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Weebe’s Royal Guard Vice Sovereign Application


Should I be Vice Sovereign?   

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I be Vice Sovereign?

    • Yes, Please Explain
    • No, Please Explain

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) 

Lore Senior Guard Weebe | Shadow Guard Officer Vacander Jax 


2. What Regiment are you applying for? 

Royal Guard 


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? 

There’s two parts to this question. My desire of being a Vice Sovereign for The Royal Guard as a member of the Royal Guard Executive Command team alongside becoming a Vice-Commander within the Inquisitorius branch under the Imperial military 

I wish to be a Vice Sovereign within the Royal Guard because I love this regiment and want it to continue to improve with the current command team. I know that my actions from the moment I joined RG to the point I am now as a Major have shaped me into a Royal Guard who’s cares dearly for the Regiment. I will continue to perform as I always have and even more as a shining example to all those in the regiment. RG is something special because of its place it holds both within lore and the server. Within Lore we are a renowned and prestigious regiment known for our loyalty to the Emperor and our fighting prowess. I hold both and as a Vice Sovereign Protector I am the rank that many Royal Guards dream of holding.  

Which just as many within the Empire wishing to become a Royal Guard so do the players of the server. Whether they see our advertisement next to bunks to donate and become a member of the Royal Guard or through a friend. The statues of the Regiment must be one of excellence and welcoming. I have always strived to get people to join the regiment whether it be passively by show casing our existence, the many sims I host in the name of RG or the trainings I host. All of these come to bring people into the Regiment and attract them. However, I alone cannot do this which is why as my current position I’ve been teaching and guiding those under me to follow in my footsteps by showing them firsthand that they’re capable of doing great things from the lessons I teach.  Within the Royal Guard Roster, I have a combined total of 64 loggings for the month of January. That's 21 simulations where I gave 1 mil GC each to a lucky winner, 30 Trainings where I impacted someone with a lesson in dueling whether one on one or in a group and lastly 13 tryouts of Indvidual's entering the Royal Guard Regiment or Shadow Guard Subbranch. These are all unique in their own way because as a member of the Regiment but especially as Vice Sovereign Protector I want people to enjoy their time here. I will continue to guide those under me and assist those above me in making RG a family where you can always hop on and know everyone.  In relation to this I always try to remain active within RG General, NCO Chat and Officer to show that regardless of my rank I will never stop being my friendly and talkative self. 

This connects to my last point of becoming a member of Command within the Inquisitorius branch under the Imperial military. As we all know, the Royal Guard live within the IQ bunks across from Purge Bunks. Which as neighbors we work closely despite having different purposes. As I’ve already been doing and will be encouraging, I’ve started with NCO’s alongside in the last IQ meeting that IQ currently lacks someone to teach them about dueling. I have taken this task upon myself and as mentioned encouraging RG NCOs to duel and help IQ with their dueling abilities via Team Speak and in game. The purpose of this is because of our inherent use of lightsabers we have a beautiful and “Civilized” form of combat that must be homed. I've personally trained and logged 4 members as high as Overseer and as low as Apprentice in dueling efficiency and skill. I have also advertised within IQ general whenever I’m online that “Hello there if any Apprentices or lords who want a lesson in dueling or tips, I'm on the ISD rn - RG Weebe/Vacander Jax ”. I do this as a way of helping IQ as I also hold the Rank of Lord I within IQ alongside holding a soft spot for Purge and IQ.   
In conclusion with my desire of being a Vice Sovereign within The Royal Guard and command within the Inquisitorius I will strive to assist the Royal Guard Command team as I’ve been doing with the added benefit and passion of helping all the Branches within IQ through example and a guiding hand in the name of RG. 


4. How much game time do you have on the server? 

From the command in !menu [Staff] Your total time is 2w 5d 19h 56m.  

Battlemetrics : 489:13 

First time since 2021 and recently since November 2022. 


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? 

