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Snubster 501st Vice Commander Applicaton[Accepted]


501st Vice Commander Poll  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I be 501st Vice Commander?

    • Yes!
    • No!

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :


2. What Regiment are you applying for?

501st Vice Commander

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

Being a Vice Commander is only earned for the right people. A Vice Commander holds a lot of responsibilities that I believe that I am up for the task, such as meeting quotas, or most the time exceeding them. However that I may not approve of myself, I do so wish to become part of one of the greatest legions there is on the server. The 501st has been my very first battalion as far as I can remember. It has become a home for me on this server and along with the great friends that are apart of that family.  Starting off I say that I am one of the many applicants that are fit for this role. Firstly I am a well respected player amongst the 501st legion. Ever since my enlisted days I have been there to support all members of my legion no matter the situation. I have also gone through the lengths to help out my Non Commissioned Officers, Even my Commissioned Officers. That is my main goal as of now to become a part of the higher command team of the legion I am so proudly a part of. This legion has offered me so much and it has given me the best time as my very first legion. Once I have been so warmly welcomed into the NCO Corps, I still tested my limits by excelling at my position, by doing the most tryouts, and giving my officers any information they so desperately needed to accomplish their duties. What I am getting at is that I want to become a role model and a great leader of the 501st legion and create a wonderful experience for all players that wish to join and talk too.

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

Two weeks total time played. Or 439:32 from my battlemetrics > https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/gmod/4604844

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The question is.. What isn't the purpose of the vice commander? Firstly the Vice Commander has one of the hardest positions in all of the 501st Legion. They must create an equal opportunistic battalion aboard the ISD.  Secondly the Vice Commander has to be a face. What good show is there when you can’t have a face that no one can look up too? The face is being in a higher position to uphold order inside this fantastic legion. No matter the cost the Vice Commander must be there to listen to all those under his/her wing. Thirdly they must take on a responsible role of caring for each and everyone of the members of the 501st Legion. The matter at hand is that the Vice Commander must be that face and role model that screams.. I want to be a part of that battalion. Entrusting myself into the Vice Commander role, I can only promise that others may do the same and push there limits as a commander. Including and insuring rules must NOT be broken following handing out fair and impartial rewards and punishment. That is what I was taught in the military. I will hold that baring until the day I retire.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

The title given to me “Voice of the 501st” Has meant something dear to me. Even in my early days onboard the ISD I have taken the initiative of guiding fellow troopers onto the battlefield, following many orders, and above all..answering to the call of duty. When thrown into the NCO Corps I knew that I had to test my limits. Excelling my quotas and sparing my extra time tending to my lower enlisted troopers, and even given a helping hand to my officers. It didn’t stop for me there when I was granted the opportunity to enter the Officer ranks.. Again I have been grinding and working hard to create an amazing legion where everyone can have an equal fun and serious role play experience for all. But being the boon and voice of the 501st isn’t just a title, it's a calling. I have created many great memories in this legion. Many of which I created with other battalions as well, the relationships that I have created will also perfect myself and perform a better learning experience to myself, and to those with whom I serve Including that I also will push my fellow troopers to become their best being. No matter the time, and place, you may reach me and I will answer to the call of duty. As a Vice Commander I personally will host many great missions, give many great opportunities to the 501st legion. I can only give my word that I will DO, not try.

7. How often can you be Online? :

You will see me 3-4 days a word week after 16:30 EST. Throughout the weekend I will be mostly active!

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

I have never received any warns through out any battalion. Especially none amongst the 501st.

Edited by Still
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+ Support 
-Every encounter i have had with Snubster has been a good one 

-good role model 

Edited by Diamondback

Ex: RRH Guardian Delta 40 / CI CPT IC Project Ω Overseer VCMDR Fixer Project Ω Squad Lead Niner

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- Application a bit short

The Megaphone of 501st, even as an enlisted, Snubster had displayed great initiative and leadership; standing out amongst his fellow troopers, guiding them, lending out a helping hand without questions asked. And as expected, when thrown into the NCO corps, he would excel in his job, constantly striving for the best, always conducting try-outs and exceeding his quota; and it doesn't stop when he was promoted to officer. Albeit a bit too loud sometimes, his energy is without a doubt an invigorating source to all of 501st, it was truly a boon to have such a willing member in the 501st; and I have no doubt that if given the title of Vice Commander, he along with the rest of the command team would surely secure the future of the battalion!

I wish you the best of luck in your application! ❤️


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Snubster is the voice of 501st, he understands what it means to be a 501st member, I've seen his leadership skills first hand and they are phenomenal. His app is a little short but taking that into consideration a long with all the potential he has shown I'm sure he'd make a create Vice Commander.

