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FeaR x Green Pikachu

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Posts posted by FeaR x Green Pikachu

  1. In-Game Name: Alex Donwood

    SteamID (STEAM_0:0:52390285

    What is your ULX Rank?:User

    What is your RP Rank?:RND SRIC

    What is your timezone?:GMT+2 

    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 7 ish

    Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): No

    How Active are you? (1/10):8

    How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers):1

    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?:There is 3 main reasons that i think i would be "allowed" in event team.The first one being that i know how to semi work admin commands because well i was admin on other servers.So i have learned to not do "!slay/bring am" because the odds of only 1 out of 80 people having "am" in there RP/Steam name is not the best.Also to well not noclip into people because thats never fun being stuck in some invisible marsh mellow person.The second being that i was told that im creative when it comes to making ideas apparently and well due to it being Event team i would think that creativity is important for better ideas or situation handling and what not.The third and honestly the most important in my opinion being that people have suggested that i should apply for ET because i could help with events and making up ideas.There are a few little reasons like being apart of a few events so i know a few things about it or well me playing a lot on the server but its small details.

    Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better):Ill give 2.Firstly if there is not a lot of players on/most are AFK i would do a basic event of a TDM where there will be 3 rounds.Round 1 will be a normal TDM last team to live wins of course if would be in town with some props to spice things up and if it gets to a stalemate or people don't find each other i'll spawn in a gun at the middle of town and announce that a (gun) is in the middle of town.Round 2 will be a capture the flag best out of 3 where the flag would be a prop so that at least 2 people have to carry it because well the one carrying it won't have a gun so that people don't just sneak around each other .Round 3 will be a Duck hunt King of the hill basically finding an object/person and standing in that area for a 3-5 mins to win or kill everyone on the other team 2 times. If there are a lot of people on I would or do a SCP event or GOI event. The SCP one might be 053 at first before i try any other because honestly i haven't seen any SCP-053 events or maybe i'm just never on when people do events because its 3 am for me.I would basically start by announcing that 053 is in Temp euclid and all AR+ are free to test on me or JR with perms.When someone comes i'll handle the situation from there. If they bring a d class to test on me just normally i would act to him like a normal 9 year old girl make him play with me and my toys colour in and we'll talk.After 2 minutes (i'm not gonna waste 20 mins of someone's time) of him being in the same room as me or well close to me i would well make him hurt me and that entire painful death happens or well if he looks into my eyes before those 2 minutes.Going from there if the guard or researcher was also close to the test cell like AT the window they would fall under the effect if they only stood there for long they would "break the window" or at least attempt to and then harm me causing death and well now the foundation has a 9 year old free. IF they keep distance however it would be like a normal SCP in her cell being able to test on.Maybe someone would even think of an 059 and 682 cross test but we all know that it will end in a breach.If there's no researchers on to actually test  i would rather try a temp GOI on site.Like the sarkic cultist maybe give a little bit of a RP introduction before they are fully added like starting with raiding foundation/CI and capturing someone to sacrifice.Maybe if enough MTF are on we could make some of the Sarkics go in there "abomination form" to spice things up or well stick to the sacrificial rituals to the Flesh. Dont really want to a big Sarkic event where we "summon" the Scarlet prince or make a wormhole from hell and make "demons" come to Site 05 and destroy everything.The event will or end in the Sarkic going off-site due to nobody else being "worthy" or well they all die a horrible death.

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?:Yes,although got to say i first read that Event Member could strike and promote to ANY rank instead of well that they cant so i might of miss read some stuff. So well i read it twice 

    What is your favo(u)rite SCP? Why?: 053, The fact that she can link with 682 and semi control them fascinates me and that might mean she can control more scps or at least i believe so.Also the fact that she is still human she just cant turn her ability off and for a 9 year old she is extremely smart


    (Ignore almost everything around the screen please)

    • Like 1
  2. Grade: 80/100

    Lore:25 /25
    Didn't see any problems with the lore at least from your side

    Creativity:15 /25
    Asking 049 about SCPs that most people already know he does/doesn't know isn't really the best test

    Presentation: 20/25
    Everything was good except the white background gave me eye cancer

    Writing: 20/25
    Very few mistakes

    Test Quality:Exceeds Expectations

    Extra notes:Welcome back sea creature i hope to see more logs in the future 😄


    Grade:90 /100

    Lore: 25/25
    No problems with the lore

    Creativity: 20/25
    Al tough it is smart to use Y-909 it doesn't have the same ability as brainwashing but its always good to have a plan B for if brainwashing fails

    Presentation: 20/25
    Everything did stand out more from normal logs,However i suggest doing some sort of "Video log start" text in the beginning of video logs so that people know when it started and not get confused with just for some reason seeing actions

    Writing: 25/25
    No visible mistakes

    Test Quality: Exceeds Expectations

    Extra notes:Keep up writing the logs,also maybe try and use Y-909 to brainwash people and well make it easier for us to control them like mix them with one of our Anomalous entities that can brain wash so that it can brain wash and keep the subject calm.Just a suggestion

  4. Grade:100 /100

    Lore: 25/25
    It doens't say anywhere that it cant be recorded so no problem there

    Creativity: 25/25
    Incredible job now we can make people sleep without wasting precious tranqs

    Presentation: 25/25
    Nothing wrong with the presentation,however i do suggest using more colour in your logs to make it not so bland 

    Writing: 25/25
    No mistakes from what i could see

    Test quality:Exceeds Expectations

    Extra notes: Can i borrow that box that can keep an entire corpse and not weigh anything?

    • Thanks 1
  5. Grade:97 /100

    Lore: 23/25
    Although the test didn't work i don't believe it states anywhere that 106 just "absorbs" or "blocks" bullets

    Creativity:25 /25
    It is a great idea to use 106's liquid as armour

    Presentation: 25/25
    Keeping most subjects to 1 full or 2 full papers made it easier to read

    Writing: 25/25
    Didn't notice any spelling mistakes

    Test quality:Exceeds Expectations

    Extra Notes:
    I would suggest using a bit more colour to make the log better to read or maybe just highlight some important sentences that you wish should stand out.Keep up the good work! 


  6. Grade:100/100

    Lore:25 /25
    Didn't see anything wrong with the lore

    Creativity: 25/25
    Great idea using 079 as a source for information he is much easier to negotiate with

    Presentation: 25/25
    The different colours for different sections made it easier and better to read

    Writing: 25/25
    Didn't see any mistakes

    Test quality:Exceeds Expectations

    Extra Notes:Great job keep up the good work!

  7. -Support

    3 eyes were on you then you killed that E4,you entered d block hallway,camped d block,Branch diss,talking back to staff also that tone was not needed,attempted to kil someone in d block hallway

    be glad you didnt get banned 

  8. Name :Alex Donwood

    Branch(es) :Janitor/Medical

    Rank(s) :Janitor/Senior Surgeon

    How would you rate your activity? (1-10)7

    Why you should keep your position (Command Only, 100 word minimum):yes

    Any changes you would like to see:train Inaccurate to not minge

    Any notes or questions:no

  9. im sorry that i couldnt do much for you or be in more rp with you,i wish the best of luck for you and i hope you reach high goals.i would make this a lot longer but im crying too much to actually see what im typing

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