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Warning Appeal - Clawz "OR" Cyber


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Your In-game Name: Security OFC Cyber "OR"  CI PVT Clawz

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:165886405

The admin's name in-game: There was multiple admins i will explain.

What warning did you receive: Homophobia X2 | LTAP

When did you receive this warning: Today

Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: Its a Bit of a long story, It begins 3 days ago after joining the server.. we had PT and i was having a really fun time and everything was good after that.. until 3 days later when as soon as i come in the server i'm told to stay still and get handcuffed by a LT. naturally im like.. "Why"? and so he brings me back inside the security room and he tells me, " you said the f word to somebody so im going to have to remove you from security " At first i thought he meant i said " Fuck " to somebody, which i did but it was all in good fun because it was like a red vs  blue kinda thing and everyone was having a good time. Anyways, then he tells me that i said the homophobic slur, and at first i was kind of surprised... i know i never said that.. especially in front of the many admins that were watching the Security PT. So Naturally we argue back and forth and apparently he gets the Go-to by a higher up to demote me under no proof. So i called an Admin to Try and explain why the hell im getting demoted, Yknow? Anyways the admin comes and askes what the problem is and then i explain to him, and i did use the word that i was accused of saying before because obviously i was trying to explain what i was accused of... and so unfortunately someone took it out of context and recorded the part of me explaining it to the LT and the admin and that resulted in the Warn for Homophobia.. the reason why i got the LTAP is because i was Disgusted and frustrated,  and he would not let me out the binds after he unwhite-listed me and the admin left. So Therefore i left and immeditaely joined back so i can call an admin, right when i was about to call an admin i get warned.. so i called an admin after i got the warn and then we deal with stuff for about an hour and they would not believe me and was saying it was against the rules.. they were also Security which i think they were being Bias... Eventually an Higher Up Admin comes on and tells the other admins they were wrong and the higher-up admin unblack-listed me and say im not blacklisted and i did say the word but only while explaining to the admin and the LT.. not in a disrespectful manner. So I got Redirected to this link and i am now trying to appeal this warn, because it is void and therefore i should not have it.

Why do you think this warn was false: Read Above, but: it is false because an higher-up admin said i did nothing but explain and i wasnt using the "F Word" in a rude manner and the LTAP was because the guy wouldnt let me out of the cuffs and i was already unwhite-listed so i came back and wanted to call another admin.

Evidence the warning is false: There was a lot of people in the teamspeak for security so im assuming there was a lot of drama.. i would ask them about the problem, as for the higher-up admin i forgot his name but you can ask for him as well.

Edited by [Triggred]Perisnot
adding "OR" to my ingame name
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My side of the story:

I have had 2 interactions with him. The first time is which he made a sit to talk to me about the accusation in which he used racial slurs. Ultimately, I decided that because no evidence can be provided, I will not hold the racist charge against him but allow the first lieutenant do what he deems fit to Claw within his branch. Within a 20min timeframe, Claw proceeds to disconnect in which he later claimed "out of frustration".  As some time passes by, I receive another sit in with 1LT ZJ provide me with evidence of him using homophobic slur. Upon viewing the footage,  he did indeed use homophobic slurs but ONLY in the means to demonstrate that he did not use that word (ex: I never called anyone a f*ggot | https://medal.tv/clips/38380877/aT2ADNuM1KA7). As i understand that he did not direct that word towards someone, I asked my fellow staff in which all of them replied that it is sufficient evidence to warn and issue a ban.  Right after I issued the warn, I receive another sit in which is Claw concerning why he received the warns for homophobic slurs and LTAP.  In the sit, he demanded to know who authorized the warn in which then I told him it was Ltcol Jack (he provided me with the format of the warn through the staff radio).  I then proceed to bring them both to the sit room and this would then become my second and last interaction with claw. Approximately about the first eight mins of the sit, the sit became quite toxic and progress was stagnant. I then proceed to step in in which then I forced one side to talk first and then the other side. The sit turned more productive and I extracted information from claw that he did no leave with the intent to avoid punishment, but instead, out of frustration. After that, I had to come up with a compromise for claw as it was clear he was not satisfied with the week + 3 day ban and the warn. My  compromise was to remove the the 3 day LTAP  and to let Ltcol make changes that will be less harsh in which 1LT Noah Lee had previously issued. However, he was still not satisfied with the compromise and wished Noah Lee to be demoted for his hasty judgement. This is when Rangiatea decided to step in and take over the sit. Rangiatea ultimately decided that he will let everything go and have this only be a verbal but in the condition that the warning stays and may appeal the warning if he believes that the warn is unfairly issued. And as of now, we are here. 

