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Posts posted by CHIKEN

  1. 6 hours ago, Dr. Ternith Plague said:

    I would like to note that I will remain neutral on this. I was called on by AlexMSD to handle the sit since, technically, he was a witness. He had a recording of the incident as shown above. But this entire incident, whether he knew the rules or not, from his even own understanding, included him failing to wait before charging at the enemy to confirm if he really waited three to four seconds, and failing to alt-walk as stated to do in the SCP-RP MOTD. He changed his reason for doing constantly. From 'it looked like you looked at me from that far back' to 'I was aiming for the Juggernaut'.

    Again, personal +/- Support so I don't influence decisions. But this is strictly what happened from the recording and from the sit.

    I dont think you read my post completely. I said as you can see in the video I was alt walking, and even AlexMSD knows i was as he was watching us the whole time. Also theres no such thing as charging up in the MOTD i still dont even know what you mean about it. Lastly you called me to the sit an hour after it happened i even said i dont even really rmber what happened so its likely im going to change my story as i rmber things.

  2. Your In-game:CHIKEN

    Your SteamID:STEAM_1:1:114115699
    The admin's name in-game:Ternith
    The admin's steam name (If you know it):No
    What warning did you receive:http://prntscr.com/ns4udl
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):http://prntscr.com/ns4udl https://plays.tv/video/5ce5ec1395b656abf2/chicken
    Why do you think this warn was false:Ill just explain the whole story,so i was on 096 for my first time and 035 was breaking scps out. We were at gate A when mtf came from behind us. I turned around noticed that the mtf was looking at me for what i thought was more than 3 seconds, lunged out at him and he moved away and missed the original guy i was aiming for and killed daedran. Then an hour later after all this happened i get tped to an admin sit, and they showed me the evidence. While we were talking about the situation and I was trying to defend myself he warned me. He told me that i had to press r and wait for the scream to commence which he called my "charge up" then i could kill them. He also said i had to alt walk the entire time which i was until i saw them looking at me and lunged at them. In the video you can literally see me alt walking if i wasn't the player model would of put the hands up which i had realized after playing on him for like 30 seconds. I really wasnt trying to break any rules as i never play on SCPS and i read the motd for rules on 096 and all it says is http://prntscr.com/ns4xmq. Correct me if im wrong but i only have to alt walk if noone is looking at me it says if i see someone look at me for a few seconds than i become a "Killing machine" and move incredibly fast which i may shift and lunge at my enemy, therefore both of the reasons were false. I dont even know what he ment by my "charge up" nor did i know you could press r and scream.
    Any extra information: Heres the video https://plays.tv/video/5ce5ec1395b656abf2/chicken
  3. 5 hours ago, Rookieblue said:

    + Support

    I'm generally on board with anything that makes the server more lore friendly, and that continues in this case. 096 should not be affected by tranqs, and would make 096 a more viable character to play.

    096 Needs a buff he does no dmg and his SCP swep is like super bugged with the hit boxes like you have to hit people in a weird spot for it to even deal dmg




    Time (please specify):5/9-5/12

    Reason (if private write N/A):My grandma is turning 90 and i haven't seen her in a while, her health is also not in the best state so this might be the last time ill be able to see her.

    Ill try my best to make the meeting on friday, but it will be from my phone.

  5. -Support

    *No effort in appeal

    *Has been a problem for CI as he just constantly has been sitting in our debrief room cloaked for no reason at all

    *Has been banned from CI TS channels due to constantly joining and minging and meta gaming

    *Also i'm pretty sure tony has more reasons to keep you blacklisted 

    *Extremely annoying at times

    Also your not supposed to make an actual appeal on the forums we have a google forum for this, I don't know where you even got this format from.


