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IC OSVL COL Delta's VCMDR Application- Denied


Should I be the next Sev?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I be the next Sev?

    • Yes
    • No

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : IC OSVL COL 3411 Delta


2. What Regiment are you applying for? Imperial Commandos


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?-- I would like to become a VCMDR of IC because I believe I can truly help IC and almost everyway possible in order to create a more professional atmosphere. Even though IC already has a good reputation I will never stop trying to push IC so that we can potentially become the best we can be. IC is the only battalion that I have ever put time into and since I joined I have been on every day trying to better others in IC and or pushing to get more people into IC. On numerous occasion I have proven what an officer in IC needs to do in order to keep our standards whether it be warning someone in IC or reported scenarios to higher command. I have led IC in many missions as well and would love the chance to do so at the VCMDR role and in that position on a mission be able to bring IC into more rp scenarios rather than just shooting enemies and killing hvts. I would love to do private missions for IC where they can really be tested so we can see what they are really made of and if needed where they can improve. On top of that I would bring more people into subclasses as we are lacking right now in some areas and actually allow them to do what they are trained for rather than just being with the average player doing the same as you would in any battalion. I would love the chance to specialize IC in actual special forces trainings so that if we are called upon we are get the job done in extreme fashion 100% of the time. As a VCMDR I would work alongside other command members and Officers to push IC to the point where we are the battalion that everyone WANTS to join rather than just being another option for someone. Another reason why I would love to be in the VCMDR position is because I would love to better the experience for newer players on the server and therefore bringing up the already good reputation of Gaminglight. IC is one of the  main reasons I love this server and I would love the opportunity to be able to do a lot more for this battalion than I already do and in doing so make IC a role model for what special forces should be. 

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

302 hours and 29 minutes all of which but maybe 4 is in IC. I hop on anytime I catch free time in my path


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The main purpose of a VCMDR in IC is to assist where needed, lead our brothers in dire situations, encourage players to the point where they always feel like they have a home and can potentially better themselves, and guide others in IC and if needed in other battalions so that we can always know how to act in any scenario and if needed have someone to talk to. VCMDR's need to be the role models for others so that the members of that battalion can have someone to reflect their own actions on and also have someone they can rely on if they are in a bad situation whatever it may be. VCMDRs need to be able to lead in any situation no matter what it may be and be able to take the best course of action necessary even if it means choosing between two evils. On top of that they need to be able to act up to imperial expectations and in IC that means significantly higher than others. Another main course of action for the VCMDR of IC is to be able to give members a reason to get on and stay within the battalion whether that be through setting an example and or aura about oneself or doing sims and or missions. A VCMDR in IC needs to be able to represent for his battalion to the best of his ability and show what they are really made of to other battalions and enemies.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I believe you should trust me to be VCMDR of IC because I truly believe have shown what it takes to lead and help IC in anyway I can. I have encouraged others to change and or press to be better on many occasions and have never condoned mingey activities. I have always been open about how I feel about mingey activities to other officers and or the command team. I will always, even if I do not get the position, press for a better battalion. I put in so much time into IC so that I can help in anyway I can. For example, on Sundays I work from 3-10 and I always attend the meeting regardless and actually put things aside just so I can attend. I care so much for this battalion that I actually feel terrible if I do not hop online and try to better IC. I also believe that I have the respect of the command team and every member of IC. I try to be the best officer I can be and in occasions accepted that I am wrong. I will never not accept when I am wrong even if its the most dreadful thing I will always push to better myself so that I can be someone everyone can look up too. 


7. How often can you be Online? : I can be online 7 days a week and multiple hours a day whether it be daytime or late night. The only times I have ever not gotten on the server is when I have internet or power outages. Sometimes I do work or go to college all day but on those days I get on for around 5+ hours and on my off days I get on for around 9+ hours. On my off days it is usually as soon as I wake up and get on my computer until I go to bed. 


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have zero warnings and, chop my head off for this, will never do anything that can bring along a warning. I will feel absolutely terrible if I ever do anything that will harm anyone mentally or physically. I am here to better the battalion and server in anyway I can and not to destroy anyone's feelings or harm anything in the server as a whole. 

Edited by Jump

[EX IC VCMDR Scorch and Fixer] [EX IC CMDR Boss] 

[Current DT SN03]



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+ MEGA Support

- Very Active

- Dedicated And Always Looking For Ways To Improve IC.

- Open To Feedback And Suggestions

- Fantastic Application

- Would Be A Great Fit For IC VCMDR

Edited by Rux

ImperialRP SMT & Head Admin

Former Marshal Commander

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9 minutes ago, Rux said:

+ MEGA Support

- Very Active

- Dedicated And Always Looking For Way To Improve IC.

- Open To Feedback And Suggestions

- Fantastic Application

- Would Be A Great Fit For IC VCMDR

If the commander is +Supporting, then I shall too. 
Best of luck mate! Hope you get it.

  • Like 1

   Former: Grand General / Havoc Commander / ST Vice Commander

EX Imperial Army Branch Representative.

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8 hours ago, Rux said:

+ MEGA Support

- Very Active

- Dedicated And Always Looking For Ways To Improve IC.

- Open To Feedback And Suggestions

- Fantastic Application

- Would Be A Great Fit For IC VCMDR



Former: Ninth Sister | Purge Vice Commander | Senior Moderator

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15 hours ago, Rux said:

+ MEGA Support

- Very Active

- Dedicated And Always Looking For Ways To Improve IC.

- Open To Feedback And Suggestions

- Fantastic Application

- Would Be A Great Fit For IC VCMDR


Current: None


Former:  IC CSLD Captain Reaper | Star Fighter Corps Senior Group Captain And Gladius Squad Lead | Death Trooper First Lieutenant | Inferno Squad Squad Lead Gamemaster III & Senior Moderator


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On 2/9/2022 at 8:49 PM, Rux said:

+ MEGA Support

- Very Active

- Dedicated And Always Looking For Ways To Improve IC.

- Open To Feedback And Suggestions

- Fantastic Application

- Would Be A Great Fit For IC VCMDR


Primary Life:
Pyke Henchman I JSR Matrix
Secondary / Former
Admiral Garrick Versio || Nova MMO SFC || SF GSO TP || Lord IV  || 69th MSGT || IC SSS SGT || Senior Moderator

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Thank you for your interested in joining the Army Command Team. 

You may reapply in 2 weeks time.

- Advisor Bear -
- = was Darth Vader (fortnite) & killed a lot of people (MRDM)= -
R IC COL 6150 BEAR | R ST COL Barrett 6150

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