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Shrimp's GM Application


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In-game name: Shrimp

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:483001346

Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: Apprentice IV

Have you donated to the server?: Yes

Have you been banned on any GL server before?: Nope

Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: No

How much time do you have on the server?: 1 week

How well do you know the LORE? Explain: Not very well to not at all, I haven't really read up on the lore.

Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I want to become a GM because I think having people who are new to being a GM on the Gamemaster team can affect this server in a good way, as they can learn and ask questions along the way. It also seems pretty cool to be a GM, as I can host simms and events pretty much whenever I want, or when the server's not dead. But anyway, I want to become a GM to improve the quality of the server and give it a better image.

Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: I should be trusted to be a GM because I believe I can be of great use to the GM ranks, and I do have a little bit of experience with ULX. I won't abuse my powers as a GM, because that's dumb. I also have never been a GM, which could be good for the server, and I just think I would be a great addition to the GM team.

Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes

Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: Not too well, if this application gets accepted It'll be my first time as a GM.

Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event:

On-Ship: An ISB Lieutenant lands in MHB with a VTOL saying he has health inspectors on his ship. And they want to inspect the entire ISD. So as the health inspectors are going around the ISD, everyone would be furiously cleaning as fast as possible before the health inspectors see how dirty the ISD is, and when they do finish inspecting, they would give the highest ranking person there a review, and depending on how well the health inspectors rolled during the inspections, it could be good or bad. They would then get back on the VTOL with the ISB Lieutenant and fly back to where ever they came from.

Off-Ship: An ISB Lieutenant lands in MHB saying there is something on Hoth, specifically a Jedi far more powerful than anyone expected, along with several Rebels. Everyone is called to MHB for a briefing on what's going on, and everyone is assigned what they're doing. IQ and RG will be fighting the Jedi immediately due to how dangerous it is, so they need a lot of them. When they arrive on Hoth, the fight starts immediately. Rebels are firing upon the transport, and it's getting damaged real bad. Yet the Jedi is nowhere to be seen. So when the transport lands (crashes) on Hoth, everyone that's left would be fighting for their lives. IQ and RG would go on the defensive. Once all the Rebels are dead, IQ and RG would go look for the Jedi, as it was not there. When they do find the Jedi, its just sitting there, meditating. Then it would wake up, get on its feet, and ignite its lightsaber. IQ and RG would then fight the Jedi, most of them likely dying in the process, and everyone else getting seriously injured. During the fight against the Jedi, everyone else on the frontlines fighting Rebels would be met with overwhelming retaliation for killing the first group. Almost everyone would die, the rest seriously injured. After the fight, IQ and RG would head over, as another transport would come down and land on Hoth, everyone would get in, and fly back to the ISD. After that, everyone would go to their PDBs, and everyone would get healed, most likely by IQ and Royal Guard who have Force Heal/Group Heal, and everything would return back to normal, hopefully.

Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): !give [NAME] [SWEP]

Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): !model [NAME] [MODEL]

Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes

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Just an Opinion, read and think about a + or - Support as I am in-between. 

-The Event Ideas are alright, they could be better but as already stated you don't really know anything about GMs.
-You Don't know what GMs do, in which can be a problem within this Group as we need people ready at all times.
-A little amount of time on the server.
-You don't know the Lore, in which is also a problem as we need people to know the lore to how events.
-We can't just trust you, by you just saying that we can, even though you have been here for over a week.

I haven't really seen you around to really put my full input, but all I can say is that you don't have enough experience to become a GM as we need people that know what their doing. Aswell as people doing their job when asked to, and not have them confused the entire time, with this being said hang around with some GMs and find out what we normally do and how we function before applying for something big like this, examples of what you can do is... 1. Be an Actor for Events, 2. Ask any GM what we normally do, 3. Be on the server a little longer than a week. With all that being said, just interact with the GMs more before applying for something like this. 

All in all, Good Luck!!!!

Edited by Kio


30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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[ +Support ]


- Event Ideas are good.

- Active and I see you around communicating with people.

- Average time for someone to apply for staff / gamemaster (I applied with like 4 days playtime I believe.)

- I believe you can do well, everything is a learning experience, I trust with a little bit of guidance, you will skyrocket through Gamemaster and your Roleplay ranks.

- I would for certain watch a few Starwars Movies or even some of the series on Disney+ to learn some lore.



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35 minutes ago, Cinder said:

[ +Support ]


- Event Ideas are good.

- Active and I see you around communicating with people.

- I believe you can do well, everything is a learning experience, I trust with a little bit of guidance, you will skyrocket through Gamemaster and your Roleplay ranks.

- I would for certain watch a few Starwars Movies or even some of the series on Disney+ to learn some lore.




Ex. Grand Inquisitor   / Ex. Lead Administrator / Ex. High Command / Ex. Support Advisor /  Ex. Senior Diplomat

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On 4/12/2022 at 4:58 AM, Cinder said:

[ +Support ]


- Event Ideas are good.

- Active and I see you around communicating with people.

- Average time for someone to apply for staff / gamemaster (I applied with like 4 days playtime I believe.)

- I believe you can do well, everything is a learning experience, I trust with a little bit of guidance, you will skyrocket through Gamemaster and your Roleplay ranks.

- I would for certain watch a few Starwars Movies or even some of the series on Disney+ to learn some lore.



Good Luck! 

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