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  2. +Biggerest Support (Disclaimer: I did this out of spite of cans saying i couldn't.) -Og guy -Vcmdr tick 100 rn. -Revamped everything shock wise. -Best fit for Shk Cmdr. -Probably would be 2nd best Shock commander of all time (1st is Cans.) -Is ant -Have you ever met this dude? he's amazing! -Is AN Ant -Great in staff so can be trusted with this position. -Great as a VCMDR so can be trusted in this position. -If a silly billy billy silly cool dude named cans can be a cansmander, then this man might as damn well be the Commantder of Shock. Just accept it already. we all know he da best. Edit: I will revolt if this man is denied.
  3. +Biggest Support (Disclaimer: you can not make a bigger support than this) •Has worked in Shock with me for well over 6 months before I got Senior Commander •Has helped with almost every document on the Shock SOP, and more •Competent in dealing with shock-related problems •Best fit for Shock Commander •Interacts with all members of shock, even while on LOA/ROA •Works well with stressful situations •I cannot stress enough how much Antonoff knows his way around docs
  4. IBO not a thing but maybe one for all of spec ops and ISO and IPO IBO not a thing but maybe one for all of spec ops and ISO and IPO
  5. What is your In-Game name?: Yellow What is your SteamID?: STEAM_0:0:452130793 | 76561198864527314 What is your rank?: Soldier I How long have you been in the Pyke Syndicate?: I have been in the Pyke Syndicate for 16 days/2 weeks and 2 days. What leadership experience do you have?: I will list down what leadership experience. With all of my experience I have gained many info on what it is to be in a leadership type role as I have experience it many times and even made it up to the command team in the main battalion and the sub battalions. -Vice Admiral -Naval Officer 3x/DDOS of SO x1 -Medical Officer 1x/ DD of Researcher Why do you want to be a Pyke Officer? (100 word minimum): The reason why I would like to become a Pyke Officer is because, I want to be able to provide more towards the Syndicate and I also want to be able to make even more roleplay experience with the Pyke and the Imperials and I also want to make sure no Pyke is breaking the sop rules as I want Pyke to have a great reputation and encourage people to roleplay with Pyke more often, I also want to help other Pyke with anything they might need alongside that I just want to make sure everybody is having fun while being on the job with all of the roleplays I have in mind. Why should you be trusted with this rank? (100 word minimum): The reason why I should be trusted with this rank is because, I have been trusted many times in the past with other ranks of the same kind and I have been trusted as the rank of Admin in the server before, I would never abuse my powers as I just hate people who power game. I have been with this server community for plenty of years I have come and go within those times I have been trusted with ranks that some others weren't. I also am enjoying Pyke and if I wasn't I would not be making this app and even I did not like Pyke I would never abuse my power and I would have just left by now if I did not like my time here. Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of a Pyke Officer you may be removed from your position?: Yes, I understand.
  6. +Support While IPO do have a common channel they can use for cross-comms, having an in game option would be nice. ISO comms would also be nice, but I don't think black ops is a thing anymore so IBO isn't necessary.
  7. What do you want to see?: A comms system for IPO (/ipo), and maybe IBO and ISO. (/ibo, /iso) Why should we add it?: Allow easier communication between certain divisions, and makes it easier for people apart of IPO, IBO, and ISO to coordinate things, and make it much more organized. What are the advantages of having this?: Like I said, allows easier communication and better coordination between these divisions. Who is it mainly for?: IPO (DT, RG, and Shore maybe), IBO (DT, IF, and I think IC?), ISO (STRM, DT, IC, ARC, IF, and the others) Links to any content: N/A
  8. Yesterday
  9. ACCEPTED! Please see an Aviation Officer+ for your training
  10. ACCEPTED! Please see an Aviation Officer+ for your training
  11. DENIED Thank you for interest in joining the RG Command team, but unfortunately at this time it has been decided that you aren't ready for the command position. You may reapply in two weeks.
