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Dr. Whale

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Posts posted by Dr. Whale

  1. What you want to see? - A New Truck For Truck Driver.

    Why should we add it? - For 1 It Adds a Smaller Truck so People Would Be Less Mingy With it. And Another Reason Is That It Adds a New truck to See and Possibly Even Roleplay With.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Less Minginess With Truck Drivers, and Have more "Compact" Truck Options.

    Who is it mainly for? - Truck Driver/ Almost Everyone.

    Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=864730559 The Dump Truck And https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=865096405 A Box Truck.

  2. +/- Support

    +You are a Great Person and you are really level headed.

    -You Really Just Joined back(Like Me) So Maybe Get 1-2 More Weeks and I would Plus Support The Hecc Out of it

    +Ex Staff Member so You Would Know All the Commands and All of that.

    + I know You Would make a Great Staff member.

    In All Just be More active and I Will + Support!


  3. -support

    Well to Start off you are a Pretty Nice Person but shouldn't be staff yet. One of My Largest Reasons is that a Department Had to Blacklist you because you kept harassing command members. Second off You Were warned in the last 7 days. 3 You Simply Aren't mature or level headed enough to deal with a sit with an noncomplying member. But All you Could Do is Work on the way you talk to people, and just be more chill in general. Otherwise I would Most Indefinitely +support it. Good Luck With your Application.

  4. So to Sum It up I bought a Motherboard off of Newegg, 125 USD. And today my Dumbass Brain Decided oh Lets look at their Profile. And Look All Bad Reviews(Mind you I have waited over 20 Fucking Days IN QUARENTINE TOO) So All I'm Saying is Never Buy From a Low Life, Moms Basement My 600 Pound Life, Painful neckbeard, Lookin Ass Sell Idyiashop. And Always Check The Profile Before you Buy.

    Screenshot (17).png

  5. Whale's Are The 2nd Best Animal.

    They do The Big Whale Call.

    They Swallow Schools Of Fish

    The Can Swim

    Can Hold Breath for very Long

    They Are The Second best Life Form

    They Big Boi's And Are Very Good Smelling.


  6. What you want to see? - A Collection of ALL of The Police RP addons

    Why should we add it? - So many people (including Myself) and Constantly asking what is the link for that, especially because some people clean their addon folders an they are gone forever including skin packs, vehicle pack, and everything in between.

    What are the advantages of having this? - It will just be 1 pack and a lot of the staff sits for them will be eliminated

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone on PoliceRp

    Links to any content - N/A Or just in all the PoliceRp Addons Like All of them


    Steam Name: Rubber Duckie

    Ingame Name: Dr Whale


    Have you donated to the server? Yes 227 USD

    Staff Restriction Length: Not Sure, I was Just staff restricted one day.

    Staff Member that Staff Restricted you: N/A I have no proof of who did this.

    Reason for Staff Restriction: More or less being inactive.

    Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better):  Well First off I was just stupid when I joined. I'll admit I didn't have control over the things going on in my life. You know Dad Passing, Computer Breaking, and Just other Things I Won't get into. This Time I'm building a new computer and I will have a spare computer just in case something happens. This time I will completely have control of the things that will happen and I'll notify the HOS or Head Admin to prevent these things happening. Another reason was I was young and Not very intelligent. And Since this Pandemic is happening I can be on even more often than ever. I just hope you Can Forgive me

    Dr Whale 🙂

  8. In-game Name: Dr Whale

    SteamID:N/A On Phone

    Rank: SGT 

    Length of LOA (Provide Dates): 2 Weeks From the 7th so the 21st

    Reason (If private then put N/A): Need to Clear My Head and Step Away From my computer

  9. 1 hour ago, Shmoopy_boop said:

    - Support

    - I've had tons of issues with you ingame

    - USA is not a timezone

    - Does not meet the minimum word count

    - question 16 is incorrect


    No Experience Staffing

    No Effort

    Not Ready For Staff unless you Shape up and Get at least 20 Warns Gone Than it's a -Support

  10. What you want to see? - An Armour Station for Tac units in ARU, SRT and SWAT Base.

    Why should we add it? - Tac units won't need resets every time they go into combat.

    What are the advantages of having this? - That you don't need to always have to go through resets.

    Who is it mainly for? - Tac units

    Links to any content - 

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