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FeaR x Green Pikachu

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Posts posted by FeaR x Green Pikachu

  1. 7 minutes ago, Panty Anarchy said:

    I can’t seem to find that requirement in the application and promotion requirements document, although I did put a lot of effort and thought into this application. It's true as of lately lately I’m coming back to the community and a lot of people won’t know me, I have been trying to become known just needs time.

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) stands in the question

  2. -support

    +I have seen you on

    -Extremely new and still needs to learn a lot more

    -No forums activity

    -App has some problems and spelling mistakes

    You also have to set up a private poll, you can do this by clicking on the 3 dots>clicking on edit>clicking on "poll" at the top next to "content"> add "yes" and "no" as the choices 

  3. +support

    +active staff member

    +dedicated and nice to talk

    -might build a bomb 

    Make a poll with the 2 options being "yes" or "no", you can do this via clicking the 3 dots at the top>going to edit>clicking "poll" at the top next to "content" then adding the two choices 

    • Like 1
  4. +/- Support

    +Have seen you on and you seem to be a good person

    -The application feels a bit short and the scenario just feels like you only want ET to hosts PTs, which i can respect

    GL either way 

    forgot to mention, you need a private poll, just adding a mini instruction because you cant reply to this. When you edit aka using the 3 dots top left then you can click on "poll" next to "content" at the top, make choices "yes" and "no" and make sure its private

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, PandaInShitpostLand said:

    Big boy -Support

    Gensec CC's are just MTF CC's that spawn in Gensec bunks and follow the SOP rules of sec. That means they have Negevs, berrets, acogs, and any meta weapon they want. 
    They are top priority from D-Class for a reason, it would be the dumbest stuff if they were more powerful than they are already


  6. -Support

    + I get it with G9 just getting a buff and funny shield it feels unfair 
    - G9s funny minigun does epic damage and has good RPM so it kills fast, and that also includes teammates, i feel like having more miniguns could just help you rack up more damage on mtf standing Infront of them since some people do  that
    - My mans lacking at far range, I get that most of the time everyone would be stacked in a building or something, but they can do like 9 damage per shot from far if it even hits while funny sniper pews. So just set up some snipers at church like infil which normally happens and let them deal with G9

  7. -support

    + I sort of like the idea just not the execution

    - don't think this is possible to implement unless they manually remove the warns

    - 2 years is a lot, however, some people dont change at all during that time

    -If someone plays for long enough then they could get like 70 warns if not more

  8. 57 minutes ago, Pebba said:

    I am aware I am new, I just figured it wouldn't hurt to attempt, I knew the chances were low.

    I am on a lot.


    I agree with that.

    Thank you 🙂

    No hard feelings, just pointing out what i think you could improve on. Also i just think timezones make it seem that you are inactive on my side

    If you have more time on the server then i would def +support (also dont vote yes on your own poll just a btw)

  9. -/+ Support leaning to +

    + Active

    + Serious player

    + I know you have past staff experience and wont abuse it

    + Asks for help if something is unclear

    - Although, i feel like you are a bit too new and need to learn a bit more 

    +/- Application isnt bad, just feel like there could be a bit more detail

    Good luck either way

    suggest you make a poll as well

  10. 2 hours ago, Diz said:

    - Support

    Relatively new to the server

    No idea who you are (Might be a time zone issue)

    Copied his last app on PRP 


    Pretty bad forums activity.



    y’all be +supporting cuz someone else + supported


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