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Dark's ET ApplicationAccepted


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In-Game Name: Dark

SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789) :  STEAM_0:0:22133126

What is your ULX Rank?(Donator/Staff): Senior Moderator 

What is your time played on the SCPRP server?: 8 weeks

What is your RP Rank (MTF,SEC,CI, Etc)?:  Security SFTO 1LT

What is your timezone?: MST

How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 5

Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): No

How Active are you? (1/10): 8

How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers.Put the date/reason/server, then explain each one.): 2, It says I broke NLR in April 2020, and FailRP | Fleeing into a safe zone while running away from 106 on April 2021

Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I feel like I could add new ideas in ET members mind and make unique events for the SCPRP Server. I do have a few ideas already and I feel like people will enjoy them such as Security, CI, MTF, Class D, etc.  My events will help the foundation instead of annoy them as I was inspired by a Lucky Block Event that I was in and when I hit it I would get good luck. I am already apart of the staff team and I know what is beyond my limits and such,. Every time there is an event I missed I say it was a 3/5 event because I have faith it was a pretty good event. The event team in general seem extremely fun in my opinion and I just love seeing people having fun on the server, like when people do the SCP-860 events, people have so much fun during those including me. Last time I applied, it got denied, and from then I became apart of the staff team and made so pretty good relations with people in and out of event team.

Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): An event I could create is where there is a fortune teller and depending on what their roll is (ex. If they get a 100, they choose the amount of armor/health they get from the fortune as long as it isn't extreme or anything like that). The higher the roll, the better fortune. The lower roll is the worst roll as it could lead to death, getting stripped, different model (that could kill you), 008 virus, getting turned into 049-2, etc. The Higher roll could lead to a better gun of their wish, more health or armor, help in a certain area, money (up to 15K), etc.

Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: YES

What is your favorite SCP? Why?: SCP-861 because it is a Fallen Angel singing an unknown language to humans within a radius of roughly 30m and any amount of the material that is forcibly displaced from the central mass will dissipate, and SCP-861 will generate an equal amount of new material to replace this loss. Seems very complicated but extremally cool.

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Some sections of the application could use a little work, and generally the idea for the event is somewhat similar to a Mystery Box event that has been done. SCP that is chosen is explained shallowly but encourages myself and others to look into it. On the contrary, 8 weeks and Senior Moderator shows quite a lot of dedication to the server, a lot more then I have managed to log in terms of time on the server. I also know better than to judge somebody by what they've written instead of their potential for growth and what they may possibly create, and subsequently, I'd be willing to trust you to create unique events that work to inspire both fellow ET members and the playerbase.


15/4/2021 - 17/8/2021

Former: GENSEC MAJ | Nu-7 SM | RRH Guardian - Kilo 16 | Senior Moderator | Event Team Member | Support 1

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In my opinion Dark would make a fantastic addition to the event team. He's very imaginative and dedicated to the server, I'm sure he could cook up some awesome events.

SCP-RP Head of Staff | Ethics Committee Chairman

Former Nu-7 VCMDR l Former GenSec CPT

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On 5/30/2021 at 7:16 PM, Rats said:

+ Support
- Staff already

- Command

- Unique fav SCP

- Enjoyable event idea (though not the most unique, but thats not necessary)


Current: [Event Team Member] [Research LR] [Nu7 PVT] [Small minge]
Former: [E11 2019 MSGT, 2021 PFC] [Nu7 RCT] [Security CPL] [Medical EXFM] [Maintenance Journeyman] [Moderator]


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