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Brays Staff restriction appeal- Denied


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1. Steam Name: Brayden 

2. In game Name:Bray 

3. SteamID:

4. Have you donated to the server? Yes  258$ total 

5. Staff Restriction Length:perms 

6. Staff Member that Staff Restricted you:Drippy 

7. Reason for Staff Restriction:for copying someone’s staff app

8. Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better): so first of all I really didint copy it it’s was weird becaue the application I made started out the same way as someone else but then it changed and drippy thought it was a guys that I copied off of but honestly I think he made a mistake but ever sence I joined gaminglight I’ve always wanted to be staff but nobody in the server thought I was good enough but you know if someone would actually trust me maybe I could show the server what a good staff member is I’ve had staff experience before on a ice fuse server but I quit because I was going to try and become staff on gaminglight but everyone on the server didint beileve in me and no one will ever because they might think I’m a minge or they just don’t like me because but I know I got what it take to be a staff member 

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1 hour ago, Pillow said:



According to Jimmy (Who was Head of Staff at the time of the restriction) said you made alts to reply to your own staff app, and i'm pretty sure you were warned recently as well. Until you show MAJOR improvement its gonna be a -support from me.



Also..threw this into a text comparison with the app you copied (Here is the link to that) and um, the only thing different is you corrected the "don't" in his staff application...

Red = ChilledGod's App

Green = Your Application



To clarify, Jimmy never staff restricted Bray, I did. Although this being brought up does help, and it shows that it wasn't his first time doing this, it was also not the only reason he received a permanent staff restriction.

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PoliceRP - Retired Manager

Retired SWAT Commander | UMC 

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-nah dude you got caught in 4k your application IS LITTERALY THE SAME as Chilled's there is no excuse for that, stop acting like you have done nothing wrong you act the same way in FBI that's why you got knocked down to PA. 
-You take no responsibility for ANY of your actions, you lied on you staff app, you lied about what rank you were in FBI and you lied on your HRT application. 
-Maybe if you should any ounce of taking responsibility for your actions instead of acting innocent people wouldn't see you as a minge 

Retired FBI Director|$2,000Donator gang|UMC LVL 4

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2 hours ago, Pillow said:



According to Jimmy (Who was Head of Staff at the time of the restriction) said you made alts to reply to your own staff app, and i'm pretty sure you were warned recently as well. Until you show MAJOR improvement its gonna be a -support from me.



Also..threw this into a text comparison with the app you copied (Here is the link to that) and um, the only thing different is you corrected the "don't" in his staff application...

Red = ChilledGod's App

Green = Your Application




PD Captain  Senior Moderator Late night minge patrol 

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bray imma be real now when you read out that application it did not one bit sound like you at all and you also told us it was an app from over a year ago but we later found out it was posted less then a month ago just be honest dude you just did yourself a deep whole and wont ever be able to get out of it, ive tried helping you time after time with pd staff even event team aswell when you applied but you just seem to ruin it, this doesnt mean i dislike you at all you just make silly choices and all you need to do is step back and see what you are doing, people like it when your online its fun and funny seeing you drive into a wall or try a mug someone and fail and you have a laugh about it but you let yourself down almost immediately after dude, just work on some things people have stated and you should be alright head up and push forward 


$500+ Donator

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6 hours ago, Lime King said:

-nah dude you got caught in 4k your application IS LITTERALY THE SAME as Chilled's there is no excuse for that, stop acting like you have done nothing wrong you act the same way in FBI that's why you got knocked down to PA. 
-You take no responsibility for ANY of your actions, you lied on you staff app, you lied about what rank you were in FBI and you lied on your HRT application. 
-Maybe if you should any ounce of taking responsibility for your actions instead of acting innocent people wouldn't see you as a minge 

Yea no from me -support

UMC l SS Assistant SAIC l SWAT PFC l 


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