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Field Officer Application - Nova

Deshon F. 2B-221

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Officer Application 
You must be SFC+ to apply for Officer

Officer Application 

What is your in game name?


What is your SteamID? 


What is your current rank?

Master Sergeant

How long have you been in Nova?

 Est. 02/15/2022 (Approx. 5 days)

How will you assist command with this rank?

I believe as a 2nd Lieutenant I can introduce a new aspect to being an Officer. One that approaches a more friendly attitude, and a more trustworthy figure towards lower enlisted. Many lower enlisted will often go to Non-Commissioned Officers who sometimes don't have the answers, or aren't confident in the response they get back, however don't want to bring the attention to a commissioned officer. My goal to help command as an officer is to bridge the gap between Officer and Enlisted in Nova Troopers. Out of the very short time I have been apart of GamingLight and Nova, I have been told I am a very approachable person. I like to use my attributes to benefit towards my future in the regiment, and I believe that with Nova growing from its ashes, it's imperative that there is an officer within the ranks who is relatable for the NCO's and enlisted. 

Why do you want to become an Officer? 

Becoming an Officer is something I have been looking forward to so I can be able to expand my view on leadership, and my capabilities in how I can help around the regiment. From what I've seen in my time in Nova, its rebirth means that it is in dire need of Officers, and gradually Non-Commissioned Officers. I would like to be one of the first in the wave of NCO's to reach officer to become a figure for incoming NCO's. Showing that seniority can be irrelevant as long as you prove you're determined enough and you hold the capabilities to operate in the rank you're provided an opportunity in. I see problems regarding moral as people gradually get promoted. When most people join a regiment they don't expect to hit Sergeant for a while inside the regiment. My primary objective is to help be an icon for lower enlisted, and NCO's. As well as being able to provide an opinion for the regiment as a whole to see its future become more prosperous. Overall the interest in the Officer position comes at the delight and success of others, and less for myself. 

Do you have any experience leading / being an Officer? 

Years ago I use to play on many smaller StarWarsRP servers, achieving High Command positions, my most notable were Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin, and Shock Commander Fox. In terms of higher player count communities, my only experience in an officer position is with IcefuseNetworks. I stood at the position of 2nd Lieutenant, up for 1st Lieutenant before I got caught up in a purge that seen majority of the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and two Command members completely removed and stripped of rank to Corporal. 

What is the purpose/duty of an Officer? 

The purpose and duties of a Commissioned Officer are to lead the soldiers in the proper direction, and to overview the bigger picture. They deal with the regiment as a whole, and oversee its success, failures and makes room for improvement among its personnel. What separates the positions between Non-Commissioned Officers and Commissioned Officers is that NCO's are present to insure one-on-one command with its personnel. In contrary, CO's are focused on the unit as a whole, instead of the one individual. Because there are less CO's than NCO's, the Commissioned Officers attention can not be diverted to one individual problem for too long, or else he/she will miss the bigger picture. Commissioned Officers pay attention to the overall performance of its personnel so Command may plan its future in operations, protocol, and regulations. Each position splits responsibility evenly among one another to be able to benefit everyone to perform at a maximum capacity with minimal burnout / risk. 

What qualifies you to be an officer?

I believe what qualifies me to a Commissioned Officer position would be my clean record, and unbias views. An elaboration would be that I am so fresh to the community itself, that I have not met anyone to make any personal connections / ties with to be able to benefit one individual by being promoted. It opts out the possibility of corruption in nearly any attribute by terms of falsifying promotions, or recommendations. Another attribute that qualifies me is that I have a spotless record. I have no interventions with staff of being reported, I have only reported other players. I have never had a negative interaction with a gamemaster, moderator, administrator or standard player. No complaints have been submitted against my name ever since I joined the community, and apparently majority of the people I've spoken to and I'm aware of have nothing bad to say about me. This attribute doubles back to my response of 'Why do you want to become an Officer'. My spotless record only makes my beneficial situation more of an iconic reason to move up and motivate others to get promoted and advance their career into Non-Commissioned Officers and Commissioned Officers. It goes to show as physical evidence that despite who you are, as long as you keep your nose clean, you can achieve remarkable things. within a division and your possibilities don't end because you're new. My objective and what qualifies me is that I want to let others know that opportunities don't end, they just get limited to what you set it to. 

Do you understand you will be on a 1-2 week trial period?

I do. 

Edited by Deshon F. 2B-221
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+ support 

as a former Vice commander of Nova if we had Nova this detailed and dedicated in my time we would of been on cloud nine fantastic  

- fantastic NCO 
- would be a great Nova officer 
- amazing Application 
- knows what he is doing and what it means to be a NCO and a Officer 


SCP/Medical Senior-Command/Manager/Head of Field Work 




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3 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

+ support 

as a former Vice commander of Nova if we had Nova this detailed and dedicated in my time we would of been on cloud nine fantastic  

- fantastic NCO 
- would be a great Nova officer 
- amazing Application 
- knows what he is doing and what it means to be a NCO and a Officer 


This man has been putting in the WORK for Nova!

I first spoke to Field the day he first joined the server. He told me he really enjoyed guarding-based regiments and I tried to familiarize him with the different ones on the server. He fell onto Nova and has stuck with it since and I have never seen him fail to do his job properly. With this man as an officer I believe Nova will be in great shape.

Best of luck Mr. Field!



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6 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

+ support 

as a former Vice commander of Nova if we had Nova this detailed and dedicated in my time we would of been on cloud nine fantastic  

- fantastic NCO 
- would be a great Nova officer 
- amazing Application 
- knows what he is doing and what it means to be a NCO and a Officer 



   Former: Grand General / Havoc Commander / ST Vice Commander

EX Imperial Army Branch Representative.

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Welcome to the officer team. Speak to any MAJ+ for your training.


30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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