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Nemesis's Nu7 Application


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In Game Name:  Nemesis/Greenie

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:176545938

Your Discord ID/Name?: Reno#5762

How Many Warns do Have?: None

Why would you like to join MTF Nu7 "Hammer Down?":  I have been playing SCPRP for a few years but last summer my computer broke.  At the time I was in Nu7 and E11.  During this last year the branches have changed a bit and E11 doesn't align with me as well as it used to.  I enjoy RPing and engaging in near constant combat/patrolling and switching on and off E11 based on DEFCONs really takes a lot of the fun out of it for me.  I came back not having any rank (obviously because it's been a year) and I think that I'd like to take my shot at joining Nu7 and returning to the playstyle I enjoy.  

You are an Nu7 Enlisted Standing in your bunks and a Nu7 Officer (2LT) Begins to Diss and Argue with other MTF and CI. Who would you report them to?:  Logically I would report them to anyone of higher rank than them.  From that point on it is up to Chain of Command to handle it.  

If you have received a strike in another Branch: How long ago was it and why? N/A

What other branches have you been a part of, if you are still in them what rank are you in the other branch?: I was a CPL in E11 and a PVT in Nu7 at the point when my Computer broke.  

Do you agree to be active and be dedicated to play on Nu7 for at least an Hour a day (If possible?): Of course, I will definitely be playing at least 3+

Did anyone recommend you for Nu7?:  2LT Pie


Thanks for reading!


(Oh by the way I'm aware there was apparently another Nemesis on the server at one point.  Me and him are two separate people.)


Edited by Nemesis212
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