What you want to see? - The suggestion is to make it so donation ranks have an XP boost, kinda like how ImperialRP has it. Plat would get like a 3x Boost, Diamond would get a 2.5x Boost, Gold would get 2.0x, Gold would get 1.5. and staff would get like a 2.0 (kinda how Imperial does it) but the percentages can always change to however SMT feels fit.
Why should we add it? - SMT should add this because it would add a perk to donating, ImperialRP already has it (unless they got rid of it) but it would be a good fit since levels don't really improve anything besides new jobs that are fun to play.
What are the advantages of having this? - It would help people level up faster and would convince some people to donate for higher ulx ranks.
Who is it mainly for? - Everyone
Links to any content - N/A