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Gun showing in car glitch - Denied

Mr. Ghost

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What you want to see? -  Please add the rule: Gov cannot arrest someone having a gun out in the car (it's a sever glitch)

Why should we add it? -  I see people make tons of sits/complaints about this. There is no rule saying we can or cant do it. But Tactical say we can' t

What are the advantages of having this? - Clarifying things

Who is it mainly for? - Gov/Crim's

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Real life a guy has a gun a cop is going to see it when they look through the windshield, simple solution is have your gun away while driving

State Police
Trooper Major 1H03 | D.O.C Assistant Warden 1CC02 | C.E.R.T Team Leader 1TL01 | State Head Field Training Officer

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+/- Support


Although it is smarter to switch away from your weapon before entering a vehicle, I do agree that a rule in this regard would help in the favor for both government and criminal. However, with this said, It would solely demeanish the realism that the server is meant to uphold.

Further Explaination:

Government: Although this would be not throughly realistic, It would help the government realize that if they were to pull that person over, that a massive gun fight would occur in the street. Ideologically, Government Personnel "like" gun fights because it "enhances" the roleplay, but that's another story. In real life, however, seeing that a weapon out would be probable cause, and would lead to a reasonable armed traffic stop. (Usually ends in casualties)

Criminal: This would help criminals get away from the scene faster after just murdering/assaulting/neutral running with a weapon out. This also allows criminals to just pull-up on someone and do what is essentially a drive by.


                                                                                        Gaminglight Moderation & Server Player

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- Support

Don't get into a vehicle with your gun out. This should be posted in bug reports as it is a bug. If it cannot be fixed, it remains in RP for Gov.

Sergeant Major Nick Hunter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Private Drexus

Rockford Police Department - Badge 1A91                                                                                                                                                                                                         Shock Security Battalion - Badge SK091

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-Support you can just put your gun away and then get in your car.

Current: PD Sergeant Major | SRT SSGT | USMS Low Command CMA!|EMS PARA | PPD UDO 


Former: Purge SGM | Brawler(BDS) | Storm trooper LCPL | CI RCT | PoliceRP Senior Moderator | PoliceRP Event Team | USMS LTMAR(Best one frfr) | HRT SSC | 


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57 minutes ago, Trumpo said:

I always thought you couldn’t act on that already if someone has the gun out in the car. So clarification would be nice to know if we can act on it or not

I agree, clarification on this would be nice.

Sergeant Major Nick Hunter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Private Drexus

Rockford Police Department - Badge 1A91                                                                                                                                                                                                         Shock Security Battalion - Badge SK091

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"A police officer can see a weapon in your hands while in a car if a traffic stop is RPed out and they are asking for your information"

this is straight from the MOTD maybe a rule addition to make it clearer would help but as you can see the only real time you can go off a gun in there hands is in a traffic stop and if they are willing to RP it out, this is because new players will always forget to put there gun away before getting into a car and having them arrested every 2 mins would not be fun for them at all.
maybe a rule where if they are wanted you may go off of the weapon in there hand but it does really need to be specific 

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20 hours ago, Nick Hunter said:

- Support

Don't get into a vehicle with your gun out. This should be posted in bug reports as it is a bug. If it cannot be fixed, it remains in RP for Gov.

Agreed if you got in a car with your gun out it’s going to get you arrested or killed tbh if your driving with a gun out it should be fail rp of your the driver because you can’t drive with a gun in your hand while turning the wheel

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