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Posts posted by CHIKEN

  1. 53 minutes ago, SuselMaks said:

    Ok, now let me explain myself.

    At that time when I freed 682, I was playing as the stealth operative and I was completly invisble, which made me pretty much immune to 682. Thats why when I freed him he didn't kill me. I was using the stealth operative job all the time for more than 1 hour. I simply sneaked into bunker while being invisble when someone opened the door, I went to the R&D room (even tho some CI were targetting me) and freed 682. That's how everything went. I don't know if this is enough, but I'm just saying I didn't break any rules at that time.

    I do not know what happened from Nimo's point of view, if he was able to sneak out and 682 didn't see him or if 682 really just didn't kill him. I actually though 682 just wouldn't care and kill Nimo, but he decided to leave Nimo alive.

    You missed the part where you talked to 682 and made a deal that if you freed him he would not kill nimo or you and just kill CI..... You stated all this in the discord screenshot. Or are you saying you were lying about what you said in discord? This is where you broke failrp and the rule about teaming with SCPS.


    Changing to a Lightly Modded Vanilla Server or 2x:  The entire map and style of rust is built for vanilla as well as the looting for military crates,heli, Bradley, and airdrops.Ive played 5 different wipes so far and I've only rann launch 3 times and I only did it because I was bored. Having the game at 5x makes monuments less needed other than the rare exception of taking Bradley. 5x I believe is just too much and I think if we go to a 2x or even a lightly modded vanilla it would be a lot more enjoyable. If we go off player count the most popular servers are all vanilla or lightly modded. There's a whole other side of the game that people that play on the server don't experience. Like raiding wooden bases with bows or using spears to break through a incorrectly placed wall etc, this is because in the matter of an hour you can get end game loot.

    Blueprint Suggestion: I've talked to a lot of the rust players and I think if we converted over to blueprints it would make the server a lot more enjoyable and be less end game PVP type stuff. It also makes people appreciate where they are in the wipe so they are less likely to give up and play on a different server. Rust was originally blueprints but was changed after a year to no blueprints and the game kinda died off by a lot. Since they changed it back the player count of rust have excelled and done a lot better than it was before so I mean I feel like we should take note of that and switch to blueprint.

    Nerfing the kits and removing some: If the vanilla suggestion is accepted than the VIP kit: Revolver, 10k wood, 5k stone, 50 extra pistol bullets, 5 syringes, wolf headdress & full wood gear, 200 Low Grade, 300 cloth, 1000 metal frags, and 200 scrap. For Vip+: Thompson, 100 extra bullets, 10 syringes, 20k wood, 10k stone, Coffee Can & Roadsign Gear, 500 Low Grade, 500 Cloth, 2k  Metal Frags, and 500 scrap Also make both kits redeemable every 12 hours. For the explosive kit 15 satchels and 5 bean cans and redeemable every 24 hours. Remove the building kit and basing. I would add a food kit with like 10 pork and a tools kit with wooden tools both redeemable every 2 hours. 

    If we decide to stick to 5x than we just need to remove the charcoal and lower the HQM to like 1k. I don't know why the charcoal is there because it can give you an infinite amount of stone and crude oil if you recycle it...

    Fixing certain addons that don't properly work: The clan addon that was added is one that is useless. The only thing you to do is use clan chat which is pretty disappointing. If we add this one you will have clan friendly fire off and have all the codes to a clan member base which is very useful:https://www.chaoscode.io/resources/clans-reborn.14/

    The raid block addon doesn't work at all its completely bugged out. I think this should work a lot better: https://umod.org/plugins/no-escape

    I don't know exactly what other addons are on the server but I think these should only really be on the server: quick smelt, raid block,clans, tpr,home, and trade.

    Adding rads back into monuments: it makes doing things too easy: The entire point of the launch is to be as quick as you can since no matter what gear you have gone up the building you get rads.

    Instacraft Change to 1/2 Craft: Makes people take time to craft readable and such instead of just being able to make them mid raid instantly when they need more

    Change the max group to 5: 8 people are just too much like 5 is plenty 8 is ridiculous 

    Having a server manager for the rust server: I think the server has proved worthy when we hit 70 players one night. I think we should definitely have a server manager because it would make things like implementing addons or giving someone a punishment a lot faster and better. As well as we won't have to bug Zeeptin for everything which is a big plus.

    I copied some of Jeffes ideas as well so creds to him on some of this stuff.


    • Like 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, Voxis said:

    I personally do not feel that a removal or strike is needed. I talked to Cameron earlier and it was an "In the moment" situation. I think an honest talking to will be the best for him. 

