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Posts posted by CHIKEN

  1. 31 minutes ago, Jeff Junior said:

    i mean they will go for sale i am pretty sure but pls change the I5 to i7 it will be super cheap to buy it on blackfriday

    and get a 1070ti insted of 1070 xD atleast man 

    Oh yea for sure hopefully man the one that I have picked out on th build is 1070 ti btw

  2. Jesus I haven’t been on here in awhile 

    well since I broke my old Computer I’m going to be building another one and I thought I should put my build on here to get some opinions on it https://pcpartpicker.com/list/JmJzGG

    (also the only storage I’m getting for now is a SSD is because I already have a perfectly fine 2 TB HDD)

    any opinions or comments on it would be much appreciated.It will be nice to finally talk to you all  and play on the server again.


    • Like 1
  3. Well boys I may or may not have thrown my computer out my window And it may or may not have hitten a car but let’s just say I don’t have my computer Anymore and I don’t know when I’ll be getting it back.

    Making this post so nobody thinks that I’m dead

    Amen praise god

    whos cutting the onions ?

    • Sad 5
  4. 2 hours ago, Bobby Yukiteru said:

    its not a matter of being biased CHIKEN its a matter of if infact this was a VL member this was a Breach of the staff handbook and needs to be noted

    Breach of the staff handbook how?

  5. 2 hours ago, ? BrycE ? said:

    Who was the one being tazed? (Major plus support if the person in cuffs was VL, considering the staff member was VL aswell)

    So what if the person was VL? staff cannot be bias and im pretty sure cody knows better than to be bias when it comes to staff also i have told my family members before there will be no biasness when it comes to staff sits especially if the staff member is VL

  6. 14 hours ago, logan4131 said:

    - Support

    if he wasn’t complying you needed to call a staff member. It is FailRP as well to taze someone while they are in cuffs.  If he wasn’t listening to commands you should have just dragged. If he didn’t listen to you the first time what made you thing he would comply if you tazed him again? 

    When the only one who’s plus supporting is state 

  7. 7 hours ago, Dan Yukiteru said:

    Well the way to RP it is ask them for there ID and to me it is wierd to walk up to someone and be like can i see your ID and then you have nothing to run the ID through so in a way you would never be able to tell wanted people apart


    1 hour ago, Cole Phelps said:


    Lol that’s not a reason to -support if you have a problem with the wanted system suggest a better one Your basically agreeing with me but just saying the wanted system is trash XD.

  8. -Support

    -staff members discretion

    -bambob would not warn him if he dint feel it wasnt needed

    -Warn should stay if he did call him a "fucking idiot" which is highly disrespectful

    1 hour ago, logan4131 said:

    Ahh, there is a difference in just calling someone an idiot and calling them a “fucking idiot” 

    + Support

    Why are you plus supporting it if you believe he should be warned? +support is to remove his warn LOL

    • Thanks 1
  9. 45 minutes ago, Cole Phelps said:

    I'm confused, are we changing it back to the way it was? 

    Right now anyone can KOS/AOS anyone with a wanted sign and they don’t need to rp it out. I’m trying to get it reverted to making police rp it out


    @Dan Yukiteru please let me understand why you don’t support it instead of just voting no on the poll....

  10. 1 hour ago, Injoker said:

    Huge -support 

    Pursuits would never end... anytime someone blew up their car oh let me instantly repair it!  Tires spiked? No problem insta repair them!

    ehh yea i guess your right i was just thinking it would help the server because i know alot of people would definitely buy this

  11. 13 minutes ago, Kim Yo Suk said:

    Miles it sounds like you are really really trying hard to justify the warn and defending yourself which is seem bit more fishy to me. Also show me the evidence that the guy who tried to warn heaven with his evidence please.

    I agree with Kim I’ve also played on gl for a long time now and have never seen someone be able to prop push another person (besides getting them stuck in the prop)

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