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FeaR x Green Pikachu

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Posts posted by FeaR x Green Pikachu

  1. -support

    +As GMT myself i can vouch that he is active

    +Nice guy, had no bad interactions with him

    +/- You're new but not that new, i would say maybe a week or two would push it to acceptable

    -Not a lot of forums activity, you should get involved with the community a bit more

    -Im sorry, but the scenario questions feel wrong, i can see that you did think them out and meant that a different admin should ban the player but there needs to be some slight adjustments

    Note: if you can get more forums activity and/or change the questions then just hit me up and ill prob change to +support


  2. 1 hour ago, ShadowPL said:

    yo this lowkey reminds me of roblox!


    I like this idea, however they should be restrictions.

    - Where are the Facility Broadcasts TVs?

    - AT LEAST 75+ Roll, if not 80.

    - How long would the hack last?

    +Support, but only with those restrictions.

    Just a btw, it says everyone is kos not specific places where people look at

  3. -support

    +I like the idea of 096 buff 

    + would cause "chaos"

    +/- Would be hard for maint to get to ez however, with 5 on there could be an easy strategy 

    -096 cant be contained if always enraged so hes just the best scp when this happens

    -would cause a lot more sits since people who dont read be like

    -would be annoying for every single class besides scps

    -kossing everyone would just ruin so much rp 

    Additional note: I feel like there of course is room for improvements  or changes, however, i can see this going 2 ways if it gets accepted:

    1: 096 kosses everyone. Its a nice buff and fun for the SCP but everyone else including CI and class D would be frustrated. Not to mention he is a low lvl class so this could happen frequently (unless maintenance inactive as hell lmao). Overall this side would make it so only 1 out of like 50 people actually have fun while the rest wait nlr assuming that there is a 5 min cooldown when it happens and when roll is failed

    2.1: Some devices display 096s face and 096 is told who saw it. Would cause major sits,  since people can die and 096 wouldn't know, and 096 would probably not remember all the names. This entire idea would be a fk up

    2.2 A tracking system gets added where if someone looks at the screens then 096 sees then through walls or has a tracker or something. This would be extremely hard to code, not to mention could bug if 096 flags off while its active and he just gets free wall hacks. Also would cause a lot of lag

  4. +Support

    + Promised me that he wouldnt cheat again (he has years of training trust me)

    + Good at combat (all claims that he used cheats are false, just had ninjas gaming chair)

    + Video proof of his skill (its not a flex its just proof that he is a true gamer)

    + Very trustworthy (he wont let himself get banned again he feels sorry)

    + Totally wont let himself get banned the exact same way instead of cutting the clip (again, he has so much skill)

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