    He sounded super sincere on his apology as he apologized to me, Gamik, Friendly Steve and Calamity. Give him another shot and let him attempt to redeem himself. We've all done things like this off duty before in a "in the moment" situation (don't lie) 

    As I said. I think a very very stern talking to is honestly fine with me. But if he makes the mistake a second time, then a removal would be deemed appropriate. 

    +/- SUPPORT


  4. +Support

    Deserves a second chance

    Great staff member and player on SCPRP

    I dont see why he should not be given a second chance. I understand how DDOS threats are a serious issue but I think everyone deserves a second chance after they proven they have matured and changed.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. Steam Name: CHIKEN

    Ingame Name:CHIKEN


    Have you donated to the server? Yes

    Staff Restriction Length:Perm i think

    Staff Member that Staff Restricted you: Valk i think

    Reason for Staff Restriction: I don't know for sure but i'm pretty sure its because i dint talk to valk after my 48hr

    Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better): I've played in this community for a long time now and i've had the staff restriction for about 2 thirds of my time here which is like a year and a half or something. I was originally staff on MILRP but i lost interest in staffing and became inactive. I decided to give staffing on PRP a try and pretty much the same thing happened. The reason i've waited so long to appeal this is because honestly i have no interest in staff in GMOD at all. I've played rust since its been in alpha and I've pretty much became addicted to playing rust, I know pretty much everything about the game and what it takes for a server to be popular. It always irritates me when i get on the server and there's new players who don't know what there doing because we have all been there, and i think i could definitely help out a lot with that type of stuff as well as making the server and community more fun to players. I have been talking to scoot and just trying to sort some things out with the server and i would really love to apply for staff but than i remember that i'm staff restricted.Now I know I do have a little bit of a reputation for thing, but i think for those who really have gotten to know me can say that I could be a pretty good staff member if i really tried to and that's pretty much what i'm trying to do with the new rust server. I would even take if it could be changed to a Perm staff restriction from all GL GMOD servers instead of just GL staffing in general.

    I'm pretty horrible at typing these things so please have mercy

  6. -support 

    Honestly i've played rust since alpha and i've seen many servers just have a shit ton of addon's and its all just kinda complex and confusing. Also there's always bugs that happen when you have two addons that kinda work on the same thing, that's why most servers try to stick to the least amount of addons possible not to mention the possible exploits. None of these addons are needed to make rust more enjoyable which should be the ultimate goal of any addons we add to the server.

  7. 1 hour ago, Sion said:

    @Crease You are only ment to but + or -  support. You can't quote them to try change their minds. If you carr on I can guarantee it will be denied.

    I dont think you understand how suggestions work.... If you post something that make people feel a different way your going to be criticized don't be a snow flake.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Sammm said:

    You can see very clearly he faces colesoft

    He was behind the wall at first by hospital and he had to jump over it. Your making it seem like i tried to clearly break fearrp which i dint. I really wish the sit would have been ingame because i could of shadow played and showed my POV to explain how I thought it out.

    36 minutes ago, WreckedInRuinz said:

    So I can sit on top of the hospital with an awp and point it at you while you are in the hospital parking lot and if I point the awp at you and you dont know it, nor hear any commands, that means it is fearRP if you were to pull out your gun and shoot a family member of the person who was on hospital?  Thats not how it works


  9. Honestly i understand how it looks like fearp but from my side there was a delay in your mic like i dint even hear hands now until i had my negev out. Also it would not be combat healing because there was literally no other officers there because i had just killed them all, after this i literally walked into car dealership and spawned a car and no one saw me or did anything.

    I apologize for this im not even joking about the mic delay

     first warn in 2 and a half months unlucky );

  10. 1 hour ago, [AWOL] Jojo said:

    I support +support but if you were banned I’m not so sure it counts. Idk if you’ve been unbanned but it says you have to be active I believe.

    I mean i still play on SCPRP and 1944RP daily so and the warns count to that aswell so im active.

  11. Your In-game:CHIKEN


    Your SteamID:STEAM_1:1:114115699


    The admin's name in-game:Multiple admins


    The admin's steam name (If you know it):no


    What warning did you receive:http://prntscr.com/nxjfzw


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):http://prntscr.com/nxjfzw


    Why do you think this warn was false:I have not been warned in 6 weeks and i believe i can remove 2 warns for every 2 weeks so i can now remove 6 of my warns. Please correct me if im wrong


    Any extra information:Black lives matter

  12. 1 minute ago, TideTerror said:


    This is what sets us apart from Research.

    There are restrictions that make it so this system isn't abused.

    RND needed to have something that brings interest to the branch.

    You will have to be trained in RND to utilize the weaponization.

    Those who abuse the system will be punished properly.

    Its been too long, its time for this to come back.


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