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Joey Hoodinie

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Everything posted by Joey Hoodinie

  1. That is true what Bobby said.. I told you that day buddy.. Multiple admins did..
  2. What you want to see? - A New Map Why should we add it? - Because it has a great layout, beautiful suburbs, a lake, and a BUGER KING! What are the advantages of having this? - Just makes PD and other players have more versatility. It has long Highways and great places to setup base! Who is it mainly for? - Everyone apart of GamingLight Police RP Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1299936127&searchtext=Pines+City (More Info) I know people will say that it will lag, but it will not. The map is really Optomised and will really make the GamingLight Police RP Community by making us spread out more
  3. -Support -You basically left -Never on -Not very mature (Base on what I saw at the PD Meeting today) Good Luck!
  4. -Support -In active - only on criminal - did not even know you were a SM Good Luck!
  5. +/- Support -Cool Idea -The Lag though..
  6. Thanks.. Its just really hard man.. Sometimes its so hard I can't talk. I still have the scars. But thanks man!
  7. Yeah.. I know.. But im on staff and I saw what happened to munchies for having a bad day, and I have bad days every day. So I try to stay positive, but it is really hard.. Thanks..
  8. Yeah, Ive tried therapy. Doesent work. It's hard on a 13 year old. Especially with all the things going on with my life.. Yeah.. Thanks Rhenic for the suggestion.
  9. Hello! My name is Joey as you all know and I want to talk about something important. I was a victim of two abusive parents. (There Both in Jail) I was disrespected as a kid and that's why I have always been uptight when someone in game was being disrespectful. I feel like I've been on the community for a while and it was time for me to come out! So, if you ever see me get emotional for no reason or get mad at a person for being rude/disrespectful, now you know why! I've also fell into a depression and have no idea what to do.. I really need some support. I have been thinking about killing myself multiple times in the past year.. (I know I said this in my LT App, but it really did not clarify it)
  10. -Support -Never even knew you were on PD (Time zones Possibly)
  11. Name: Joey Hoodinie SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/COOLDADDDDD/ Current rank: Sergeant Major How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : 4 Weeks as of now Rank Wanted: LT How many warns do you have? 18 Do you have a Working mic? Yes Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): N/A Why should you be promoted? : Well, let me start off by saying Hi! My name is Joey and I have been apart of PD for a while. I try to be active as much as I can, but sometimes I can't get on because of school. I have been known to be pretty nice and when I am the highest on the server at the time, I take responsibility. I try not to loose my temper and I keep it cool most of the time. I'm going to be honest with you guys, The main reason I joined this server was because I wanted become a cop after my parents got arrested. I did not want to end up like them. So it would really help if I could help out with this community. Thanks, and I hope I get this LT Rank! You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes
  12. Yeah. I never see him in Pd. Did not find out he was a OR until yesterday.
  13. Name: Joey Hoodinie SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/COOLDADDDDD/ Current rank: Sargent Major How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : About 4 Weeks. Rank Wanted: LT How many warns do you have? 17 (Seems Mingey. I'm really not) Do you have a Working mic? Yes Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): Applying for LT Why should you be promoted? : I think I have been a great help in the Rockford Police Department. I have always acted in role-play situations and will act calm in hectic situations. I have been known to loose my temper a little, but I don't have a bad one. I want to be a bigger part of this community and want to help out the PD! You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes.
  14. Joey Hoodinie Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/COOLDADDDDD/ ADmin: John Kill Report: He was fail RPING and being my look out as an invisible admin. Proof: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1318475447 Punishment: Revoke from Staff
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