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Everything posted by TerPepsi1

  1. What you want to see? - Have VIP Thieves spawn with regular lockpicks as well as pro lockpicks Why should we add it? - As you know, the VIP Thief's pro lockpick can't lockpick handcuffs. Since this issue can't/is difficult to fix, a simple workaround would be to let VIP Thieves spawn with normal lockpicks as well. What are the advantages of having this? - Allow VIP Thieves to have the same capabilities as normal thieves Who is it mainly for? - VIP Thieves and their friends Links to any content - N/A
  2. +Support Sounds like fun, but if it isn't added you could still RP as it as a citizen. Couldn't hurt to have a public works class though, all you need is 1 or 2 more playermodels.
  3. + Support There should be more tac in the city area than the mountains anyway
  4. I think some basic drug systems that don’t lag things out could be implemented. If anyone here has played on Defconnations APB RP (i think policerp now), the way they did coca plants was a really good example of a minimalistic way of adding drug money makers. And drugs probably wouldn’t replace printers, but if they made enough money people would probably use both. +Support for this idea as long as the addons are simple
  5. I mean damage might not be but what I’ve seen a lot of other servers do is add slight boosts to speed or temporary health regen or higher jumping or even temporary increased max health. It varies from mod to mod. But believe me, people would buy drugs just for the sake of buying and using them and seeing their screens get the effects from the drugs, even without any stat buffs. I speak from experience on other servers. They’re just fun to use and honestly wouldn’t add that much lag to the server, seems like a no-brainer to me. But yeah if you put slight stat boosts it would make sure that people buy drugs frequently, the same way they would guns or armor.
  6. + Support Police metagame is absurd whenever people shoot cops.
  7. +Support for everything minus some of the security addons. House alarms that call police would be a nice touch though
  8. What do you want to see? - A drug dealer job that can spawn in usable drugs and sell them to other players. Why should we add it? - In a server oriented around police-criminal interactions, its very strange that there's no drug dealer class considering drug crime is probably one of the most prominent forms of crime. Adding a drug dealer class would increase RP depth and add more money making methods to the server. Also, as of right now there's only two things to spend money on: cars and guns. Drugs would add a nice touch to the server. What are the advantages of having this? - Increased variety + depth of RP (drug crime, drug dealing, opening of bars, drunk driving, etc.), expanding on a fundamental form of crime (drug dealing) on a police-criminal oriented server, more money making methods, and just a generally fun addition with drugs tripping out how you see things. Also, it gives people more ways to spend money (everyone is rich on the server and doesn't need to make much money- however, adding more ways to *spend* money will increase RP depth) Who is it mainly for? - Everyone: Criminals (more fun and money making opportunities), police (DUIs using "/me administers breathalyzer", drug calls/illegal parties), civilians (opening a legal bar if you chose to), Links to any content- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=855432944 (one possible drug mod that could be implemented)
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