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EMS Role Call 10/17 - 10/31


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EMS Has 2 Weeks to Fill out this Role Call 10/17 - 10/31

Failure to Fill this rolecall in 2 Weeks will result in Removal 10/17 - 10/31

Only Serious Responses will be counted to this RC.

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Rank and Callsign:

Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive?

Why would you like to stay in the department?

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on?


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Name: Ajax 

Rank and Callsign: Deputy 8702

Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? Active

Why would you like to stay in the department? Too Further my Career within EMS and staying with an amazing Command team.

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? N/A

Edited by Ajax K.

                         Current Police RP Positions   

  • C.E.R.T Co-Commander | 1K33
  • Umbrella Corp | LVL 1

               Prior Police RP Positions
  • Retired | Reserve Police Assistant Chief | 1K-9
  • Former | Trooper Major | 1H03
  • Former | C.E.R.T Team Leader x2 | 1TL03
  • Former | Reserve SPMU Head Patrolman | 1HP01
  • Former | Reserve DOC Warden | 1CW33
  • Former | Reserve RRU Director | 8701
  • Former | Reserve EMS Deputy Chief | 8603
  • Former | SCU Co-CMDR | 1K33
  • Former | Secret Service SAIC | XR03
  • Former | UMC Paramilitary | LVL 4  
  • Signed, Ajax Reyes.
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Name: Deathboy 

Rank and Callsign: LT, 8701

Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? semi active but have been getting more active 

Why would you like to stay in the department? 

Because I enjoy the roleplay when ever I hop on, its really fun to help out the people while roleplaying, I also love the people on EMS. there nice to hang out with.

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve nope 

Edited by Deathboy

PD LT l SCU CSM RIP l FBI SAIC l USMS SVSA l HRT SSC l Dispatcher l SS SSA l State Senior Trooper l DOC SNR CO l EMS LT l RRU SRRM l SCO19 DS l ex senior moderator l Event Team

Have The Best Day You Possibly Can 


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Rank and Callsign: Deputy  8703

Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? Active 

Why would you like to stay in the department?: Because EMS is cool and there are nice people in it

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on?: N/A


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Name: Mar

Rank and Callsign: EMT  8821

Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? Semi active

Why would you like to stay in the department? I like the rp perspective  of it. It has a lot more rp then just normal Pd

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? I got nothing 

Currently -- | COL of PD | EMT of EMS | LVL 7 of UMC | Staff | Owner of CC Mar and Sike | Lieutenant STATE | Forums Diplomat | 

Was -- | DAD of FBI | MSGT of HRT | SA of Secret Service | IRA | Support staff | Event Team | CC Member of HRT | CSM Of SCU 1R45 | Retired Chief Constable of SCO19 | DOC CPT |                                 

  Things always come and go but its your choice to choose  what you want to continue to see.   -  Mar

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Name: Ajax 

Rank and Callsign: Deputy 8727

Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? Active

Why would you like to stay in the department? It is my favorite department and MJ and Ajax are in it.

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? N/A

Retired FBI DCOS | Retired SS Director | KABUKI

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Name: Beelzebub

Rank and Callsign: AEMT | 8824

Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? Active for the time I have

Why would you like to stay in the department? I love the RP experiences that I can have and the situations I can see. Plus #RRU. 

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? Documents getting updated, things getting logged faster, some RRU appreciation on the website and in updates 

~Beelzebub | Gaminglight Member Since 2016
"If you want real happiness, you've got to find it for yourself! Not wait for someone to give it to you!"- Asuka Langley Soyru

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Name: Traitor

Rank and Callsign: EMT 8807

Would you consider yourself Inactive?

Why would you like to stay in the department? No, sorry I got more personal stuff to do,

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? N/A

Idiots with guns are the funniest people.
Please don't make fun of me for the "Oh no, its a traitor!"

Oh no, not you too!

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Name: Travis Sandman

Rank and Callsign: Paramedic (8805)

Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? Semi Active

Why would you like to stay in the department? I have made good friends on EMS and want to continue being EMS

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? N/A

Umbrella Corp Manager LVL 8 | Harry Duke CC Owner | US GFH25 Delta Force Operative Owner


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Rank and Callsign: Head Deputy 8708


Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive?:Semi active (I'm only on at early morning times) 


Why would you like to stay in the department? Role-playing and good members in the department and it's well known. 


Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on:N/A

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Name: Ronin

Rank and Callsign: AEMT 8830

Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? Semi Active

Why would you like to stay in the department? I enjoy the roleplay and being able to help people out with stuff.

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? N/A

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Name: Kevin

Rank and Callsign: Para, 8832

Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? Semi Active

Why would you like to stay in the department? I would like to stay in the department because I love EMS, I love the RP aspect to it.

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? N/A

  • Retired: 
  • Police Department Captain 1L-28
  • Emergency Medical Services Head FTO FTO-01
  • Emergency Medical Services Deputy 87-33
  • Emergency Medical Services Secretary
  • United States Marshal Service Lead Special Agent 1Q-31
  • USMS Bounty Hunter Leader BHL-01
  • SRT GySGT 1R-28
  • SRT Corporal 1S-28
  • SCU Colonel 1U-28/SCU Head FTO
  • Police RP: Moderator

Drill Sgt. Kevin 1L-28

  • "You do not lose if you get knocked down. You lose if you stay down" -Muhammed Ali


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Name: Cecil Stedmen

Rank/Callsign: Para, 8810

Would you consider yourself Active, Semi Active, Inactive? Inactive (Was on LOA until today)

Why would you like to stay in the department? Finally got my cooling fan fixed and the roleplay done in EMS is fun.

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? Can't say anything since I haven't been on in a month.

Former SCPRP: CI R&D Chief Director of Operations || Research Administrator || RFA Operations Advisory || RRH Analyst Xray 77 || CI General || Senior Event Team || CI Lieutenant Commander || Exemplary Investigator Award Recipient || STF D4 Poseidon PL7 || A1 SPC "Quantum"

Former ImperialRP: Naval Captain || Security Director || GM VI 

Former PoliceRP:  EMS Captain || RRU Rapid Response Team Manager || FBI Assistant Director 

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Name: Darby

Rank and Callsign: EMT 8823

Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? Active

Why would you like to stay in the department? Because EMS Low & High Command is pretty good and I enjoy the RP.

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? Not really as I do not see anyone on when I am on.

(Note: I play very late nights and very early mornings, not many people are on the server on those times, there are some exceptions to this)

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Name: Kevin 

Rank and Callsign: EMT 8822

Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? Semi-Active 

Why would you like to stay in the department? Because it’s fun to do at night (Mostly on at night) and it’s a good way to make new friends and live new experiences 

Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? I don’t think so 

Trooper Colonel Kevin 1K68
Former C.E.R.T Commander Kev 1K68

S.R.T GYSGT Kev 1R78

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