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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2023 in Posts

  1. Hello everyone! This is something that does not come lightly but I have decided that it is best that I resign from Lead Admin and the Imperial Staff Team. This is not something that I want to do but it is best for both myself and the people above me in rank. Unfortunately with summer ops coming back around and being incredibly short staffed at work, I have significantly less time than years previous. I am recognizing this now rather than waiting till it is too late as it has already been too tight to get some things done. My further focus for the time being with be solely in RP. For the last 2+ years as staff and 1.5+years as JMT I have had a fantastic time in staff and wish the best to everyone coming up the ranks. We have a more than competent JMT team and I know for a fact that they can step into the position with no issues. Some of the most genuine moments within this community have come from Staff and the people within and I will never forget it. Thank you Thanks to Zeeptin, Becki, Bon and Bub for the opportunity to be a part of the staff team and take part in this amazing community. I greatly appreciate the opportunity and the memories we have all shared in it and I hope I performed to the expectations required of me.
    2 points
  2. COL was HCMD and held HCMD responsibility when i had received the rank.
    2 points
  3. I'm a bit sad to say this but I will be resigning from SWAT.... I just haven't been in the mood to play garrys mod lately and I also just don't have the time that needs to be dedicated to SWAT anymore... I appreciate the opportunity you guy's have given me it was amazing I wouldn't trade it for anything else and I will miss the SWAT team I hope everyone takes care of them selves...
    1 point
  4. In-Game Name: Scor SteamID: STEAM_0:1:579774652 Current Rank: Captain How long have you been in your current rank?: Almost 31 days. What timezone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 1 Permission: BruceyBoyo Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): First and foremost, I believe that I should be promoted to Major because I have been at the rank of captain for about 31 days now. Moreover, I can happily say that I love being a part of the PD, and I am motivated to play the PD job every day. I only play on the PD job most of the time I'm on the server, unless I have to take staff sits or I am AFK on the AFK citizen job. My activity for this department is very good; I am actively on it every day. PD is currently the only department where I'm a command member, and this is not going to change because I am going to put everything I have into this department. Furthermore, I am striving to reach high command in the PD Department one day. Additionally, I am always happy to host PD meetings, help and supervise lower ranks, and make sure other officers are doing their best. When I am faced with other officers doing something they're not supposed to do, I handle it professionally and respectfully. In conclusion, I have nothing but love for this department. I am deeply motivated to further myself in PD, determined to teach my peers, and also learn from them. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
    1 point
  5. Accepted! Congratulations! Your application has been accepted. Please contact BruceyBoyo for training!
    1 point
  6. +/- Support You were good while you were here and held plenty of command positions. However, you haven't touched the server in 4 months, and from what i can tell, haven't actively played since November of 2022 - where in you were removed for activity a month later. I have no issue with you coming back to the server, but your activity seems extremely spotty and this application seems like it was a spur of the moment decision. I believe if anything it would be easier to adjust to an already established branch, rather than the reviving A1 which is brand new and needs the server's current minds (who are accustomed to the modern day server) to develop and grow it. All in all, the application is alright but I believe it would be in your best interest to work your way back into the server first.
    1 point
  7. +support active friendly Is ready for Major
    1 point
  8. -Support My guy it was already nerfed do you want it to deal 10dmg? We don't need any rules on it it is perfect as it is right now.
    1 point
  9. Jk Ily fruitt Denied You are not to resign at all, you are too much of a steppingstone. Taught me things I ain't know and taught me the ropes of being a good CMD member. I wouldn't be where I am without the guidance you provided me and the rest of Delta-5. You will forever be a mark on this branch a mark that no one can take away from you or be met with a riot (fr fr). But it will be emptier around here... We will surely miss you and hope you visit us like crimson does I will say you and Crimson and Lava and Shadows pushed so many fun memories and just all in all made my time here so fantastic. Fruitt Cup there is so much more for me to say and you know I would but I can't respecting the guidelines lol BUT prepare for a DM in Discord. Love from us all fr. O7 O7 O7 O7 O7 O7 O7 O7 P.S (I will always be pushin ye buttons on and off the server) Former RRH Guardian Tango 11 | RRH Guardian OH-10 | Former Delta-5 Gamma-9 GW1 | Delta-5 DHFTO SRO SL CPT | Former Nu-7 CPL JFE | CI PVT |
    1 point
  10. +Support I love seeing HCMD lose 50HP on a wheel spin after spending 350k! Please fix.
    1 point
  11. MEGA +++ SUPPORT + Great guy to be around + Serious when needs to be + Cool to hang out with and talk - he sometimes can't speak or type the English - he sometimes does crazy stuff but it's cool
    1 point
  12. O7 you were fun to bully with Macus
    0 points
  13. Denied on another note i WILL DROWN YOU TRY ME love ya
    0 points
  14. Greatest enlisted command to have ever lived O7
    0 points
  15. Nha this redignation has been Denied, refused, rejected, turned down, declined, vetoed, negated, dismissed, repudiated, opposed, prohibited, forbidden, withheld, disallowed, nixed, blocked, thwarted, frustrated, abnegated, contradicted, and squashed; refrained, rebuffed, snubbed, cold-shouldered, ignored, abandoned, deserted, forsaken, jilted, disavowed, renounced, disowned, dissented, refuted, controverted, oppugned, challenged, demurred, objected, halted, stopped, prevented, deterred, obstructed, hindered, interfered, stifled, smothered and silenced. So see you tomorrow On a serious note though, I will really miss the talks I had with you while you were driving home/to work. You were a really good SCMD in D5 I hope you come back some day but as a parting gift I will leave you with a blackmail folder on Marcus so that you can use it against him when he calls you stinky again https://mega.nz/file/wmIHzJoL#K_EbKSOtagvZ3bWc1ocypJONM-xg5QAtrUd29UPhrUs
    0 points
  16. o7 didnt talk much but u let me have IAA WL for a bit
    0 points
  17. What you want to see? - I want to see the jobs Demolition expert and Saboteur have at least 2 job slots Why should we add it? - so more people can have fun on the job What are the advantages of having this? -more people can hop on it and have fun and experience bombs Who is it mainly for? -everybody Links to any content - N/A
    0 points
  18. Denied After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided not to accept you for staff. This can be because of your application, experience, behavior, feedback, or other unstated reasons. You may re-apply in 1 month.
    -1 points
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