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Everything posted by Kvist

  1. Name: Kovic Warden Name: Tiberius Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5994124 Rank: LTCOL What needs to be updated: Resigning Unfortunately I've lost interest with GamingLight for the time being. I was never any good at saying goodbye. I've learned a lot in my time here, and I hope I've helped others learn a lot too. I know I haven't been the easiest person to get along with, but ultimately it came from a place of passion, not malice. I always tried to do the right thing by every position I held and every person who put their trust in me. So the right thing to do is to vacate this position and give others a chance to grow.
  2. Kvist

    Kovic LOA

    My power is out and cell service is spotty. My city was recently devastated by severe storms. LOA tentatively until the 27th, may be shorter or longer depending on repair efforts.
  3. -Support Sounds like you fucked up here as 8286. Any experienced 8286 player would be switching disguises quicker, or at least making sure they don't run into their doppleganger. This really, really seems to me like you're angry you got caught. The rolls are also above board, no one has to roll unless they're lying. I guess what Baeto did was weird, but he is High Command no matter what job he's on. He is still the same character. The real Baeto would've pulled the High Command card, which is what he did. It is kind of lame and goes against the ingame naming and ranking scheme, but if it was done better I can see it being legitimate.
  4. Cope, on D-Class we have no NLR.
  5. D-Class are perfectly balanced vs. GenSec weapons and capabilities. The issue at hand is the amount of MTF branches in and out of D-Block at will or with very loose restrictions. They demolish D-Class with no problem. I've personally experienced the frustration of small amounts of HTF demolishing our riot attempts.
  6. Heavy -Support No one 'did away with you', you were just demoted from a position of increased responsibility because you entirely neglected your duties for an extended length of time with zero explanation. I don't know if you were given any warning or not or if a warning was even warranted in this case, but you handled it horribly and you continue to do so in this very thread. Frankly, I'd rather not have to watch my back in D-Block just incase you're in a bad mood that day.
  7. Agreed. +Support for reasons stated, there needs to be more incentive for the time and effort spent on trainings. Great idea.
  8. I think if there's a handful of incidents where multiple parties could be considered at fault as well, neg-rating someone's application where they are barred from responding and giving their side is distasteful.
  9. Again, the question is this: do all Nu-7 garner that level of attention from you? Most people do not put that level of effort into their roleplay here but suddenly they're Sherlock Holmes IC when they read an OOC job title. However, to be fair, many EOI have the subtlety of a sledgehammer and are very quick to mistake genuine IC suspicion for metagame.
  10. So on Imperial RP it's fine to play music with slurs in it but on another server in the exact same community it's a ban? We're not talking about some sort of nuanced roleplay rule that can vary from roleplay scenario to roleplay scenario, we're talking about what can be considered racism. This needs to be an enforced, uniform rule or not at all.
  11. The answer is definitely grounds for an AOS, no question about it. A reasonable person would find it suspicious that somebody who reports to him is on a private MTF channel that he himself does not have access to. However, my question is if the reported party would approach any Nu-7 member that he outranked like that if he didn't realize the guy was an EOI. I don't think it's fair to assume the worst right off, so I'd like to know that first.
  12. You must have seen very little! My Praefect aka Deputy Head Warden for a reason. His ingame activity is among the highest in the server (seriously, look at the BattleMetrics), and at this point in time his other attentions are focused on running the Wardens sub-branch jointly with me. This takes many forms - theorycrafting with me, dealing with daily minutiae of the sub-branch, hosting meetings, and so on. His activity excels in all of these areas. I support GameHunter.
  13. +Support for changing the MOTD. It's not a loophole, it's literally what the MOTD says. If I was a new player to the server and/or relatively new to SCP-RP in general, I would be confused by the MOTD wording as well. I always assumed the acid had to stay there because 682 would be able to easily leap out of his inner-CC RP-wise without the constant damage from the acid so he'd have to make do with D-Class acid soup.
  14. You really think the problem with D-Block balance right now is centered around a Security sniper? Really? My main issue as a D-Class is the constant HTF presence in D-Block, that's what stops any riot I attempt to incite as a mobster in its tracks.
  15. Really? The most powerful branch in the server, CI, has an entire KOS list dedicated to D-Class who interfere with their raids repeatedly. We have rules and protocols so other powerful branches, E-11 and Nu-7, far more powerful than D-Class, can head into D-Block. My concern is that when GenSec is brought up, D-Class are just, in your words, 'bald men with pistols'. D-Class have no NLR. Throw in a couple of CCs, and shit gets even more real. Focusing on HP and AP for a single D-Class is shortsighted. D-Class as a whole, when they have enough people on, can very easily be a force to be reckoned with. It goes without saying that this is a +Support from me. I think whatever HP/AP concerns anyone has can be ironed out with time.
  16. This is actually a consistent issue I'm noticing with sits I've been involved in or have seen others involved in. One of the parties to the sit who is familiar with the handling staff member(s) will head into a TS channel with the staff and will hash it out in private, while the other person is forced to sit there in a quiet sit room ingame. This creates an atmosphere of impropriety and favouritism, even if it isn't so. This topic is a -Support however, this would be better suited to a warn appeal.
  17. I'd like something in there so the armory wasn't so bare, but not the current table. I'm so tired of medical charges being stuck under the NPC's feet.
  18. I'd like to hear why it was added by SMT instead of speculation.
  19. Kvist

