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SCP 173 Test


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Test Score Sheet

Grammar : 5/10

Tsk. Tsk. You made a ton of super easy spelling mistakes. Your main two problems were random capitalization and missing periods. Which I'm sure would fix most of the capitalization issues. Please wait a day and re-read your document before publishing it or having a friend re-read it with you.


  • "Ar Stamos" should be "AR Stamos"
  • "SCP-173 Is six foot five which appears to have" feels wrong, I would have wrote it as "SCP-173 is six foot five, the anomaly is believed to have traces of..." (its run-on/incomplete)
  • "SCP-173 Directly" the word 'directly' dose not need to be caps
  • " put into the containment Chamber and" the word 'chamber' does not need to be caps
  • "My hypothesis is that 173 will go for the Unblindfolded" the word 'unblindfolded' does not need to be caps, also Its not really a word so but '-' between the 'un' and the 'blindfolded'
    • "An easier chance to kill the 2 Unblindfolded D-class.", the following section, makes the same mistake and you capitalized the 'An'... I have a feeling a lot of these could be fixed with just missing periods.
    • " Unfortunately the Unblindfolded D-Class was", makes the same mistake
  • "SCP-173 moves At a speed of over 25319 MPH." the word 'at' dose not need to be caps
    • also I would count this towards lore but you randomly put numbers in when judging his MPH, you can just google it...  but also if you wanna make up your own speed calculations at least put a comma in
      • here is the most interesting Reddit thread I could find on calculating his speed: Click here

Creativity : 6/10

So your test isn't bad, its a focus test and a good one. Although it ethically isn't very safe... but due to only one test being done and no other ways to creatively test his targeting one could argue that SCP-173 just went after him because he blinked and could have killed one of the others instead while that D-Class blinked. Also its a very simple targeting test which could be answered on the wiki, lore wise he could have killed all 3 in a matter of milliseconds. But because the limitations were due to it being in game, ill give you some extra points. My only recommendation is think out of the box and write longer tests describing this situation in further detail. Good Job ❤️

Design / Format : 8/10
So the formatting isn't bad, I would just prefer if you added proper titles and made it fit in a little better.


  • "My question" should be labeled as your hypothesis section and writing out "My question" seems less lore like/"professional"
  • In your test section there is no label besides a bar separating it, but you also have this weird spaced gap on the far right
  • your conclusion is in a different text

Final Test Score : 19/30

I recommend re-reading your document before publishing and adding in more details. Your test logs show potential and I know they are annoying to write, but if you take your time they have easy chances at making into the Wanderers Library. Hope to see another one soon!


Senior Event Team | Deputy Head of Research | Superstar Badge Winner  | Foundation Star Award

RFA - Agent Sigma 0A0 / RRH Analyst - Sierra 17

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