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STONKSMAN'S nu7 application


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Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): 76561199116675705
Discord Name (Bread#0001):STONKSMAN#1304
If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.):
When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): 2 warns: one for prop minging and one for minging on 912

Why do you want to join Nu-7? (125 word minimum): i wish to join nu7 as i feel i could put 100% of my efoort into this branch, nu7 seems like a great branch to me as there is an even balance between roleplay and pvp, i like the idea of recontaining scps and i aspire to be the best in any task i am set, i also love the idea of nu7 being a brotherhood sort of branch with ample respect for eachother and the negotiations part of nu7 is very intresting to me

If you have any Branch Strikes/Punishments, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): i have two branch punishments both of which were caused by gensec, i was demoted from maintenance command after working hard to achieve it because after going on the wardens catwalk gensec were unhappy with me and so reported my every action to maintenance HCMND, this resulted in me being unfairly demoted and so i resigned from maintenance, the other was on the same day, gensec out of spite fully kicked me out of the branch with no reason at first, later to state that the reason was minging, but im sure minging could have been a verbal talking to let alone a strike/demotion/removal, but of course i got the harshest punishment for gensecs bias against me and was completely removed.

If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): OS maintenance, HLPR Bot af6, gensec cpl, EX e11 WO, currently e11 pvt,

Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: yes

Did anyone recommend you to join Nu-7?  (If nobody did, exclude this from your application.): soul


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3 hours ago, Demon Dice said:

I can't recommend this man enough he is very active fun to hang out with and is serious about things when needed 


I hope to see you in my branch very soon


Former RRH Analyst X-ray 39 Former D1 Deimos I   Former DDOP of RnD  🇬🇧

[CC's] Deadshot-Engineer-Snoop Dog-MTF-Alpha-9

British GIF


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is huge minge
likes killing people/ regardless of them being non combatants or combatants
never a dull moment around him
feel like he could bring more fun to the nu7 branch, but also bring some professionalism
minor grammar mistakes with application but i'd take skill over typing abilites

huge +support

Edited by Aspects

proffesional emoji user and misspslerr


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