My opinion:

+Support on the removal of the "LTAP" section of the warn as per my compromise, and due to the fact that he came back to the server.

-Support on the removal of the homophobic slurs section

Reasoning: Although you did use the word "f*ggot" whilst not directing towards anyone, you did say it in the Gensec Bunnks in which many people spawns. According to the MOTD, Gaminglight have zero tolerance towards these kind of behavior ("Gaminglight does not tolerate bullying or targeting based on race, gender, sexuality, or other identities, nor racial slurs or anything that can be deemed offensive. Gaminglight has a zero-tolerance policy towards this type of conduct."). Furthermore,  during the lengthy sit with Ltcol Jack, Rangiatea, and me, you repeated the word "f*ggot mutiples in attempts to make me understand that you said it out of context. Although this time, not directed towards anyone and it was only me and Ltcol Jack in the sit-room, it reflects the desensitization towards the word which then leads me to conclude that I cannot guarantee that he will not say that word again. Your careless usage of the word shows that you may have used the word in the past in or outside  of Gaminglight. My intention to have this section of the warn remain is not to provoke you or to flex my power as a staff, but instead, to serve as a reminder which hopefully in the future will remind you not to say offensive words. 

I'm Just a Big Tom and Jerry Fan. 



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39 minutes ago, Garlic said:

who authorized the warn in which then I told him it was Ltcol Jack

I wasn't in the situation until I was told to talk to him. I think it was one of my LTs that said for the warn. In the clip you can see me spawn right after he says the funni word and then leaves right after I come in. I was just setting up a blacklist since I heard the funni word. Pretty sure someone made a sit or something, but I just needed his whitelists removed.


41 minutes ago, Garlic said:

I cannot guarantee that he will not say that word again. Your careless usage of the word shows that you may have used the word in the past in or outside  of Gaminglight.

That's why I was punishing him, he showed no care, as well as said it in GenSec bunks by other people, but we let it go as he was trying to explain himself, I go off what the LTs say and the video they had. While yes. the sit wasn't the greatest, I would imagine that, since he was quite frustrated.

Retired DHOS || Former Wardens Comissioner Caligula || Former SRIC in R&D || Former OH8 Funni [Redacted] Man | | Retired OPSV in Maintenance || Former MMF Duck || Former HLPR Bot AC3 || Retired 2LT in E-11 || Former Head Field Scout || Former Ranger Pax || former ET || Former Omicron-9 CPT  || Former OM9 EXP Delta PoliceRP: PD LCPL | SCU LT

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. " -John F Kennedy, Rice University, Sept. 12, 1962



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In my opinion, leaving out of "frustration" is still considered LTAP but a compromise was made nonetheless. 

4 hours ago, Garlic said:

+Support on the removal of the "LTAP" section of the warn as per my compromise, and due to the fact that he came back to the server.

