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Dr. Whale

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Posts posted by Dr. Whale

  1. 14 hours ago, Cammy said:

    + Support 
    Great Guy 
    Long Time Member 
    Knows the Rules 

    Overall I think Solomon would be a great Staff Member as he is Active in game and Teamspeak he is also very Mature Showing by his positions in Goverment he is also very trusted by many showing again by his Goverment roles and over my time with him he has been a good friend and been very nice he has also been around for a while which means he knows a lot of things including the rules. 

    Good Luck Solomon! 


  2. Rank You are Applying For: Lieutenant


    In-Game Name: Whale

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95082301

    Current Rank:SM

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 29 Weeks

    What timezone are you in?: EST

    How many Warns do you have?: 3

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I should be promoted from the rank of Sergeant Major up to the rank of Lieutenant for the following reasons. Firstly I'm trying to be active being SRT, Secret Service, and hopefully now PD Low command I will be as active as I can at all times and will be on for many hours of the day on PD Low Command. Following, I can help people as I'm previous TAC Command and will be able to solve many quarrels if need be. I am experienced by being in the police department for so long I can help people who aren't. And if I become a PD Low Command member I can help the supervisors with any questions along with enlisted officers as well as other Low and High Command Members. Finally, I can bring all of the characteristics that I have naturally, and have developed over the years that I have played Gaminglight and been command in departments, if and when I receive my promotion I will be the best Low Command member that I can be. ( As for my Activity, I've been on LOA The Last couple of days that will soon change upon my LOAs End)

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes.

  3. In-game Name: Whale

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95082301

    Rank: Cpl

    Length of LOA (Provide Dates): 3/27-3/31

    Reason (If private then put N/A): Up north for spring break for a few days.

  4. -Support
    -First off you have almost 4 days of playtime on the server, let alone almost being warned 3 times today.
    -You admitted that you were out of the bank vault, and when your friends said go you would kill them from behind.
    -You need to read over the MOTD which is on the fourms to completely understand all of the rules.
    This is going to stay a -support also another Staff member @yh was at the sit.


  5. Name: Whale

    Rank: LCPL

    Date: 28th-17th March

    Reason: Took up on a friends roofing buisness and are going to be busy for about 2-3 weeks and being burnt out of Gmod.

  6. On 2/18/2021 at 12:51 AM, tEDDY34 said:


    -High warns


    -Unpredictable/unstable: At one point you were  rdming and begging to be banned, I personally don't trust you with staff privileges.

    -Bad application: You didn't even take the time to delete the other parts of the staff app that you didn't need.

    Get your activity up, prove that you've changed and matured and I will switch to a +Support in the future.



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