    But yes, this is happening regularly and it severely effects the flow of LCZ.

  11. +Support

    • Opens up CC market to further donator interests from more RP-oriented folks
    • Should be possible to enforce proposed rules to avoid further "discount MTFs" from being made as a loophole to the system
    • May need some sort of 'forfeiture of CC' punishment clause if the owner of the CC continually breaks the branch SOPs they should be following. (Preventing further Dr Slimes from occurring)

    As the owner of a legit Utility CC, I think it's kind of a neat concept that people could really enjoy if it was allowed again. We would of course need to be wary of the ways people would attempt to game the rules, and have a prepared way to actually punish these people if an RP punishment cannot be given to them by the branch they are representing. This is important in the instance they attempt to do something like, for example, decide they don't have to follow an SOP because they arent officially in a branch even though their CC is related to the branch.

    I know Dr Slime was a thing in the past, but we may want to avoid permanently preventing anyone else from getting a chance to own a CC that is part of an RP-focused branch they love. Right now the market for CCs is somewhat restricted to those interested in PVP or gunplay, and I know the interest still exists out there for Util/Research CCs that can be more in depth roleplay characters.

  12. +Support

    Sometimes i feel bad for 106 due to the alt walk speed, especially in medbay where he can be ring-a-rosied endlessly even if he tries to port through the middle part. 

    I'd be supportive of a smol  movement speed boost.

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