  6. Your In-game:CHIKEN

    Your SteamID:STEAM_1:1:114115699
    The player's name in-game:MTF A1 VCMDR Nick VC1
    The player's steam name (If you know it): Negative
    What did the player do: Broke FearRP and was threatening to get me warned for FAILRP
    Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED):https://vimeo.com/333219550
    What do you believe should happen to the player: Warn for FAILRP and maybe a strike in MTF as hes a VCMDR and should know better
    Any extra information: Was told to make player report by chief.
  7. 3 hours ago, Rookieblue said:

    - Support

    Your screenshot for evidence links to a picture from Resident Evil Revelations, not anything that would support this appeal. Looking at your disciplinary history across all servers, this is your first warning on ours but you have quite a history on Police and Mil RPs. Additionally, you never stated your side of the story on what happened from your perspective. All you did was complain about the staff member's reaction to the issue.

    Sorry elapin /:

  8. 18 minutes ago, Blitzton said:


    Is it so hard as to suspend your disbelief for a single moment Spection? The Negev thing was obviously a joke, and has been taken way to seriously. Smoke, as you can hear was in a rowdy call just having a decent enough time, and just purely enjoying himself. Jokes and practical pranks are going to happen. The mugging for one dollar, whilst ridiculous, is still valid. If someone holds a gun to your head in real life and says "Give me a single dollar," are you going to 'kick' him in the face? No, you'd give him the damn dollar because there's a gun pointed at your head. This is direct breaking of FearRP, and in my opinion an abuse of your staff rank. There's more than one way to deal with your issues instead of outright throwing them away and saying "NYEH." Call this disrespect if you want, but I honestly think you should have some humility and own up to a mistake. 


  9. 9 minutes ago, th3 said:

    I would like to point out that those  warns were never removed because he never filled out the form to have them removed off of the ban pages.

    To be fair there wasnt always a form you used to just have to get an admin to get it removed and honestly i keept saying i should probably do it and never really did it which is my own fault

  10. Steam Name: CHIKEN

    Ingame Name:CHIKEN


    Ban Length:Perm

    Admin that Banned you:Snar

    Reason for Ban:40+ Warns

    Dispute: I dont have 40+ warns, I have 34 warnings because i have 6 that were duplicated and 6 that had already been accepted.


    These are the 6 that already have been accepted


    These are the 6 that are duplicated


  11. http://prntscr.com/nblyfx

    Well shit lets be honest we all saw this day coming. I started playing in this community in early 2017 and I never thought I would stay to become a dedicated player on here nor did I ever even think about donating. Ive had a lot of fun on here and I would just like to thank Zeeptin for truly starting one of the best garrys mod communities. I've been on a lot of servers and GL is definitely one of the best on garrys mod and i think it particularly because of you as the owner. Its weird because even know i knew this would happen at some point, I still feel pretty hurt over it. Its probably just because I got banned when I was actually trying my hardest to improve on my negative qualities. I would like to apologize to Will Newel,Jeffe, and Blitzon. I'm sorry i failed you guys i know how hard it was for you guys to get me into SRT but i really was trying my hardest and having fun with it at the same time. I would also like to apologize to Fame and Snar for always being a pain in their ass when it came to reports on me and just dealing with me in general. I'm really really going to miss all you guys, I have made some many friends and met some many people through out my time on GL and though some have been negative a fat majority of them have been positive.

    I tried my best to appeal it and everything but now that there’s no hope for me coming back i hope everyone’s has a good rest of there life.

    I love you all


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  12. 6 hours ago, Smoke said:

    a lot of criminals in real life do this, roleplaying as a criminal that hates cops would justify calling them a pig and then spitting on them

    I dont see he NITRPd at all

    They charged him with a tazer as you can see in the video implying they were going to taze and arrest him, he had full right to pull out his weapon and fire upon them

    If you feel he did break a rule, since there is nothing specifying he specifically cant do it then I would give him a verbal as it isnt physically laid out in the MOTD (I know saying it isnt in the MOTD isnt a excuse to do it, but how is there a way for him to know its a rule if he read the MOTD but it isnt in the MOTD, give them a verbal and tell them not to do it again).

