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FeaR x Green Pikachu

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Posts posted by FeaR x Green Pikachu

  1. In-game Name:Alex Donwood






    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D):R&D

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?i know a decent bit the basics about a 6.7/10

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum)I think I should be in CI since I was in various different branches already that can help me with the CI rp such as research/Gensec/medical. I also have been captured by CI as SCP a few times so i could observe how other R&D tests on scps and what type of stuff they test on. I have escaped a few times as d class now so i know the facility layout decently and the ci base.Also, i explored the surface just for in case we are called somewhere on it or need to go somewhere


    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?I have gained the patients of other jobs to just stay in one place and wait. Also, I have waited long periods of time to get trained when I escaped showing that I really want the job. It was my dream when I first joined SCP RP to be apart of a serious CI department and not just some people who bought their way into it


    How active can you be?During this times a lot but when lockdown is over i can be semi active in the weeks and active during the weekends so about a 7.4/10


    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord:I do indeed

  2. In Game Name:Alex Donwood
    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:52390285
    Job applying for:Medical
    How many Strikes do you have:1
    Why do you want to join the O5 staff team:Well honestly it would be more rp experience and a different one to the average medic which i really like.Being a personal medic to any high command+ would seem like a great rp experience and lots of fun so why not try it out.I am a senior surgeon so i have my experience with how the rp works and then again i have also done surgery's on site admin so it wont be my first time for if i need to do it
    Why should we accept you:Well because i  am an active medical and i have done quite a few surgery's/checkups or well normal medical care.Since im senior medic i have went through LCZ a few times and most of the time there is some sort of fight so i am familiar with healing when combat just took place/taking place and also not to combat heal.I have been in medical/the server for a while now so i do know where places are in LCZ/HCZ/EZ if im called somewhere.I also know some people that are applying for O5 personal staff so i think there will be no problems between us through this experience.Also i have been told the lots and lots of stuff im not allowed to say so i already know most of that.Thanks for giving me a chance to apply and have a good day.

  3. NAME:Alex Donwood

    RANK:Medic/Junior Surgeon


    ACTIVITY (1-10, 1 being very inactive and 10 being very active):7

    Anything you would want to see in medical:Combat medic subdivision (or like medical dividing into MTF/gensec requires:Senior medic/CPL in MTF/Gensec)

    Are you on the roster?:yes

  4. Lore Name:Zack Wilson
    Rank:Junior Researcher

    Question / Idea:what is inside of SCP-999 and can it regain what is taken out|What can 999 paste through/not paste through
    Background Research: N/A
    Hypothesis:Inside 999 is normal jelly and some water|999 can paste through all the items

    Observations (What Happened During Test):Inside SCP-999 there was water and a weird what seems like core it was unknown of what is was.Using a small glass i fulled it with some of the water and 999 instantly regained the missed chunk it was identified as water.It seems that 999 may be an infinite water source.|objects used to see if he can paste through them include:Concrete/Iron plate/An Emerald/A Diamond plate/Gold bars/Small titanium ore.First was the concrete 999 pasted through it with ease,next the iron plate 999 pasted through it,gold bars 999 could NOT paste through it,diamond plate 999 pasted through it,Emerald 999 could NOT paste through it/titanium surprisingly 999 pasted through it

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):We can use hold and emeralds to make sure 999 cant enter areas with it|999 could be a infinite water source
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:No one was half right but that's still wrong

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