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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2018 in all areas

  1. This is actually just a picture of Munchies stalking children at the playground IRL
    3 points
  2. Just wanna make a good example out of this. ^ This is what doesn't help suggestions. Blind comments to raise your posts isn't shit you need to be doing here, neither should you be just posting things to bring suggestions / other posts down. And please, next time before ANYONE COMMENTS ANYTHING LIKE THIS AGAIN, READ THE ACTUAL SUGGESTION POST. Finally, to clarify this suggestion for anyone else that seems to not be able to read, here you go. What Kade is suggesting is that all Law Enforcement classes shouldn't have defibs therefor making EMS a need for Gen Raids, Bank Raids, House Raids and any other type of raid or combat situation. (Not combat reviving, but a EMS unit that can be on scene and ready to revive / heal citizens and LEOs.) If I dun goofed on this post, just quote me and clarify whatever I got wrong.
    1 point
  3. AGAIN. No combat healing.... Before SMT make their decision on this I would VERY much appreciate it if you talked with me in TS before you make your decision. EMS is VERY boring as it is and we try our best to do something and maybe with this we can let people work up to something. UNLESS you can find a good way to improve the department in another way PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE consider this and talk with me about how it will work.
    1 point
  4. -Support Never seen in game before Inactive on forums App is good on effort and warns are good Only thing you're lacking is recognition, it seems you just recently came back? So maybe not many knows you
    1 point
  5. Gaminglight SchoolRP just happened to be the first Garry's Mod server I stumbled upon way back in late 2014.
    1 point
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