    No criminal in real life pulls out a gun and kills two TAC UNIT patrol officers in the middle of the day in the middle of a city street

  13. I had respect for michael before this because he was an active SM in pd and would actually do his job farely well. Today me and north came to his house because he had a sign up saying that he had the right to bare arms and that he had multiple arms. we asked him what arms he had and if he had a license. He refused to comply and was just being rude for no reason and player dissing me. He called emmu and emmu took our side, he then started player dissing me more saying im the biggest minge and nobody likes me. Emmu and north can both confirm this, he also said how he was going to report me on the forums and get me permabanned because i deserved it he said he had everything recorded. He probably rewatched the recording realized he was in the wrong big time and decided to try post my warns. heres one of my videos on our situation today https://vimeo.com/329030442 i can upload mord if needed. He was also warned by emmu for player dissing me.

    5 minutes ago, th3 said:

    What does his content posts have anything at all to do with this ban request?

    he was defending me as i told him what happened in ts

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  14. Official WTAP Family Criminal Page

    Only the best, most notorious, and successful criminals allowed. Anyone who opposes us will be eliminated. You are either with us or against us we have no allies. Do not make a wrong decision during these times of war.

    You have been warned

    Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/2NUUfs

    Were coming for you Kings


  15. -support

    I knew voxis when he was a staff and before he was a staff member. When he was staff he was a completely different person than he was before. Especially once he got admin he became very ignorant and was extremely annoying to deal with when it came to staff sits. I also remember how he would always complain about how the server was eating up his life and he couldn't do anything he liked to do before. He tries to do people favors in return for them to do things and acts very fake around certain people. This is my personal opinion on the matter and i would be glad to speak with anyone who disagrees on it. He holds grudges on pretty much anything anyone does and treats everyone differently in a bad way. I feel like the reason hes getting so many plus supports is because he just has been sucking up to everyone and doing all these favors for anyone thats high in staff.

    Also after seeing Ruinz post i have to agree thats just straight immature

    • Like 1
  16. 4 hours ago, BigJohnny said:




    really mature 

    super friendly and cool

    deserves chance as staff and has been part of community for a while

    activity on forums should improve though other than that you deserve the rank 100%

    0 warnings after all the time he’s played the server. Seems like he knows the rules to me.


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    This message was encrypted and can NOT be traced

    JOIN WTAP TODAY-https://discord.gg/WEUQTN (;

  18. -Support 

    Ill tell you my side of the story.. I see you in public and i want to kindap you. You kidnap someone and i finally see my chance. I come up behind you with my gun out and advert kindap and say "PUT YOUR HANDS UP YOUR BEING KIDNAPED" You say "no im calling staff so wezzy comes and you show wezzy the video over discord whilst you two were probably talking in discord the whole time privately. You guys both come back and you say "Alright the staff sit is over warn him" I say "No what are you talking about let me talk to wezzy privately as you were" After talking to wezzy we both agreed that in rp it makes sense for me to come up behind you and attempt to kidnap you whilst you had a gun point. Wezzy Decided that no warn would be made as i did nothing wrong. How am i supposed to know you have a family member with you somewhere as im not going to metagame and look at his name? I was not under fearrp and noone had a gun pointed at me. I love how you go into your little family discord and tell everyone alright guys lets get CHIKEN banned everyone plus support. This is the most obvious form of targeting i have ever seen. Also during the sit he continued to make up fake rules and saying that "In the staff handbook it says not all rules are in the MOTD" Which is ridiculous as he was trying to say you cannot kidnap people with guns out. He also has done this before saying that you cannot delay during a bank rob.

    Also id say i have about 6 warns that are duped and have 6 warns that need to be removed that have already been accepted i can go through it with smt if they would like, so i dont have 40 warns technically.


  19. 2 minutes ago, Rhenic said:

    Just read the book or look on spark notes lol

    i cant read dude.... listen you probably read the book at some point look through your word documents and search for dialectal journals thank you very much ❤️

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