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Dr. Whale

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Posts posted by Dr. Whale

  1. What is your in-game name?: Whale

    What is your steam name?: Rubber Duckie

    What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:1:95082301

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, Earlier On Gaminglight as a Mod.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Around mid 2017

    What date did you make your forums account? September 11th 2017

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Platinum

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 3 https://gyazo.com/9a14defdb6d40376e3b0995606685ac7

    Have you donated? Yes, 317 USD

    What rank are you applying for? Trial Mod

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No

    Have you read the staff guidelines at 


    ? You will be tested on it: Yes

    Timezone: EST

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I would like to join staff because I love to help people and especially new people so being staff will definitely make me excel at helping. And I've been staff before and the community is amazing and I would love to be in it again. I'm in SRT and EMS Reserves and have been with the community for almost 3 years now and I want to start staffing again and helping the community out again. I'm very supportive to people who don't know or don't understand and I won't make decisions based on emotions and will base them on the MOTD as you should. I'm very responsible and will bring all I have to the staff team if I am accepted and I will be professional at all times and will never abuse my power in any way shape or form. A lot of people know me as the goofy guy in SRT or just Whale but I can be serious and I will be if I am accepted into the staff team.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?    First I would bring the Mass Rdmer in question to a roof far away so no one else could get hurt or loose weapons. And if they keep cursing I would tell them if they don't stop cursing I would gag them and before that I would've brought up the person who called the sit and gotten their side, and if they didn't have proof I'd check the logs and If the accusations are true I'd tell them what they are being warned for and warn them, then get an Admin+ to ban for 5 Days and then return the person who called the sit and end the sit.

  2. hi v sauce whale here and what does resignation mean?


    Nah Just Kidding, Obviously I haven't been on in about a month mostly due to school and seeing friends and getting fish slapped.  This Will Be my Final Post, unless I decide to come back. I can't list all the people whole made this 6 month experience what it is and what it has been. But here are some major ones

    Ender: Smells and left @Ender

    Voxis: Where do I Start? You are a warzone sweat and you got demascus go outside ffs. @Voxis 

    Solominge: You finally got Assistant Chief, I'm proud, now get me a pet banana.

    Rein: Hope We can stay in contact, keep going in DS you'll make it far.

    bald boi freeze: 1 word B A L D

    everyone I've ever interacted with, thank you for having me again.  Also If ya ever wanna go fishing with me uhh zoom room is 3234 313 2322 and The password is sike.

    Truly thank you for everyone for having me, this will be Whale man, ARU Whale Man, EMS Whale Man, Pd Whale Man, and UMC Whale Man Signing Off. 😞

  3. Well. I Don't like to do goodbyes. I Might As Well Get This Over With And Off My Chest. In The Following Sentences I'm Gonna List Some of The Most genuine People I Know In SWAT. ( Also If You Weren't Mentioned I Probably Didn't Talk to You.

    To Start It Off With Voxis.

    Voxis, You Are One of My Best Friends on This Server. Maybe Not In Your Eyes But In Mine You Are. This Department has gotten better as soon as you stepped foot into high command.Now, Just Because I'm leaving Doesn't Mean We Aren't Going to play MW Together and Constantly Diss Each other. If You Ever Need to Talk To me Do It. I May Not Be The Best Talker But Hey I'm Whale! I'm Gonna Miss Talking to You every single second of every single day! But Hey You Still Can!


    Weeb. thats all that need to be said. Nah Just Kidding, Ghosted You Smell Get Co Commander Or I Will Uhh Beat You With a Wooden Stick! Also Get a Better PC Ya bum.

    #NotMyEMSChief.  Seb You Have an Addiction to camping, thats cool. Also Drippy Is Special Don't Bully Him On His Furry Art Thing. Get TL Thats About It Chief.

    Spade And Nao

    You two. huh smelly, Nao Your new Name is Mayo. Embrace it. Keep Gunning it to HC And If You Don't Well I Don't Know Just do it. Also Spade HACHE Yeah its Spade H With a Huge Accent On H.


    Russian Man Turned Canadian, All I Can Say Is Keep Up The Vodka Addiction. Maybe You have One Maybe you  don't? 


    POGGERS. Want Cat Pics Of My Cat Pogging? Also Quit tryharding in SWAT Command. Nah Just Joking Funny Dude Eh?

    Omar And Behappy

    You Guys Are Inactive. Yeah Yeah, Just Come to me When You Wanna Bomb Something! BeHappy Answer My Snaps Of Literally Nothing.

    Drippy And Soul

    You Two Are Bullies, But Really Funny Dudes To Play With. Get Low Command ( HAHAHAHHAHA Big Joke)

    Ok Last But Maybe Least? Ender

    He Went to Anime. Huh, He Brought Me Into The Department So Thanks Endy Wendy. uwu

    To All Of Former And Current SWAT, Thank You for Allowing Me to have The Opprotunities that SWAT has Given Me In This Time.

    This Is Special Weeb And Turtles Staff Sergeant Whale XK15 Going 10-7 For The Last Time.


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