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Keuka last won the day on June 14 2023

Keuka had the most liked content!


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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Seeing Ziege is so nostalgic
  2. Keuka

    Time to say Goodbye

    We never talked much but i knew your antics Stay strong in boot camp soldier!
  3. This would be difficult but i love this idea
  4. i want to -support but dammit i just cant RIP Code BLUE your work will never be forgotten Hate to break it to ya but most of Code Blues addons are not being worked on anymore due to his death His team does update some but i believe this addon is now at it's final stage. no more updates if bugged
  5. + Support Since 2017 there has always been medpacks and armor packs on the walls. Why this is not added yet has me boggled
  6. +Support i think 1 billion per 5 armor would make sense
  7. + Support Still waiting on admin keypad checker to be added back onto the job too
  8. + Support Examples of new rules that could be added If a Government base already has a KOS sign, no additional signs may be put up and no barriers may be placed If a government base does not have a PermaPropped KOS sign, a perimeter may be set up Criminals and Government may only shoot each other inside the building/KOS zone. You may not lock doors to stop criminals from entering government bases. These are some of the top issues we have had in RP ^^ I believe if at least these rules are added this will take away 95% of the gray area EDIT: I also believe that FearRP should be REDACTED during gov raids
  9. You completely contradicted yourself in this suggestion. You want no one to respawn post timer except gov ????? If you respawn while EMS is online it is FailRP, this is already a rule. Government should wait just like crims. It's fair, even, and balanced as is.
  10. He's got a point here ^^ What if we reworked gun dealers instead to make more ppl wanna buy from them
  11. This may be possible when s&box releases
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