    Greg's Resignation

    You're the man, Greg. Don't forget that, and don't be a stranger!
  20. D-Class are not a unified branch. All types of people play it for different reasons and motivations, and that is also true to what D-Class would reasonably be IC. Most D-Class do not attack CI because they understand that CI are rescuing them. However, there is always the chance that the deranged inmate that is locked up for dangerous, unethical testing might open fire on the people with big guns that look exactly like the other people with big guns that are keeping them captive. The unpredictability of D-Class is an issue that literally everybody has to deal with in an IC fashion besides CI. While we seem to be moving in a roleplay oriented direction, this is something that seems to tip the scales into a PVP direction. EDIT: In what world are we giving people consequences for playing the game, by the way? IC consequences are part of roleplay, sure, but OOC consequences? A player should be shot because of his Steam ID? No, a D-Class should be shot because he's prone to attack CI.
  21. I just gave you multiple reasons. Your issues with D-Class is the nature is with the nature of D-Class as a whole: they are unpredictable and their allegiances are different. It should be dealt with in an IC fashion through protocols, ingame communication, and so on. Resorting to a completely OOC, metagaming mechanic to deal with what literally the entire server has to deal with isn't cool.
  22. Welcome to D-Class. This is part and parcel of what D-Class is about, people getting on there to shoot at stuff because they're bored. Literally the entire server has to deal with that. It can be dealt with very easily in an IC fashion, and not through Steam IDs.
  23. Obligatory format: What are you suggesting? - Removing the CI KOS list. How would this change better the server? - All points are below. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - It may be initially harder for CI to deal with rebelling D-Class. Who would this change mostly benefit? - D-Class that want to actually be D-Class and attack everybody. Hello, To put it simply, the CI KOS list is untenable for any type of roleplay server. To my understanding, they put D-Class on a Kill-on-Sight list if they attack CI during a raid repeatedly. This is troubling for a number of reasons: 1) This is in stark contrast to any type of roleplay rules or standards, particularly concerning using OOC information in an IC fashion. Stopping in the middle of a raid to rp_lookup somebody to decide whether or not to shoot them is difficult to combine with any form of roleplay. D-Class can be annoying, but they should be dealt with in an in-character fashion. 2) The Foundation is forced to come up with IC solutions to D-Class rebellions, whether it's D-Block protocols or using comms to narrow down their search. I respect the fact that CI is in a unique situation as the only anti-Foundation branch, and that should be mitigated with buffs and other advantages. What shouldn't happen is a warping of the rules at the expense of the most important section of the server, the D-Class. 3) This encourages laziness and a lack of roleplay. New procedures or using IC comms is something that CI can easily utilize to counter rebelling D-Class. I distinctly remember a CI raid where they literally locked down D-Block and slaughtered all the D-Class wholesale because they were being attacked constantly. That'll send their message, both IC and OOC. 4) What if the shoe was on the other foot? Can you imagine if the Foundation had a KOS list of EOI operatives? What if we made a list of known rebelling D-Class and just gunned them down when they came up the elevator? Again, CI is in a precarious position as the only anti-Foundation branch, yet warping the rules to benefit them just leads to resentment and confusion.
  24. Should've asked Ranger.
  25. Name: Rurikovic Rank: LTCOL Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5994124 Current Sub-Branches you're in: Wardens, FTO, Juggernaut, Riot Control, Sniper Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I am one of the strongest leaders you currently have in Command. This is due to a natural ability to lead and because of my many years of real life experience in leadership positions. That in and of itself is a benefit to the branch, and I've used that ability to mentor many lower ranks both through the Mentor Program and also as an ear for advice. I've also worked hand-in-hand with my Deputy Heads in Wardens to completely re-vitalize the Wardens sub-branch in many different ways, but primarily by recognizing talented individuals and placing them in key positions. I was also a key figure behind theorycrafting the wildly successful 'Exspiravit Project' within Wardens, something that I remain immensely proud of to this day - that I was able to leave my mark on Security in some way and everybody gets to enjoy something I had a part in long after I'm gone someday. I'm versatile. Not only am I well-versed in handling matters as it involves developing rapport with my fellow branch members, I am also incredibly knowledgeable with both matters inside the branch and within the server. I am regularly approached for my input on many issues at all hours, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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