-Support on the removal of the homophobic slurs section

Reasoning: Although you did use the word "f*ggot" whilst not directing towards anyone, you did say it in the Gensec Bunnks in which many people spawns. According to the MOTD, Gaminglight have zero tolerance towards these kind of behavior ("Gaminglight does not tolerate bullying or targeting based on race, gender, sexuality, or other identities, nor racial slurs or anything that can be deemed offensive. Gaminglight has a zero-tolerance policy towards this type of conduct."). Furthermore,  during the lengthy sit with Ltcol Jack, Rangiatea, and me, you repeated the word "f*ggot mutiples in attempts to make me understand that you said it out of context. Although this time, not directed towards anyone and it was only me and Ltcol Jack in the sit-room, it reflects the desensitization towards the word which then leads me to conclude that I cannot guarantee that he will not say that word again. Your careless usage of the word shows that you may have used the word in the past in or outside  of Gaminglight. My intention to have this section of the warn remain is not to provoke you or to flex my power as a staff, but instead, to serve as a reminder which hopefully in the future will remind you not to say offensive words. 

Whatever command wants to do in the branch, that's on them. As staff, we have no juristriction over that but I agree with Garlic here ^. We do not take the word very lightly and, if what Garlic says is true and you blatantly kept saying it during a sit, I think the warning for homophobia is fair. 

~Your Local SCP Lead AdminAka: Rekti-High
The REAL Don Godfather 527 | CEO of the Minge Team | The Baby Joe | Leader of the Fish Mafia

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I don't think that saying the word in question to defend yourself against being accused of saying it is a very good way of going about it.
However, he wasn't doing it in an attempt to degrade/bully/harrass anyone, so I don't think that a warning is really justified for it.

"Without morals, are we truly any better than the things we've set ourselves to contain?"

EX-Site Director   EX-Super Admin | EX-Event Team Lead | Otter Lover Regardless of what SMT Says, not a furry. R&D Senior Inspector


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7 hours ago, Garlic said:

+Support on the removal of the "LTAP" section of the warn as per my compromise, and due to the fact that he came back to the server.

-Support on the removal of the homophobic slurs section

Reasoning: Although you did use the word "f*ggot" whilst not directing towards anyone, you did say it in the Gensec Bunnks in which many people spawns. According to the MOTD, Gaminglight have zero tolerance towards these kind of behavior ("Gaminglight does not tolerate bullying or targeting based on race, gender, sexuality, or other identities, nor racial slurs or anything that can be deemed offensive. Gaminglight has a zero-tolerance policy towards this type of conduct."). Furthermore,  during the lengthy sit with Ltcol Jack, Rangiatea, and me, you repeated the word "f*ggot mutiples in attempts to make me understand that you said it out of context. Although this time, not directed towards anyone and it was only me and Ltcol Jack in the sit-room, it reflects the desensitization towards the word which then leads me to conclude that I cannot guarantee that he will not say that word again. Your careless usage of the word shows that you may have used the word in the past in or outside  of Gaminglight. My intention to have this section of the warn remain is not to provoke you or to flex my power as a staff, but instead, to serve as a reminder which hopefully in the future will remind you not to say offensive words. 


Even if not directed, the word itself can still be considered highly offensive. 

I don't mind the LTAP warning being lifted, but the Homophobic warn has got to stay.

 Foundation Archivist | Operations Supervisor | SCP-RP Senior Admin Forums Diplomat | Support 1 |

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Traditionally, I and the staff team generally come down very hard on anyone that uses racial/homophobic/transphobic/etc slurs in any context, and they are met with a minimum one week ban. However, this specific case is exactly why I preach discretion in all things. The player was accused of using a homophobic slur by another player without evidence. During the defense of himself he then actually used the slur. Poor decision making beside, the word in this case was not used as an insult, nor directed towards anyone. While its use is still unacceptable, it reduces the severity of this incident somewhat. Additionally, the other sanctions that were applied at the time of the incident, being a blacklist from GENSEC, have also been lifted due to the misunderstanding.

Based on the totality of the circumstances, I'll be issuing a corrected warning for Usage of Homophobic Slur to remove the LTAP portion of the warning. I will also not be issuing the standard ban that normally accompanies this type of warning. The player is stringently warned that usage of the same or other slurs again, intentional or not, will be dealt with harshly.

Retired SCP-RP Head of Staff

March 3rd, 2019 - December 16th, 2021

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