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PixelatedPancakes last won the day on April 3 2023

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About PixelatedPancakes

  • Birthday 06/09/2005

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  1. Oldest memory I can think of is when Me and Kiddo had just gotten 2nd LT in Nu7 together and proceeded to bully SCP-106 into killing himself by jumping into acid
  2. AYE, welcome to club friend, tried to make it fun while it lasted when I was there. You were one of the few who tried, good on you.
  3. Real… You’ve done a lot, especially for Nu-7. Id go as far to say as much as bread did. You two will always be the best leaders ever for this branch in my eyes.
  4. Only the annoying ones who deserve it
  5. Name: Pixel Rank: LTCOL SteamID: STEAM_0:1:36467260 Reason for leaving: I feel like I'm taking up a slot that someone else could utilize in a much more efficient manner. I thought in the beginning that I'd been doing a good job, but as of recent that belief is faltering, and I'm certain that I've outgrown the server or the server outgrew me (more than likely the latter). I don't have much to say this time around, but to those who know me, thank you for being good friends. It's also odd that I came back when summer ended and left when it came back, that's usually the opposite for me. I write this without the usual heavy heart, tears, or shaky hands so, I think this is it this time. Peace.
  6. Rest in piece SEC CPL Mind Stone of 2019
  7. In-game Name: Pixel SteamID (Ex: STEAM_0:0:526542188): STEAM_0:1:36467260 DiscordID (Ex: Dr. Pills#5405): PixelatedPancakes#2921 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military How would you rank your knowledge of the lore on a scale from 1 to 10? 10 Why should you be in the Chaos Insurgency (75 word minimum)? I should be in CI because there are many times when CI needs numbers and they just dont have them, especially when the foundation has a few members it could spare. I want to get a proper experience of CI and stick around this time, most of the other times I have experienced CI have been with lackluster CMD and a poor mentality. Now that the server is in a better place, both toxicity and RP wise, I think I can give CI a proper try. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? - Im not new to the server - I wont leave in 5 days - I know how to use a firearm in game Can you be active at least once every two weeks? yes Do you have any current/former ranks (Only in Gaminglight SCP-RP)? Current : Nu-7 MAJ Former : Nu-7 COL, Nu-7 MAJ x2 Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord (Required): yes
  8. Stop dissing me!! This app is actually good. Anyhow, big +support He’s the man, the myth, the legend, Travar. From his Nu-7 days Travar was an extremely competent command member, a great friend, and mine and Emily’s first choice for taking the reigns from us for HSU. Although recently he’s had some… incidents, i believe Travar is one of the best senior command applicants thus far.
  9. Massive +Support (this ones been cooking for a while) Out of all other applicants, I believe Kari is the most straightforward yet personable options yet. Kari has a vast understanding of how branches tick/function and how to manage RP scenarios within that branch. If our goal within Nu-7 is to grow its numbers, increase valuable RP, and keep it ticking, Kari is by far the best pick for the job.
  10. +Support - Good application - Good past experiences - Maturity There are some things id like to ask, many of the things you mention doing with the sub-branches. With FTO we have constant tryouts being advertised and or held for a few weeks now. With CBRN and TRT these actions you describe are already things which the SBs can do; the problem isnt lack of access to RP resources, its a general lack in drive to do so. So i’d like to see how you’d solve that issue rather than what you proposed.
  11. COL was HCMD and held HCMD responsibility when i had received the rank.
  12. +/-Support - Active - Decent experience - Decent app - Very very very bad reputation within Nu-7 in the past
  13. +/- Support - Very Active - Good experience and reputation - However, underwhelming application as well as a lack of more in depth command prowess (I.E. understanding of how command functions) - I believe MAJ is a bit too high of a jump, but i wouldn't be opposed to a jump to CPT with training from CMD
  14. +Support - Positive community standing - Good application - Good rank experience - Just coming off of a resignation however, I want to make sure that if you were to be accepted you would be sticking around to help with the longevity of a branch. We want good command that will stay, not good command who will leave us too soon.
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