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SCP 096's Immunol Ability


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Name: Nydekore
Rank: Senior Researcher
SCP: SCP-096 and SCP-008

Question / Idea: 
SCP-096 is a humanoid SCP. It stands to reason that most humanoid entities have similar immune responses to those of humans. Thus, SCP-096 may have white blood cells to attempt to combat infections such as SCP-008.
Background Research: 

SCP-096, despite being humanoid, is also very much a ways away from being terminatable. It has survived many scenarios in which it should have been damaged or killed without a scratch. Thus, I believe it should not succumb to the death that usually follows infection from SCP-008.

I hypothesize that SCP-096 will not be infected by SCP-008. Its immune system is likely far greater than a human's. Additionally, if it is initially compromised by illness, I suspect that it will fight off the infection.

Observations (What Happened During Test):

Along with an MTF Nu7 Unit, I escorted SCP-096 into SCP-008's containment chamber. Upon the release of the disease, SCP-096 showed no obvious signs of infection. A small skin sample was taken for examination in the Medical Bay. This sample lacked any SCP-008 prions. It seems that SCP-096 is immunized to SCP-008's effects.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli:

Photo evidence was not submitted for approval to [REDACTED], thus assumed unsafe due to the nature of SCP-096. 

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):

SCP-096 is known to be highly indestructible, which could imply some sort of regenerative ability. This regeneration probably also relies on bone marrow, which also creates white blood cells. The extreme amount of power SCP-096's bone marrow holds could likely mean that white blood cells are created at a rate a human never could. This could mean that SCP-008 has no fighting chance against SCP-096's immune system.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:

My hypothesis was correct, SCP-096 was unaffected by this disease.

Former: Deputy Head of Research | MTF Nu-7 Captain x2 | SCPRP Super Admin | MTF O-1 Major


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Grade: 95 (A) 

Lore: 20/20

As far as I can tell there are no problems with lore here

Creativity: 20/20 

This is a very creative test log and if it had worked it would have greatly benefited the foundation. Good job

Presentation: 20/20

I don't really see anything wrong with the presentation here tbh

Writing: 35/40

I'm sure you could have gone more into detail on all that happened during the preparations and during the actual test but other than that it's good

(Note: amazing test log keep up the amazing work and I'm looking forward to grading more test logs like this in the future)

Foundation Doctor,

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