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MiniEpic's SWAT 48 hour Resignation


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Hello all! It's been long time coming in SWAT, I personally have been SWAT for 1.5 Years and that's almost half my time on GL. I just want to thank everyone who has came with me this far in SWAT to get to captain and helped me. I have had my ups and downs in this department a lot when I was supervisor and enlisted but never gave up. I never gave up in this department got super far because of all of you! Also the main reason why I am doing this is because I want to free some time for School and life as a whole, I have goals in my mind I want to do.

There's a ton of people who I can mention for this but I am going listen some of people who guided me through..

Freeze - The guy who can't train and how trained me for SWAT from Tryouts and Applications, Thank you.

Drippy - Man, It's crazy how I saw you long time ago as a PVT and as a Trial Moderator at the time and then seeing you at head of staff. You deserve it and love see what you do with SWAT as commander again!

ChipDail - You are the guy I got accepted with I believe or I got accepted with a week before Into SWAT. Me and you were climbing the ranks together but honestly, your my favortire Russian Tbh! 

Seb - I know this is a crazy mention but you were LT when I joined but resigned 3 months later or 5 I cant remember, one of the best people I have met! Also congrats on driving.

John Newsme ( I think I spelt this wrong ) -  Congrats on Commander or when you got commander, sad to see you resigned but goodluck on life!

Techy - I didn't talk to you most of time, thank you for the help with some documents lol

Enlisted and Command I didn't list (plus supervisors) - Never give up! I know some of you will get to high ranks in this department and I would love to see it!


Thank you for the Year and half of meeting people in this department and the fun of this department.

I will never forget SWAT!

I couldn't mention some people some are ya know and some are not but thank you once again!

Edited by MiniEpic
  • Gaminglight Love 1


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  • MiniEpic changed the title to MiniEpic's SWAT 48 hour Resignation

You've been in SWAT for as long as I can remember, and I got to watch you go from the person that nearly got removed for meta gaming, to a command member that helped me lead the department. You've put in a lot of work for SWAT and it will definitely be weird not having you around. Thanks for everything you've done for SWAT, good luck in your future endeavors!

PoliceRP - Retired Manager

Retired SWAT Commander | UMC 

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  • Head Admin

Mini, while it has been an eternity since I have been in SWAT, I gotta say that you are one of the longest serving members in the department. You have been an inspiration to so many officers, and probably more than you know about thanks to your continued leadership and professionalism you've displayed during your time as command and throughout your journey up the ranks. Thanks for your contributions, and best of luck with your school work!


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Noooo, Mini!!!! M8 You are a great guy and I saw how much you changed over the course of time we were in SWAT together! Good Luck in other Departments! Hope to see you come back! ❤️ 

🔵S.W.A.T Commander ChipDail 1K15🔵

“You need to beaware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.” – Jim Stovall 

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