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Death Guards Final call

Iron Viper

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Hello Inferno this is JSL Death Guard here ready to make my final call to you guys and im going to be very honest with you guys, so when i first joined the imperial server i was an member of the Purge but i wanted something more and that's where you guys came in i want to thank all of you for being with me and allowing me to have this much fan will all of you i'm going to tell you guys straight up that no mater what dont stop trying till you get to where you want to be like this battalion is where i belong with RP and combat based i felt right where I belong and i just want to give a few shout outs 

Ted- thanks man you latterly took me under your wing and showed me how to be an effective Officer of inferno so you will allways have my thanks 

Bad Apple (Cecil) know this must be annoying having to see another resignation post from me but hay it ess what it ess  you were my boi in the SCP server and you became my boi on this one so you out of everyone you got the most respect 

and just to pay my respect to the those that know where i came from you all ready know what im going to say "LET THEIR BE CHAOS!"

so with that being said this is Yohan of the Inferno Squad Signing out it was an Honour to stand with all of you in battle 

Fair well Lads and time to start my new journey into the British Army 

Former RRH Analyst Delta 17 

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working out american psycho GIF

Current: 47th Duelist Euronymous 501st CMDR Pisces
Previous: SHGO Senior Guard Kuiyn | 501st HVYAL CPT Pisces 2223 | AO SubLT Pisces | GM VIII | Shore CQB SSGT Pisces TK2223 | DT SSGT WC1 | SO Lieutenant Nova | Purge BAL MAJ Pisces GB12
Wanna see how I got these warns?"

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👋 Have a good one.

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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