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Rurikovic's Senior Command application


Should Rurikovic become a member of SCMD?  

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  1. 1. Should Rurikovic become a member of SCMD?

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1. Steam Name?: Kvist

2. Steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:5994124

3. Roster Name?: Rurikovic

4. Current Rank?: Captain

5. When were you promoted?: 10/16/21

6. How long have you been a member of GENSEC (roughly)?: Since the middle of July, so nearly 5 months.

7. Do you promise to uphold all rules instated by GamingLight and by the many Security guidelines?: Yes, absolutely.

8. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a Command member in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, etc.?: Yes, I do.

9. Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower/higher rankings?: Yes. Everybody deserves respect and understanding.

10. Why do you want to become a Senior Command member? (150 WORDS+):

I am by far one of the most effective leaders within GenSec. I can comfortably lead and manage large groups of personnel towards an objective or vision while keeping them motivated. My effectiveness comes from a mindset of duty that's been taught to me my entire life. I'm of the belief that my position is more than a rank; I'm an integral gear in a machine that needs to keep turning in order for the machine to keep working, lest 'production' is stopped up. I take responsibility seriously.

I can read people incredibly well. This helps me in my personal doctrine of 'personality management' - I'm able to effectively figure out the wants and needs of those around me in a work environment, and adapt my approach to fit those needs for the benefit of the organization. I utilize a 'coaching' management style that complements this skill, which involves guiding others to success through collaboration.

What I bring to the table is a skill-set far rarer than most these days: reliability, loyalty, and professionalism. I will never leave with little to no explanation. I will never conspire. I am and will continue to be dependable counsel, always willing and able to give advice and assist HCMD to the best of my abilities. I fully understand when to tow the line, even when I may disagree.

So what does all of this have to do with why I want to join Senior Command? In short, because I'm good at what I do and I enjoy what I do. To expand, because I want to take advantage of the opportunity to extrapolate these skills and abilities on a wider scale, and to continue working towards a better GenSec as a whole. GenSec has treated me well and fairly since I was an Officer many months ago, and I'd love to bring that perspective with me into SCMD.

Though I'm not throwing in my lot for SCMD without flaws, perhaps my greatest character trait is that I can own my shortcomings and learn from them. I evolve and I grow day by day through a natural curiosity and a yearning to always improve. I take every chance like this as a learning experience. I brought that same attitude with me as a Junior Warden, and it served me well all the way up to my current position as the Head Warden.

11. What would you do if a Security Officer was constantly leaving D-Block?:

I would take the Officer aside and talk to them and figure out what the miscommunication is before taking any action. Most people at that rank aren't going out of their way to cause trouble, it's just a matter of confusion that can be cleared up. It's also important to keep in mind that as a Command member and them as an Officer, chances are that I would be the first person of authority they would be speaking to one-on-one, so I would need to represent the branch well to them.

12. What would you do if an NCO kept on leaving D-Block with terrible reasons?:

I would be more firm and concise than the above situation with the Officer - an NCO should know that their leadership is needed in D-Block. However, they also have the judgement to decide when leaving D-Block is appropriate so that must be taken into account as well. I would hear their reasoning first, and then decide if corrective action is to be taken. It's likely a conversation can resolve matters, with a possible Watch List should I have any feelings of doubt about their competency. I would keep a strike on the table if I didn't like what I was hearing.

13. What do you do if an E-11 Private comes into D-Block and attempts to take command of all of the Security?:

I would immediately stop the E-11 Private in their tracks and take control of the situation. Then, I would pull them to the side privately, figure out exactly where their head is at, and send them on their way afterwards. Depending on how they reacted towards me, it may warrant a report from me to both their High Command and to mine. Note that I wouldn't deal with this publicly, outside of checking their attempt to take control of GenSec personnel. It would be needless to humiliate the E-11 Private in front of the assembled Security, even if they're completely in the wrong.

14. Explain the process of promoting a Corporal to Sergeant in your own words:

I am always on the watch for those in GenSec with leadership potential. If a Corporal were to meet these standards, I would consider them for promotion to an NCO.

First, I'd make sure they weren't on a promotion cool down, a DNP, or a Watch List. If an NCO was on, I might ask for their opinion on the Corporal. If I'm happy with what I hear, I'd take them aside and get straight to the point: I'm happy with their performance, they have potential as an NCO, and so I've decided to raise their rank to give that potential a chance to bloom.

After that, it's by the book: they'd be given the NCO guide, and I'd specifically emphasize the parts that talk about being a role model and a leader and the obligations that come along with that, ie. patrols, assigning escorts, and so on. I'd let them know that they can now call protocols on Code Orange and Black. They would also be informed of their ability to become an FTO and a Sniper; I would train them for the latter on the spot and let them know that becoming the former is an important step to becoming a Warrant Officer. They would have the importance of NCO Activity Logs underscored and some tips and tricks about how to make effective logs relayed to them. They would be told of the forum account requirement.

Throughout the promotion process, I would stress the fact that as an NCO, they're now the face of GenSec authority in D-Block.

After that, they would be set loose, hopefully my words having gave them more purpose!


KVIST/RURIKOVIC (aka still the guy who's name no one can pronounce)

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Ive literally been waiting for ya to apply just so I can +support it smh

Amazing guy, A absolute joy to work with in wardens, and just a good guy all around!

I look forward to hopefully having you on the senior command team with us and getting to work with you even more!

  • Gaminglight Love 1

The best D class player to ever exist

UwU >:3

Security best branch

Owns: D-3621

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54 minutes ago, Ashe Fox said:


Ive literally been waiting for ya to apply just so I can +support it smh

Amazing guy, A absolute joy to work with in wardens, and just a good guy all around!

I look forward to hopefully having you on the senior command team with us and getting to work with you even more!


  • Gaminglight Love 1

SCP-RP | Maintenance Expert | HLPR Bot bT5 | Senior Researcher | Senior Event Team Member

Custom Classes | Umbrella Corporation Operative


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8 hours ago, Ashe Fox said:


Ive literally been waiting for ya to apply just so I can +support it smh

Amazing guy, A absolute joy to work with in wardens, and just a good guy all around!

I look forward to hopefully having you on the senior command team with us and getting to work with you even more!


I think he's a good guy, he's good in wardens and has been a good command member in doing task and in being a good person to be around.

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Former Sub-Branch Ranks: SEC: SFTO & Juggernaut Nu-7: DHTR, IFE, IBHM E11: CB 

Retired Medical Staff EXPM Williams, Maintenance Professional, Sec CPT, Nu-7 2LT R&D SIN

Alpha 26

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7 hours ago, PlantBruh said:

Great application, and a great guy with an even better mindset and genuinely wants to help GenSec grow. 
He's the HWD and i think he will go very far in GenSec. 

Couldn't of said it better my self 

Ranks: Former DHWD SEC MAJ | Former Nu7 SM | Former Research RM | Former Foxtrot-15 | EXM

CCs: (Owns) Omnipurpouse Furry Force, (On) MTF Rev 26 'Vigilant Hero' , Snowmen , MTF Unit Heaven Ascendants A Normal D-Class 

"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction." --- JFK

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10 hours ago, Ashe Fox said:


Ive literally been waiting for ya to apply just so I can +support it smh

Amazing guy, A absolute joy to work with in wardens, and just a good guy all around!

I look forward to hopefully having you on the senior command team with us and getting to work with you even more!



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