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Everything posted by Mav

  1. Mav

    Ages ET LOA

    Hope to see you back soon!!
  2. Mav

    Soul RRH APP

    I see nothing wrong with this application that would make me decide to give a -support, This app looks like it has time put into it as well. Soul is also a very active MTF Nu7 NCO and is good at it as well, they would do well in RRH in my opinion, +Support
  3. +/- support I would like to see more of your combat skills and see you escorting people more before I decide.
  4. +Support I don't see why you shouldn't be in Nu7, you have a decent app and experience on the server as command which is very useful and shows you are dedicated and willing to put time into the server to achieve a higher rank. Good Luck!!
  5. I really hope you get this, because you deserve it!
  6. Those warns worry me a bit if I'm being honest, I'm going to go for +/- support for now until I see how you act in game.
  7. Don't see why they shouldn't be staff Good Luck!!
  8. Honestly, the 008 test really intrigued me, it was super interesting and the detail and effort you put into it are astounding, you added in actual scientific and information about other diseases and used information about them in your test which is very interesting. This shows you have the dedication and drive to bring great test results and logs. I believe you deserve this position +Support Good luck!!
  9. exactly, 05 staff team have a lot of power in the facility and it can be easily abused, -support for me.
  10. I Don't really know appel well so I'm gonna give a +/- support I just got back from a LOA so once I see your skill in combat and how you act as command and a Nu7 I will either change to + or - support.
  11. You got this dude. You definitely deserve it!
  12. + Support Don't see why you shouldn't be a jugg.
  13. I've seen others with it and I really want it, it looks super useful
  14. That's more realistic in my opinion, I'd like to see the other weapons though +Support
  15. Yeah I've bought this so many times on accident and it's just a nuisance at this point. +support
  16. This would not be very useful in my opinion
  17. 294 can also be used for minging, I've seen times where tons of people use it to become invisible so this is really not a good idea in my opinion.
  18. Agreed, I can kill them with like 3 shot gun shots which is really annoying for them and me since I really enjoy PvP alot, so it would be fun for the scp and me, I see no point in not doing this +support
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