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FeaR x Green Pikachu

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Posts posted by FeaR x Green Pikachu

  1. Name:Alex Donwood
    Activity:5.6/10 (school draining my time)
    Ideas for CI:Utility RND side, Bassicly like Maintenance and Medical but in RND. So that you know the researchers/doctors can heal,test with medical objects,Make new amnestics/brainwash serums ETC. For maintenance it could be almost like hacking HLPR bots,Use generator room,hacking cards,Finding new weaponry or making robots or something for CI

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  2. 30 minutes ago, [GL] Zeus said:


    I understand you wanna make D class supplier better, but this aint it chief. I don't wanna be rioting and run out of bullets and have to spend extra money or have a limit or wait for a supplier to flag on while rioting. Its would be annoying to say the least. This would directly nerf the d class population which is a huge part of the server.


  3. 8 hours ago, [GL] Mike said:

    Kami knows SCP Lore very well and understands what to do for RP scenarios.

    Kami is very RP oriented so I think raising what she can do to SET level would be a good thing for the server.

    I also believe Kami can do a lot of events that include everyone CI, MTF, Utility, Gensec, and Research. They would not only include RP based aspects but Combat aspects as well

    +she epic gamer Mommy of Gaminglight 

  4. -Support 
    I can see where your going at with this, the idea is nice and everything but if 096 needs to be fear rped when not in raged and still needs to be bagged with a roll then why is 049 just point two guns at him when he immediately breaches. The thing also is, the scp is a level class and isnt really that high of a level so a lot of people would just kill the people who fear rp him because i can say 1 looked at his face.A big buff for a SCP like that, 280 can be recontained without anyone even seeing him and hes lvl 65+

  5. I mean i dont find anything wrong with 1 command life and 2 non command lifes because well some times having 2 command lifes and 1 non might still be a hand full so i suggest turning it around 

  6. Aight did this a bit early due to school work and other reasons but well its time for be to say goodbye to CI i wont be leaving the server so you can still shoot me in the face because i didnt do an epic gamer move 


    Would do quotes but i know im going to forget someone and i dont want that

    • Sad 2
    • Gaminglight Love 1
  7. Starstep im sorry to say but you cant become a Neko but you can always dream 

    -Support 682 with cat ears doesnt seem pretty lore friendly nor does a researcher with a sword and a ninja mask

  8. Grade: 100/100

    Lore: 25/25
    I saw a lot of candy taking hands that seems legit

    Creativity: 25/25
    Great idea to steal from an SCP but if you want to get candy you can just go buy some

    Presentation: 25/25
    Pages look older than the tree they came from but looks good

    Writing: 25/25
    No visible mistakes except the cursing  

    Test quality:Exceeds Expectations

    Extra Notes: Seriously you didn't have to kill Alphas just to get some candy you could of just bought it

  9. 2 hours ago, Jack (utility one) said:

    Grade- 76/100 not bad but had to be reasonable

    Creativity- 25/25 who would of thought a kidney couldn't work outside of a human body. But I would of never of thought of it.

    usefulness- 10/25 I mean not really useful but I guess is good to know that kidney transplants will be impossible.

    Writing- 24/25 Fairly good writing with a few mistakes

    Presentation- 10/10

    Lore- 7/10 I mean IRL we can but I guess your rolls were pretty bad. Also no SCP was used so I'm using IRL as a replacement.

    The fek do you mean 10/25 for usefulness? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY KIDNEYS ARE WORTH? Gordan here giving you strats for how to be a millionaire in 2 days and you say 10/25 for usefulness?

  10. +Support

    Some good activity and he do be active on forums as well. Very good at his job as admin so he would be trust worthy with the job.Extremely nice and chill and definitely knows what he is doing.Also he has a mic which is pretty epic cant see why he shouldn't be picked 

    • Like 1
  11. Name:Alex Donwood

    Rank & Callsign:SRIC RC04


    Discord: pikachu#9819

    Divisions:RND/Field Researcher

    Activity:8(was a bit inactive this week due to private reasons)


    Command Only
    Why you should retain your position?

    Although i was a bit inactive this week i do think that im active and help new coming RND.CI is my main branch so i stay active in it and well i listen to all the questions that people ask me about CI and respond to them in the best way i can.

  12. On 4/11/2020 at 9:29 PM, G4M3R said:

    +/- Support

    While he definitely has the creativity for Field Agent, he has a tendency to concoct some extremely outlandish ideas that break lore and immersion such as telepathy serum, 'hacking Serpent's Hand', and etc. I feel if he could limit his creativity to a level that doesn't push the lore to its absolute limit, he'd be good for the role.

    Are you trying to say he is "too" creative?

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