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Everything posted by NIO

  1. -Support -Not active on PD that much -not much effort -add a poll
  2. MAJOR +SUPPORT Sick of people not LT+ joining and minging, being annoying, or asking stuff that we could've answered in-game.
  3. +SUPPORT -Active all around (TS/FORUMS/In-game) -Mature, friendly -great RP'er -Been with GL for a while -been HA for a while -Fit for HOS -good application GOOD LUCK!!
  4. Lol also this picture: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920295477559085767/A81B68D348695C0FA94B7D9A983B354DE16216A8/ gotta have those donuts
  5. NIO

    Rhenic Staff Report

    -SUPPORT -Can't steal government cars, even if you're just using it for a ride.
  6. +Support -Active all around (TS/Forums/In-game) -Friendly -Mature -Knows what he's doing -Been SM for a while now -Fit for the role of LT -Non-mingey -Great application that exceeds expectations GOOD LUCK!
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