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tiky's OS Application


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Application format:

1. What’s your In-Game Name? tiky

2. What’s your SteamID?  STEAM_0:0:490073845

3. What is your Rank? MP

4. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 0 I think soo?

5. How many warnings do you have on GL? 3

6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 9 

7. Why do you believe you should become a Maintenance Command member (100+ words)? I have is that I have 3 warns but those warns were there like when I was level 10 or lower. I have been here like since like June or July and since more time passed by more people left which was sad Stonks, Loaf, ., Jenkins, and a couple more I spent like who knows a couple of months as a MP then I left and returned sometime ago. Plus my  main branch is Maintenance but the other main for another person that kills me a lot that is ShinSpin he is a d class main yea which I'm scared of him when he gets on Pro D class which he kills me in a couple of hits and also I've met a lot of people which some of them left which is sad RIP STONKS. This Command spot means a lot to me I have been in maintenance for so long I didn't know how to sign up for command.


8-1. A Utility Trainee has escaped the training room and is refusing to return, how would you handle this?  If they are that mingey I might want to handle this but I have 3 ways First probably I might want to RDM or what other people say kill them but make sure the Training Room door is closed or the other way is to put them on a DNT and the last way is you call a sit and let an admin cuff them and return you back to the Training Room.

8-2. Some enlisted members have begun RDMing each other in bunks as a way to pass time, what would you do in this situation? I would probably ask them to stop but if they don't stop RDMing each other I would contact High Command but only if they are on and not busy because I don't want to disturb them. 



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Tiky, you indeed an active and known member in Maintenance. You have fixed many things and saved the site a couple of times.

Though you are pretty mingy at times. And not in a funny way. Sometimes, other CMD members and I have to tell you to stop doing things you're not supposed to do.

I know you were gone for a long time but I've only counted 2 trainings from you from September 8 2021 to now. I know this isn't about FTO stuff but usually I like future CMD members to be active in FTO. 

And you do not contact High Command about enlisteds rdming each other in bunks. Unless the enlisted's rank is higher than you can strike, you can request a AMM(MP) or MM(ME) for permission to strike them. Going to HCMD for something like this is not the proper CoC.


I hope you respect my thoughts put into this post andI want you to mature a bit more, not like getting older, but have a higher standard put up to yourself if you want to be in CMD. Not gonna leave any -/+ supports because I am very mixed with this decision.



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Tiky is a very active member of maintenance but I personally don't think that he is ready to be command yet.
Although Tiky has been putting in work as maintenance he does have a pretty bad history of minging.
I have personally not seen Tiky take control and display any particular leadership qualities that would tell me that he would good as command.
I believe that it would be healthy for Tiky to spend some more time as Senior Enlisted. It would give him a chance to hold himself to a higher standard and address the criticism and concerns of the people responding to his application.

Tiky, you have potential but there are some stuff you need to work on before I believe that you are ready for a position in command.

~ MM CSM Lo Wang Ex Nova VCMDR Mixtru NT03 Ex Lord VIII Mixtru

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10 minutes ago, mixtru said:


Tiky is a very active member of maintenance but I personally don't think that he is ready to be command yet.
Although Tiky has been putting in work as maintenance he does have a pretty bad history of minging.
I have personally not seen Tiky take control and display any particular leadership qualities that would tell me that he would good as command.
I believe that it would be healthy for Tiky to spend some more time as Senior Enlisted. It would give him a chance to hold himself to a higher standard and address the criticism and concerns of the people responding to his application.

Tiky, you have potential but there are some stuff you need to work on before I believe that you are ready for a position in command.


SCP-RP | Maintenance Expert | HLPR Bot bT5 | Senior Researcher | Senior Event Team Member

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We regret to inform you that your application has been denied due to a majority of negative support on your application and High Command deeming you not ready for Command at this time. 

If you address the problems put forth by ShinSpin, you will have a much better chance at being accepted. You have it in you, just not at the moment.

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