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Everything posted by Phil

  1. +support player reached required amount of warns to fit the punishment
  2. Your In-game: Phil The player's name in-game: JayRoc Roseland The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:183811171 What did the player do: reached over 20 warns Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198327888070 What do you believe should happen to the player: receive a 1 week ban Any extra information: Hasn't received 10 warn ban either
  3. facts^^ from one Phil to another major +support
  4. Phil


    2k gang where it's at
  5. Damn rip, sad to see you go man
  6. It's okay it happens, only 6 warns till you can redo this post at a later date if he continues down this path
  7. +support 10 warns 10 chances?
  8. +support 20 warns, 20 chances
  9. +support Over 30 warns, over 30 chances
  10. @Orangutan Please use the format provided above and also evidence the warn isn't valid Until then -support
  11. ^ specially if you continued to "rp it out"
  12. For these reasons I'm -supporting
  13. +support reasons above, blatant physgun abuse that has been brought up at every staff meeting
  14. Phil

    Favorite Tac Unit?

    ayo whats this new thing? i aint never heard this before
  15. if im getting it right, was about the same time the rest of the mass rdmers were on +support tho
  16. +support ben has my +support for being a outstanding and very active member within DEA i see him on constantly and goes above and beyond in his rank!
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