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WAK’s resignation


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I know not many of you know me. I’ve been on the server for over 5 months now. And it’s been about a month and a half since I’ve been on. I haven’t lost interest in the server, or in the people that run it. But after school and things, and just life catching up with me in general, I saw it fit for me to resign from all my duties, as to not let down my peers and commanding officers down for not participating in anything. I’m new to GMOD, and I’d have to say that Gaminglight SCPRP has to be the best god damn server I’ve ever played on. You guys really care about your community and put a lot of time and effort into this stuff. It was a great and amazing experience and I hope one day I come back and it’s just as fun as I remember it. I’m gonna miss all of you and I’d just like to take a moment and throw out some of my favorite people I have met.


Mint- Mint, you were one of the best. You were high ranking in MTF and you really got me to the place I was in the server. You showed me the ropes of the server and introduced me to some pretty cool people. We’d laugh a lot and were  pretty close, and I always had a blast being mingey and mind controlling half the server into kill each other. I’m gonna miss those times with you.

Kyle- Oh Kyle, how much fun you were. You were the first friend I met on the server. When you first joined I helped you out at first, showing you some of the do’s and don’ts, and pretty quick you surpassed me in rank and in skill. I swear, every night we would stay up for hours helping the foundation, and going on Dr. Bright and showing the D-Class a hell of a lot of fun.  Those were some of the greatest moments I’ve ever shared with a complete stranger.

Jack- Maybe you remember me from the events we’d do, or from when we’d just mess with people on Bright or whenever. You were the nicest person I ever met on the server. You never got angry at anyone, you always kept a cool tone and would treat everyone with respect. My favorite moment with you is when the Junior Researcher was being super mingey, and we promoted him to D-Class with your 44. Magnum. You had awesome event ideas and always knew what to do if things were getting stale. 

Pie/Jackal- I had very few interactions with you guys, but when I did you both would make me laugh. Whenever I was playing alongside one of you, we always took the game a little less serious, and just messed around. You guys were some pretty cool people. 

my man Turner- you were my first GENSEC trainer🥺and you even decided to put up with me, after I failed the test 3 times. You were very cool, and you were the first person I ever met and talked to on the server. You set me up to the success I achieved, by getting Nu7 and event team. Thank you for all that you do for the server.


finally event team and Nu7- man are you guys a hell of a lot of fun. Nu7 was my main branch and you guys actually had good leaders that knew what they were doing and weren’t just a bunch of 10 year olds who had mommy’s credit card to get them to the top. At some points I even felt like I was apart of a real team. We had meetings, PT’s, different channels and squads, it was a ton of fun and you really nailed it unlike how other servers do. Event team, I was apart of it for about a month and a half, and oh my god was it fun. It really put a whole new light on how to play the game, and it was SOOOOO much fun playing on it. Setting up events, letting SCP’s out, being able to kill the power and NOT get banned, most of my best times on that server are from that. 

I love all of you, and I hope you keep doing what you guys do best, and that’s by being awesome. I love you Blackbeard, Castro, Mike, Evil, Mint, Zeus, Skela, Soviet, and Igneous for all the commanding you guys do. And for being the backbone of the server that holds us together. Love ya guys❤️

“So long, partner.”


  • Sad 1
  • Gaminglight Love 1

EX MTF Omi9 RCT WAK RC22 | MTF Nu7 CPL WAK O07C | MTF E11 PFC WAK | Event Team Member

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Yo this really do be  wack (I tried making a pun, im funny).

Hope to see you around if you decide to come back. Have a good one!


Edited by [GL] Zeus
  • Laughing 1

SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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