The main purpose of a Commander of a branch is to keep the regiment alive. This is done through maintenance, disciplinary, showing others to teach leadership, and passion. 

By maintenance I mean ensuring that everything runs smoothly and assisting with creating documents. This can be seen commonly where command members update the roster as soon as possible to ensure that it remains up to date upon its current condition. I have personally witnessed a roster in disorder which serves as an example as to why communication and maintenance within the regiment's documents are up to date is key. I have also noticed through training new members into RG that the Handbook has a handful of typo’s, and grammatical errors. That’s why I’ll be assisting RG command in ensuring such unacceptable errors are corrected for the betterment of the regiment. 

In talking about the betterment of the regiment it leads me onto disciplinary actions and interactions. As a member of the RG officer core, I’ve had my fair share of incidents where I had to correct members. This was something I talked about in my Officer application where I wanted to help the officer team in stamping out such behavior. Which so far, I believe I’ve made an impact but it’s a team effort. Whenever I ran into a disciplinary issue, I’d always post it in our officer chat on the discord to alert my fellow RG for their input and thoughts on the matter. Alongside this both in doing so I also mention how I resolve the issue by explaining to the person what they did was wrong and issue out a verbal warning so they can learn and avoid such behavior. This has so far worked per the approval of my fellow officers and even IQ HC. Hence why I will continue my path of continuing to correct and especially guide the officers below me by assisting them when it comes to disciplinary issues and decisions. 

Lastly there's showing others who are in leadership positions on how to teach what they’ve learned alongside delegating tasks to the NCO’s. As an officer I’ve always asked those I’ve taught if they learned something alongside asking the NCOs to take charge during events. On the first point, I ask this of people whether I give a lesson to no matter how big or small to gauge if what I taught them got through. This has the effect of allowing me to improve while at the same showcasing that anyone has, the ability to learn and pass on what you’ve been taught. This trait of mine comes from IRL since I’m currently studying to become a teacher so things like these come naturally to me. On the second part in delegating tasks to NCO’s. I’ve always known that they're the future of the regiment, so their success and existence is the spine of The Royal Guard. I’ve been doing this by telling NCOs to take charge during events to both learn leadership skills, positioning and initiative. 

All of these from maintenance, disciplinary and teaching others contribute towards keeping a regiment alive. Which is the purpose of keeping the regiment we love and hold dear continuing. For the honor of those who came before us and for the benefit of those who take our place. 


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : 

I should be trusted in being a vice-commander for my actions since joining The Royal Guard, my love for it, and the trust others on the ISD hold of me. 

Since joining The Royal Guard I’ve always strived to be the very best I can be as a positive role model within the ISD and the regiment. I’ve accomplished such actions and will continue to do so as to never fall into complacency by always being open to feedback regardless of where it comes from. I know that through self-improvement that I can accomplish and overcome anything. I’ve always also held a desire to be the best because I enjoy giving things my all because it’s fun to see how far I can make it in life by pushing expectations. In doing so I’ve managed to climb the ranks of the Royal Guard over the past 4ish months since joining RG. In these four months I’ve met some of the most amazing and hardworking people that have taught me how to duel, have fun and enjoy my time on the server. People that I don’t want to let down by failing and betraying their trust in me.  

Through these people I’ve come to love being on RG ❤️ because it’s such a unique experience. Being in RG can be split between guarding and dueling. With the Guarding part we get to follow the High Command and protect them. Through this we’re able to talk and learn about each other while we stand around and that has led me to realize the intricoes and uniqueness of my fellow Royal Guard. You can’t have a regiment without people and these guys are unique and filled with personality that makes this regiment a fun and wholesome place to be. Secondly there's the dueling part which is what I love the *F curse work* most about RG. Within The Royal Guard we are known for our tough duelist able to take on IQ Command and any Jedi that dares to threaten our fellow Imperials and most especially our VIPs like the Emperor. This part of the regiment has completely made me fall in love with the regiment because all of it added together makes for a fun dueling and whole place with others. It also shows the trust our VIPS and the ISD places when it comes to me and fellow RG in handling whatever comes at us in RP. 