Former: | Security Director | | ONE AND ONLY Admiral Antonio Motti | 

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-App A little short for commander

EX Military RP Member |Marine CMDR, MP CMDR. DI CMDR,RUAF  ATCL LTC,EX Senior Mod / Wardog| 

ExImperial Rp MC RVMS AUO Lieutenant Colonel| Moderator GM III | 



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57 minutes ago, SAINTY. said:

Please improve this application with more detail. You have 2 days.

I will do my best, I'm not the best at writing applications... hence why I am military 😄

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- All around great guy

- Exceptional Leader

- Very Capable

- Very caring/helpful


There is a sole reason this man... Snubster... is recognized as the Voice of the 501st. (It ain't because he yells). Because he is the most passionate person (that I have witnessed) in the 501st regiment! I feel that given the rank of Vice Commander, he will not only succeed but excel to the stars! He has not only show time and time again his leading skills, Willingness to help the community, but also His determination and resolve for the community he loves and cares for very much. Snubster you have been the best mentor a fellow player could ask for and I know that you would lead the 501st through what ever challenge it may ever face. For this I give you my unconditional Support.


Best of luck!

Edited by Fizz

[Lord VI] [Purge HVYAL 2LT] [ISB:IA JO]

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Big old +Support 


Snubster is one of if not the most passionate 501st I've ever seen, he will quite literally scream for 501st's benefit and is one of the best ARC I've seen within my time as 501st my only regret if his application is accepted is losing him as a ARCAL 

                                                                                                     501st ARCL COL Maze

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2 hours ago, Dairy said:



-App A little short for commander

Agree with stated, interacted with you and you seem like a chill person who can also take roleplay seriously, Best of Luck!

Former Moderator. Admiral Garrick Versio, Security Director, (Longtime SSO) Nova BHS Major Falkery NT05

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4 hours ago, THE Darth Jar Jar said:







- Application a bit short

The Megaphone of 501st, even as an enlisted, Snubster had displayed great initiative and leadership; standing out amongst his fellow troopers, guiding them, lending out a helping hand without questions asked. And as expected, when thrown into the NCO corps, he would excel in his job, constantly striving for the best, always conducting try-outs and exceeding his quota; and it doesn't stop when he was promoted to officer. Albeit a bit too loud sometimes, his energy is without a doubt an invigorating source to all of 501st, it was truly a boon to have such a willing member in the 501st; and I have no doubt that if given the title of Vice Commander, he along with the rest of the command team would surely secure the future of the battalion!

I wish you the best of luck in your application! ❤️



501st Assistant ARC Lead Colonel Hammer

Ex-Aviation Officer Lieutenant Doomlam

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11 minutes ago, Luckygamer621 said:

+support in mt time in the 501st so far i have seen snubster prove time and time again he deserves to be the rank he is. he should be 501st VCMDR i hope u best of luck snubster


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+ support

On 7/18/2022 at 5:11 PM, Fizz said:


- All around great guy

- Exceptional Leader

- Very Capable

- Very caring/helpful


There is a sole reason this man... Snubster... is recognized as the Voice of the 501st. (It ain't because he yells). Because he is the most passionate person (that I have witnessed) in the 501st regiment! I feel that given the rank of Vice Commander, he will not only succeed but excel to the stars! He has not only show time and time again his leading skills, Willingness to help the community, but also His determination and resolve for the community he loves and cares for very much. Snubster you have been the best mentor a fellow player could ask for and I know that you would lead the 501st through what ever challenge it may ever face. For this I give you my unconditional Support.


Best of luck!


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On 7/18/2022 at 3:27 PM, THE Darth Jar Jar said:







- Application a bit short

The Megaphone of 501st, even as an enlisted, Snubster had displayed great initiative and leadership; standing out amongst his fellow troopers, guiding them, lending out a helping hand without questions asked. And as expected, when thrown into the NCO corps, he would excel in his job, constantly striving for the best, always conducting try-outs and exceeding his quota; and it doesn't stop when he was promoted to officer. Albeit a bit too loud sometimes, his energy is without a doubt an invigorating source to all of 501st, it was truly a boon to have such a willing member in the 501st; and I have no doubt that if given the title of Vice Commander, he along with the rest of the command team would surely secure the future of the battalion!

I wish you the best of luck in your application! ❤️



Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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On 7/18/2022 at 5:11 PM, Fizz said:


- All around great guy

- Exceptional Leader

- Very Capable

- Very caring/helpful


There is a sole reason this man... Snubster... is recognized as the Voice of the 501st. (It ain't because he yells). Because he is the most passionate person (that I have witnessed) in the 501st regiment! I feel that given the rank of Vice Commander, he will not only succeed but excel to the stars! He has not only show time and time again his leading skills, Willingness to help the community, but also His determination and resolve for the community he loves and cares for very much. Snubster you have been the best mentor a fellow player could ask for and I know that you would lead the 501st through what ever challenge it may ever face. For this I give you my unconditional Support.


