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Squash's Forum Diplomat Application


Shall I become a Forum Diplomat  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Yes or No?

    • Yes
    • No

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In-Game Name: Squash

Steam Name: [GL] Squash

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:116967925

What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Admin | SCP-RP

How often are you online on the forums? Everyday. Mostly looking at my own server's categories. However I do tend to look at other servers.

Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? I believe I am qualified for a couple of reasons listed below.

First off, I am a trustworthy member of the community. To tarnish my reputation that I have gained within the community now would prove effortless for me if I were abuse the current powers given to me. I can be fully trusted with any amount of responsibility given to me.

Secondly, I try my absolute best to be helpful to those around me if they are need of it. Me being a current Support Member & a Admin could prove further so that I can deal with situations that need guidance. On top of that, me becoming Support Team has taught me further how to deal with tough situations that are different from what I usually deal with on the current server I staff on, which again could prove further that I do try my best with tough situations.

Thirdly, I have gained a lot of experience while being a Staff Member. I can handle tough situations with ease. The amount of different situations given to me outside and in-game has proven helpful to me throughout my entire staffing career. Like stated above also, I have gained a lot more diversity by becoming a Support Member. It has allowed me to understand how to deal with situations that are much different from what I usually do on a daily basis.

Finally, I am very mature when it comes to these tough situations. I act as my best behavior possible when dealing with issues that are given to me, and I intend on continuing on doing so.

Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision?

Yes I do consider myself having good judgement. In one situation I came to my senses and decided to transfer to another branch that was completely new to me. I was command in this branch, I knew a lot of people in it and had a lot of friends, however I was not meeting the expectations given to me in that branch. I decided to transfer to a whole new branch in which I barely knew anybody in. Take into consideration also I am not good with adapting to new changes, so this was hard for me to adapt to. 

How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?

I would private message them, politely asking them to stop then guide them to the ban appeals for the server they were banned in. However on the other side of the story, if it was 3+ messages I would proceed to delete the messages and forward the reason why to the Head Diplomat. If he is unavailable for certain reasons then I would proceed to forward it to SMT.

How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal?

I would remind both of them that its a Warn Appeal and arguing is not allowed in a topic such as this, then proceed to tell them to limit it down to +Support or -Support and if they continue to do so, then the post will be locked.. Then say if they want to argue about it, they can private message each other about the issue. If the issue arises again and they continue arguing, I would proceed to lock the post, then tell the Head Diplomat why I locked the post.

 Foundation Archivist | Operations Supervisor | SCP-RP Senior Admin Forums Diplomat | Support 1 |

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  • Head of Staff
6 hours ago, Eaten said:


- Squash is a great staff member in game

- Active on forums & In-game

- Would be great for Forum Diplomat


ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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10 hours ago, Eaten said:


- Squash is a great staff member in game

- Active on forums & In-game

- Would be great for Forum Diplomat


Former: Nu-7 Captain | Event Team Member | Maintenance Professional
Currently D-0007 

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