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Everything posted by Phil

  1. -support for reasons above
  2. only the coolest of kids have Revenge mass RDM glad i was able to get that removed xD
  3. +support Russia definitely deserves a chance at joining the Event team
  4. In-Game Name: Phil Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:114270629 ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Admin | Platinum How many hours do you have on the server?: 19 weeks What is your general knowledge on the rules?: well versed How many warns do you have? (No more than 15): 0 Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+): I would love to be able to join the event team, joining the event team has always been something I've wanted to do as i see events happening and would to be able to contribute more than just attending events by helping the event team with their events and supporting them whilst the events are ongoing, another reason as to why I want to apply for the event team is to also expand my roles on the server to help with the server and the community as a whole. I have been a part of this community for a long while now and have plenty of previous experience as a staff member but have not had the opportunity to join the event team and now it is a goal of mine to do so, I feel that I should get this position so that I can better expand my skills and experience as a staff member within this community. Describe an event you could create (Be specific): i would hold a hunter v hunted event where depending on the amount of players joining the event i would have 1 or 2 "Hunters" equipped with a melee and they would go around hunting down the others additionally i would place 1 or 2 revolvers around the map where the hunted have to find the guns and use it against the hunters, if the hunter kills all the hunted they win if the Hunted kills the hunter the person who killed the hunter wins If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? (Must be in EST time zone) Monday - Friday: 5pm EST onwards mostly Saturday and Sunday: 5pm EST onwards mostly Have you read the Event Team Guidelines? Yes
  5. Gotta agree with lime here tbh -support
  6. -support Reasons above, no just no.
  7. +support Knows the rules Previous experience Great guy Active Trustworthy Overall seb deserves a chance as staff once again, he'd be a great addition to the staff team
  8. -support 2 wrongs don't make a right and unfortunately its still NLR, @MiniEpic did you also warn nao for copbait? regardless of the "commotion" inside of PD you did pass the KOS/AOS and is considered Copbait and the situation we have now wouldnt of happened if Nao didnt go into PD
  9. I mean.. there's no lights or sirens and not anything yelled out officiating a traffic stop other than "Hey wait get back here" as beef is going into his base, how is beef supposed to know he's in a active rp situation? And as he stated he walked back out after hearing nao say it, I'd say its more a misunderstanding than anything as nao didn't have lights and sirens on or say anything that could constitute a active rp situation +support
  10. -support I was the admin who warned you, you shot ems almost killing him and left the server right after I didn't see in logs you damaging anyone else so you were warned for ARDM|FailRP[Shooting ems] and LTAP If you have any video evidence to prove that it was crossfire please do show
  11. what masterson said but ye +support
  12. -support straight from the MOTD "If your family was involved in committing a crime and a family member is actively being arrested you may type /advert assist to assist that family member, you must follow all rules with NLR and FailRP." you did your raid then left = raid complete you then came back after a family member was tazed and arrested and failed to Advert Assist to get your family member out of cuffs = failrp and ardm
  13. -support You have 37 warns, banned by zeeptin with a do not appeal and blacklisted from another server, no just no https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198055302159
  14. Phil


    What's rp?
  15. Wasted all that boom for no boom and yall didn't need it
  16. Never had my tc or explo taken tho
  17. Ima need all the people I've given money out to run it back cos oh hell yeah
  18. Phil

    Important Question

    You don't like cake you really missing out on the best of both worlds with ice cream cakes
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