Best of luck!


Summer 2022 ❤️
FMR. 501st VCMDR - ARCAL Former Royal Guard VII Best Duelist
Ex: Moderator|| Ex. Gamemaster VI
season 4 episode 10 GIF by Star Wars

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On 7/18/2022 at 5:47 PM, Sauce Chef said:

Snubster is the voice of 501st, he understands what it means to be a 501st member, I've seen his leadership skills first hand and they are phenomenal. His app is a little short but taking that into consideration a long with all the potential he has shown I'm sure he'd make a create Vice Commander.


                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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On 7/18/2022 at 7:11 PM, Fizz said:


- All around great guy

- Exceptional Leader

- Very Capable

- Very caring/helpful


There is a sole reason this man... Snubster... is recognized as the Voice of the 501st. (It ain't because he yells). Because he is the most passionate person (that I have witnessed) in the 501st regiment! I feel that given the rank of Vice Commander, he will not only succeed but excel to the stars! He has not only show time and time again his leading skills, Willingness to help the community, but also His determination and resolve for the community he loves and cares for very much. Snubster you have been the best mentor a fellow player could ask for and I know that you would lead the 501st through what ever challenge it may ever face. For this I give you my unconditional Support.


Best of luck!


Former Grand Admiral| Former Shock Vice Commander| Former F16

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On 7/19/2022 at 2:11 AM, Fizz said:


- All around great guy

- Exceptional Leader

- Very Capable

- Very caring/helpful


There is a sole reason this man... Snubster... is recognized as the Voice of the 501st. (It ain't because he yells). Because he is the most passionate person (that I have witnessed) in the 501st regiment! I feel that given the rank of Vice Commander, he will not only succeed but excel to the stars! He has not only show time and time again his leading skills, Willingness to help the community, but also His determination and resolve for the community he loves and cares for very much. Snubster you have been the best mentor a fellow player could ask for and I know that you would lead the 501st through what ever challenge it may ever face. For this I give you my unconditional Support.


Best of luck!

couldn't say it any better

Former Purge Commander Luke

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BIG +SUPPORT...  and here's why.

Snubster walks the line between having fun and being a professional and serious member of 501st beautifully. He knows the right times to have fun, and knows when it is time to be serious. He has been known as the voice of 501st for his exuberant and outgoing nature, being kind and respectful to everyone he comes across. Every encounter I have had with Snubster has been a positive one, in which I leave feeling happier than when I first encounter him. He is exactly the kind of person that fits in a Vice Commander position, and the voice of the 501st deserves a spot as the face of 501st.


Retired GL Member "Dark"

                    Previous: Seeker Company Sergeant DT SN04 / S33, DT V07 (TI-23 Unit Marksman) TI-23 Unit Squad Leader F16, DT Vice Commander BR0/TI-23 Overseer UNO, Nova Vice Commander Battle, MOD Dark

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On 7/18/2022 at 6:27 PM, THE Darth Jar Jar said:







- Application a bit short

The Megaphone of 501st, even as an enlisted, Snubster had displayed great initiative and leadership; standing out amongst his fellow troopers, guiding them, lending out a helping hand without questions asked. And as expected, when thrown into the NCO corps, he would excel in his job, constantly striving for the best, always conducting try-outs and exceeding his quota; and it doesn't stop when he was promoted to officer. Albeit a bit too loud sometimes, his energy is without a doubt an invigorating source to all of 501st, it was truly a boon to have such a willing member in the 501st; and I have no doubt that if given the title of Vice Commander, he along with the rest of the command team would surely secure the future of the battalion!

I wish you the best of luck in your application! ❤️



On 7/18/2022 at 8:11 PM, Fizz said:


- All around great guy

- Exceptional Leader

- Very Capable

- Very caring/helpful


There is a sole reason this man... Snubster... is recognized as the Voice of the 501st. (It ain't because he yells). Because he is the most passionate person (that I have witnessed) in the 501st regiment! I feel that given the rank of Vice Commander, he will not only succeed but excel to the stars! He has not only show time and time again his leading skills, Willingness to help the community, but also His determination and resolve for the community he loves and cares for very much. Snubster you have been the best mentor a fellow player could ask for and I know that you would lead the 501st through what ever challenge it may ever face. For this I give you my unconditional Support.


Best of luck!


Gaminglight ImperialRP // Moderator
Shock Security // Captain


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