  12. ACCEPTED Make sure to contact the Shadow Guard Lead to get trained!
  13. -1 I feel this is un need and personal i think it pointless the models you have are really good i woud get them more attachments and more to have unique purge models that are customized to the server
  14. o7 my man and good luck you will be missed
  15. +1 I feel this would be very helpful to the server to have info out side the spawn room on the wall or in the info hud
  16. Hope to see you on the server some time in the future again.
  17. From handling this already on a department level, I can say that how most of them acted was immature and irresponsible. It is absolutely unacceptable how some of them acted. As far as RTMM goes, he was trying to organize a photo for SWAT, and was giving orders for people to sit in certain places. I get that all the seats were full, and CeCe couldn't sit, but instead of communicating that and just hopping off was an issue. It wasn't disrespect, it was being a command member doing their job. Now, Craft & Cole. They have already been sternly spoken to and warned verbally in SWAT for this offense. SWAT as a whole does not condone this type of behavior from anyone Cadet to Co-Commander. After the conversation, I can tell that it was just apart of their humor, but unacceptable none the less.
  18. +Support -Quite Active -Experience as an Officer -Former Shock Colonel -More then Qualified -Best Former Shock Colonel right here. (No Offense, anyone else.) -Nicely formatted.
  19. +support from the clips just seems like they were being assholes not like it was funny at all so idk how they can say its a joke, they could tell it upset them cus if theyd change class you can hear sighs or ppl kissing teeth like you think someones just gonna sit there and be spoken to like shit?, so they know what theyve been doing, funny joke guys!
  20. In-Game Name: Hawkeye Steam Name: WolfKing140 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:461555742 / 76561198883377212 What is your discord username? hawkeye3763 What is your staff rank in GamingLight? Moderator How often are you on TeamSpeak? Everyday How often do you use Discord? I am always on Discord since I used to make discords for people. Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum)? I've been with this server for a very long time and have learned a lot about it; most of what I've learned has to do with how people behave and operate. I want to help as much as I can. As for support, I had to respond to a lot of inquiries from lower-level employees throughout my roughly four years as a SeniorGM/Admin on the server. Now that I've returned from my trip, I've forgotten a few things, so I had to start over and observe staff members to see how they operate and behave. This has become a significant part of what I am. Since I was a lore character for most of the time and was still there keeping an eye on everyone and teaching them, the community has now mostly forgotten about me. I left staff thinking that no one needed me anymore, but I soon realized that this community is where I started, which is why I have over 14,000 hours on Garry's mod. As a result, I have decided to join the support team to support this server and everything it stands for. When this position was originally opened, I said to myself in the meeting that I would never apply. However, then I began to consider why I would even want to become this, as I have never been the kind to assist others in this way—I'm usually the one who makes events and lays down the server's rules. However, as I progressed through the server, I became aware of how many people don’t know how to work the server. I had previously believed that starting again in GL would be simple, but I was mistaken people frequently needed assistance and I wanted to start helping them. Why should we trust you to become a member of the Support Team? As I've mentioned previously, I've spent a lot of hours on Gmod, and the majority of those hours were spent on GL when I initially joined the server back in 2019. However, that doesn't include the time I joined as a Minge and played on other servers. I pledged to Head GM Emily that I would become the best GM this server has ever seen when I first joined, and I still want to fulfill that promise. I started as a GM and worked my way up to become the best I could. When this position was originally opened, I said to myself in the meeting that I would never apply. However, then I began to consider why I would even want to become this, as I have never been the kind to assist others in this way—I'm usually the one who organizes events and establishes the server's rules. However, as I progressed through the server, I became aware of how many people lack the skills to play full-time on the server. I had previously believed that starting again in GL would be simple, but I was mistaken people frequently needed assistance and I wanted to start helping them. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels? Discord - Hello, Sir. My name is Hawkeye I am a member of support here on GL. How can I help you? TeamSpeak - Hello, Sir. I am aware that you are having trouble with issues on the server. I'm available to help you. Would you please give a more thorough description of the problem?
  21. I'll be coming back on sunday If it works out Craft I'll be waiting for you
  22. Yo I was joking in every clip we didn't mean to hurt you in anyway. if you ask anyone from these clips they will say that's how we act around each other no one of us being serious. I'm sorry you felt this way but only once did you address that you felt hurt or bothered. If youd like to talk to me and discuss what youd like to see improved please message me on discord: hellsviper. I am very sorry - Cole
  23. +Support +What was stated above by others.
  24. Last week
  25. -Support i was there we were all just joking around and being sarcastic it was not meant to be dissrespectful. i think you just need to tell to stop us instead of just leaving a ts channel or something like that
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