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Dr. Whale

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Posts posted by Dr. Whale

  1. 2 hours ago, Vice said:


    doing that has its risks and the gov/tac unit doing so should understand that so its their choice

    while it may put the hostages life at risk it is also a quick way to save them by catching the person off guard with a push as well as prevent that person from robbing a gen store or bank. if its anymore than 1 person they shouldn't be able to and should be punished by their department 

    Edit: Tac Departments should discuss this i believe and go over when it is acceptable to do so and when it is not so that way it can go smoothly and with everyone safe. its also not unrealistic at all, in real life is a hostage taker is not willing to negotiate then they have to act to save them. its a similar case here

    as well as in a way if they can get the hostage out quickly and safely thats better for the hostage and Tac can get to different situations faster to save more lives

    Extremely Well Said. When trying to take out a hostage taker you need to clearly get a shot on the taker and make sure the hostage doesn't get hit. Most of the time if a Low command or high command member clears a shot the shot is taken and results in the death of the hostage taker. There really isn't a need and it should be handled by the department in question as say they shoot the hostage or shoot when there is more than one hostage taker.

  2. On 4/12/2021 at 9:56 AM, buggiedune68 said:




    -Conducts himself well

    -Very professional

    -Handles every situation brought to him cool and collective

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!

    PS: Has seniority over Travis and Techy for the MAJOR spot


  3. In-Game Name:


    Steam ID: 


    ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank):


    How many hours do you have on the server?:

    9 Weeks

    What is your general knowledge on the rules?: 

    I Understand the rules very well.

    How many warns do you have? (No more than 15):


    Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+): 
    I want to join the PoliceRP event team because I enjoy participating in the events, and now I want to start doing the events! Second of all, I'm very active when I can be, and I'm usually always playing and not being AFK. Most of the reason why I want to join the event team because it seems like a great opportunity to join into and blossom as a PoliceRP event team member. I'm usually on when the server is not at its peak player count and I can do events when that happens due to my activity. I work well with people doing complex tasks such as doing events and will help in any way I can. And the last reason is that I want to give back to the community that I've already received and will hopefully be able to give back. Those are the summarized reasons I want to join the event Team.

    Describe an event you could create (Be specific):

    I'd make a shipment map Free For All, and I'd scatter and or give weapons (of the same Class not like a AR and Pistol) And then we start the event and then they all start fighting when the fighting is over I'd reward the person  Mil and 1000XP. And then repeat until people don't want to do the event anymore.  Another event (If Possible) Would be a Street Race tournament in which drivers race each other from industrial to PD in the quickest time and the cars will be the same and the winner will win 2 Mil and again 1000XP.

    If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? (Must be in EST timezone) 

    Weekdays 3:00-11:00PM
    Weekends 12:00-3:00

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?


  4. 3 hours ago, Beelzebub said:

    - Support

    -Personally never see you on (could just be me)

    -Basically no forums activity. The only two recent posts you have is your staff app and the response on it. 

    -Edited application

    -Under word count 

    -In the last question you missed a lot of details. You never stated anything about them cursing at you or giving them a warn. 

    -Responded to application. The only reason you can respond on your own application is if you are asked a question, which you weren't 

    Overall I do not think you are fit for staff. Get more active on the forums and put some more work into your app then you may be ready.


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