Lastly theirs's the trust that others on the ISD hold in me. I’ve met some lovely and fun people on the ISD. I never shy away from meeting someone or getting to know them because that’s someone behind a screen too. I always strive to make friends that feel at home on the server and maybe even consider joining RG. I think the best example of this can be Seen within my officer application where people both within and outside the RG regiment responded with wonderful support with their reasons as to why. Events like those show that what I’m doing on the server and within the regiment is good because others seem to admire and support my existence. I also think the best compliment that I’ve received from the community is from the  
Emperor himself when he said this in command discord  
Emperor Palpatine | Bon:  "Weebe you are a outstanding Officer!" 
This makes me realize that if our beloved Emperor noticed me then I would want to do greater things on the ISD to receive his praise and bring joy to his heart and to an extent those that serve under him. I will be continuing to be myself and push expectations alongside being friendly and welcoming to all onboard the ISD.  Because whether you're in RG or not we’re still part of the GL Family  : ) ❤️

This is why I believe I should be trusted in this position. 


7. How often can you be Online ?
I can be on every day for hours since my university and work schedule both end at 5PM EST (I’m CST 4 PM for me). Meaning that After I get out of work, I don’t have to worry about going to class or work unless I have homework. Therefore, I can be on every day and have been on every day to the best of my ability. Weekends will of course be the best time since I can be on all day unless fam wants to go somewhere. 


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) 
I have 0 warnings  



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Huge + support

-very nice 

-knows RG very well

-Well in touch with all RG members

-always helps others

-great leader

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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1 hour ago, clarence said:

Huge + support

-very nice 

-knows RG very well

-Well in touch with all RG members

-always helps others

-great leader


Ex-Imperial Commando Vice Commander Δ 1140 Fixer (x2)
Co-Creator of the Imperial Commando Hazard Control Division
Former Blacklisted Member!!! (for like 2 hours cause beckett a goat frfr)

Former: First EVER IC Hazard Supervisor | IC Ω OSLD HS Colonel 1309 Niner (x2) Last EVER IC Demo LeadIC CST MaroonISB: IA Junior Operative ISB11 | Shock HVYAL LTCOL SK277 | Inferno Squad Agent IF27 | 69th RCCS 1LT 2711 Nova  SSGT | 501st HVY SGT 2770

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Massive +1. 
Has been nothing but kind to me and other RG members
Plays an active role in teaching new RG

Knows what he is doing very well
I have no downsides to him and support the promotion

Its not a war crime if your not caught!

Death solves all problems - No man, no problems.

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3 hours ago, clarence said:

Huge + support

-very nice 

-knows RG very well

-Well in touch with all RG members

-always helps others

-great leader

Good luck!

Former: First Naval and SF Merged Marshall FootSniffa     Admin Havoc MAJ     501st MAJ      Naval CAO Commander    Gunnery Officer  IF Lieutenant Squad Lead   Havoc LTCOL  IC CSL CPT 4457 Reaper IC CSVL Maroon/Blu Pyke Enforcer First Ever recruited Purge Fireteam Spectre 1LT


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8 hours ago, clarence said:

Huge + support

-very nice 

-knows RG very well

-Well in touch with all RG members

-always helps others

-great leader


Current: Retired Member
Former: Security SFTO 2LT Mork, WD-V Eqvites Cassius WRDN, Juggernaut Squire Mork NOG, Advanced Researcher Mork, PU-HAL-P.9.0.0, Purge 2LT Mork, Last Inferno Squad ID10, Nova LCPL Mark, Admin Mork, Deputy Chief Mork, First Ever Recruited ISB:IA Member

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On 1/31/2023 at 7:35 PM, Mork said:


Is also very open to working with other IPO battalions and has helped me frequently with joint trainings. 

Current: DT M36 | Imperial RP GM III | ImperialRP Moderator
Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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