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SCP-096 & SCP-939 Crosstest


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Lore Name: SCP-096 & SCP-939 crosstest
Rank: Lead Researcher 
SCP: SCP-096 & SCP-939

Question / Idea: Will we be able to terminate SCP-096 using SCP-939 since the 939's are technically blind.

Background Research: SCP-096 has shown to be "indestructable" while in a rage state and since we cant approach the SCP without it getting "triggered", i thought what would happen when we introduce a "blind" SCP into the same CC as SCP-096.

Hypothesis: I think the 939's will start attacking SCP-096 because 096 is constantly "crying" so therefore making sound and triggering the SCP-939's.

Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-096 was lowered into the 939 CC in a 3x3 metal box with a mechanism attached to open up the side.
Once SCP-096 left the box and all personell left the CC we heard the SCP-939's making a "crying" sound, after approximatly 35minutes personell eneterd the CC again while being very causious of SCP-096 and not to look at it's face.
When a researcher observed the CC the SCP-939's were nowhere to be seen, It's as if .... SCP-096 silentely killed them?
No one heard the agonizing screams SCP-096 has been making reported in the past so it didn't make any sense as to why the SCP-939's were gone.
After we saw that 2 MTF Units were send in the CC to retrieve SCP-096 and bag him.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The possible termination attempt failed and we need to retrieve new SCP-939's for further testing, We have sent out MTF Unit-[REDACTED] to retrieve them.
But we found out a new scary fact that SCP-096 can kill without letting out the agonizing screams it has  done before..
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No i was wrong very wrong... and found out a new disturbing aspect of SCP-096's behaviour.

Current (RP) ranks: SHGO Lore Senior Guard || Pyke Captain || Moderator

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CC's: The sniper || Security Officers || MTF Sigma 66('Sixteen Tons') Trooper || 


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