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Gaminglight SCP-RP Iceberg (with explanation video)


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The CI do use SCP-3033 (I think that's the number) to brainwash people so I think that should classify as a surface SCP. Also something about mitchell stans cause that's could be it's own section of the iceburg

Research Administrator | R.A.U. Commissioner | External Agent 3 "Oyasumi"


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2 hours ago, Jummy said:

The CI do use SCP-3033 (I think that's the number) to brainwash people so I think that should classify as a surface SCP. Also something about mitchell stans cause that's could be it's own section of the iceburg

Actually SCP-3033 is the name given to the procedure the CI use , not a physical scp it’s seld

[Just Apple I Suppose]


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3 hours ago, The Apple said:

Actually SCP-3033 is the name given to the procedure the CI use , not a physical scp it’s seld

Well that's confusing as fuck. But thanks

Research Administrator | R.A.U. Commissioner | External Agent 3 "Oyasumi"


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8 hours ago, The Apple said:

Actually SCP-3033 is the name given to the procedure the CI use , not a physical scp it’s seld

http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-3033 Actually it is a scp. I would know I made brainwashing 😄

                                                                             Chad of many names       Professional Shit talker


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@Tomatothe “Lab” or what you call Methbay isn’t in EZ medbay it’s in 432 and you ask for Chief manager Tako or Overseer Tako and he will talk to you about it (and Jack is a traitor who is the head of Security’s methlab operation and ALL OF GENSECS METH IS STINKY) I’m suprised you didn’t know where it was i mean research is our best customer 

Oh and also medical “meth” is so good it even gets security to be traitors to there own methlab

ALSO MEDBAY IS THE ONE PLACE SAFE FROM FURRIES SIR (like seriously I never see furries in medbay) Also there are no furries in medical last I checked


Edited by pixalgamer99
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